Thanks for destroying the Earth so you could have your le ebig meme man as President, Sup Forums.
Thanks for destroying the Earth so you could have your le ebig meme man as President, Sup Forums
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Please tell me your solution to Global Warming, it's not as bad as green niggers want you to think it is but it's definitely real.
I promise you the US government is not going to solve global warming you dumb coon. You probably advocate for carbon taxing and subsidized energy kys
Who cares? Do you live in the North Pole?
no need to thank me pal. the sooner we go extinct the better
Trump is just playing the le multi-dimensional chess!
he did it simply to attract your typical rural people and ex-coal miner, which as you might have known, are dumb and easy to manipulate
Inbetween each ice age it gets hotter than we're experiencing now.
To assume the climate isnt always changing, and that for some reason the weather you experience one year will be the same for every year of your life, is simple monkey think.
why do they lie all the time? They have no way of actually proving that
>Please tell me your solution to Global Warming
Wow, you bought it hook, Line and sinker, didnt you?
>First they make you think the weather is 'broken'
>Next they tell you they can control they weather
>Finally you end up paying a tax to ensure your gov can provide good weather.
Fucking idiots.
humans are made for warm weather
gonna go cook some more data to back that up?
If you really want to fix global warming, just tell women that 'dey need no man, and to let every 3rd worlder into western civilization.
the north pole has been much hotter than this before
these people are insane
>None of Al Gore's predictions come true
>Still pushing the Global Warming hoax
Its currently 80 degrees f in texas
Thanks Drumpf
Don't mention it.
You sound like a fag and you arent funny at all.
>147 countries on the planet
>Global warming is one U.S. political party's fault
Jeez. Too bad the rest of world can't get their shit together.
>Trump isnt even in office yet
>destroyed the earth allready
Is there anything this man cant do?
Nigger man-made climate change is a FACT
Global warming = better weather in Europe while mudraces starve. Thats the real redpill
>mfw I read this post
>mfw I look out side
>mfw It's snowing
>mfw I live in Vancouver
>mfw it's snowing in Vancouver
Wow, you white boys are so ignorant. I'm going to fucking laugh when you pasty whiteboys can't handle the heat anymore. Enjoy your sunburns you fragile little cucks.
>US has second largest amount of emissions
>US is the only relevant country not to pass a consistent set of policies regarding climate change
>it's everyone else's fault
Well look at it this way, if the global warming is false we are right and if global warming is true we will sadly be forced to conquer the remaining land when water levels rise, thus removing niggers.
Either way Sup Forums wins
*while mudraces flood civilization
Janne, this is obvious.
the emu gets it
climate change is real, but industry is not the cause, and humanity has seen worse climate in the past
Ecology is a myth. Stop wasting money on solar panels and green factories and focus on creating vertical cities and creating food from air
Global warming doesn't fit the Sup Forums narrative, so it doesn't exist. Try to keep up.
Jokes on you poor. I just celebrated Christmas in Adelaide, it was 41 degrees c, 106f
Oh that's right... Hottest Christmas in 70 years, hottest capital on earth... And test it was the same temp 70 years ago... Dumbasses under 70 still cried and said the weather is broken
no problem, hope it helps :^)
>obama is still president and had 8 years.
>this is trumps fault.
fucking retard.
Damn, Putin, take a day off, bra.
have fun in your echo chamber, niggers. climate change is the jew's way of having an excuse to import niggers as they otherwise would not survive. stop being so fucking pathetic and think for a second.
Cool, looks like I'm going to have to run my heater less this winter. Thank you Trump.
Lel you're middle school level science. You have no idea
From the perspective of geological time, the earth having polar ice caps is actually not the norm.
... well, I guess they aren't all Jews.
Once it gets too hot on the surface we'll tunnel underground and become mole people.
By then we'll have the technology.
Hey asshole, if memes can cause global warming then memes can fix global warming.
>Jay Michealson
Meanwhile at the South Pole.
Antarctic > Arctic
I voted for Chaos Undivided, not Slaneesh.
>Stop having children! High populations in first world countries is a threat to the environment! Population control is the only way we'll ever actually fight global warming!
>There aren't enough children! We're in a demographic crisis! We need more immigrants! They do the jobs we don't want to do and pay taxes to pay for our welfare programs for the retired!
I'll never forget the day my environmental science professor brought in some kike who told the class to not breed, then proceeded to say that Japan's declining birthrate means that they'll need to accept immigrants and refugees.
Get ready for that shit every year.
t. coal
Thanks for destroying the Europa for the third (3) time so you could have your le ebig virtue signaling woman as Chancellor, Hans.
There is a population crisis, but we gotta start with those damn 3rd worlders. We will balance out without them pouring in.
Crowder has been debunked on his climate change video. He cherry picked info from blogs and not scientific papers, and even some blogs he used as a source debunked his claims.
prty good accents, germ
It literally doesn't matter if the entirety of North America and Europe switched to clean energy the Chinese and Africans would still destroy the atmosphere
this guy doesn't get it lol.
this. kikes will change climate and then make the superior races stop breeding to "stop" it and then niggers who cant live in africa anymore will get a free pass to us to "help" our economy.
wow good thing crowder is irrelevant
blame murica for interfering in ME
blame murica for killing ghaddafi which caused huge influx of immigrant from africa
blame murica for pressuring germany to accept turkish immigrant workers in the 1960s (even though the chancellor at the time objected to the idea)
everythings bad that happened in europe are partly problems that is caused by amerishit
The meme i posted is self evident you fucking mongrel.
It doesn't have to be that way. You could appeal to limits of environmental sustainability to stop all immigration. The sword cuts both ways.
"ever" means... what? ... 80 years? there s records before that?...
>it's snowing in the sahara
Lol silly people it's just a freak extreme weather phenomen
>it's super warm in the North Pole
See? Global warming
>its 30cm of snow outside and its still snowing
Obama had EIGHT YEARS to set up global warming measures, why did he dindu nuffins?
Sorry for party rocking.
there has been literally no snow here since last winter
My brother tried.
lol dat accent
>it's another "liberals bitch about global warming but ignore nuclear" episode
Global Warming means warmer winters, and lower heating bills. This gives much-needed relief to middle and lower income earners, helping mitigate some of the financial burden the Obama administration placed on them.
On the negative side, some wealthy NEETs will have fewer opportunities to go skiing. Nothing of value was lost.
He's not in office yet?? Wouldn't it be Obummer's fault?
the kikes will have an excuse for moving those niggers here when their homeland becomes inhospitable. this is a huge problem.
Nuclear is dirty as fuck.
that's steam you STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
And I hope trump speeds the process along so that we all die. Deal with it libby
If the levels rise it will strike at the most fertile soul which may have some rather annoying consequences.
>tfw you can't even tell bait from legitimate stupidity anymore
You should have voted Bernie when you had the chance
Radiated steam.
India and China vote in US elections?
YES! Why can't people see that hiring all of the swamp is just fourth-dimensional space Jenga? Silly disbelievers!
I hope it's destroyed when whites are a minority.
Just want to point out that large ice caps don't necessarily disapprove that the earth is getting warmer.
Shouldn't you be prepping the bull?
I'm starting to think climate change fanatics are the new "the earth is flat" faggots.
The world is in a constant state of change and flux. It is constantly rotating back and forth and with it the ebb and flow of space can dictate a lot of things.
For all we know in 10 years we could have record cold here in America and Australia could be burning up. That's how it goes.
no problem, amerifat.
but the change is more drastic than ever, faggot
>evaporated water
I... no, I refuse to believe this isn't bait.
the rate of environmental change and carbon input into the atmosphere actually is unprecedented for the entire Cenozoic, maybe even for the entirety of the geologic record.
There just is no natural oscillation that would produce a signal like that.
it depends on the results, maybe the best people for the jobs are people that know how you play the game, also if all goes to hell they can kick trump in the next election.
Obama is currently president but apparently climate change is still a problem. Why? Because if it is real then there's no stopping it. It doesn't matter what measures you take