Is embracing czech superiority the final redpill
Is embracing czech superiority the final redpill
nice proxy, czech pleb
kiss my russian feet
Hello Ahmed
come home
Gotta love some good ol' Czechnology
here in the Czech capitol of the US and this city is a shit hole (Cedar Rapids)
so im not so sure
We are full nigger, but you are free to take our gypsies
Czech Republic is based, have some relatives in Prostejov
W E ' R E
Thanks for equipping Hitler's army
Thanks for selling us to hitler doing ww2,
Also thanks to burger for selling is to russia after ww2
>not sending our soldiers to die defending an irrelevant slav shithole
>selling you to hitler
>Shit-tier economy
>Muslim tier drinking culture and alcohol production
>Red white and blue slav tricolour slav nation #37
Into the trash it goes.
And this dude just admitted to being a nation of gyppos.
czech republic, especially prague is FULL of fucking chinks man. been there twice with my gf, she has family over there, its a nice city overall but these asians are so anoying dude
Thanks for equipping me with a car, Czechlads
Oh wait, my car is German xD ;)
Czech people are degenerate. Most of them are atheists, they use drugs and do porn. Maybe mother Russia will eat them soon.
the fuck you're talking about
We're full.
Oooooh purdy.
whereever you go you will always see asians in prague with their cameras making stupid pictures. just go to karlsbrücke and u will see
oh look it's a citizen from New Pakistan!
Is that true you still have english as official language despite having 64% people speak arabic?
Cut yourself m8.
Still assblasted about us not rescuing you when you were getting spitroasted by Ivan and Hans, Marek? Don't worry, you can clean my toilet for £5.
I'm not going to travel to muslim shithole anytime soon, don't worry.
Funny word for a refuse to send help and piss on given guarantee of peace and allied help, and allowing your enemy to grow and threaten to destroy your own country. Remind me, who was fighting to save London?
We had small army after 123 years (!) of partitions, faced Blitzkireg for the first time in history and still fought longer than Alg... France.
It's a treat to see countries like yours fall into social shithole.
Happy 2017.
>>Muslim tier drinking culture and alcohol production
Lol wut, muslims dont drink, and czechs nake the best beer in the world. Shill harder achmed
lived in Czechia for 5 years
most westernized eastern euros, but still eastern euros. males - very beta, though physically strong and tall, yet cowardly and avoiding conflict at any cost
women - on average very sexy, created for sex, practically, but not exceptionally pretty
Some think best beer in the world. I prefer Bavarian
As a country, not many mudslimes and quite xenophobic (in a good, redpilled sense of this word), but internally very cucked and liberal
Tourists arent residents.
Tourists are expected in the nicest european city, and all the residents are pure czech whites.
You triggered him, don't play with Dogs or they'll start barking.
Now let's go drink some Tea and watch as the rest of Europe gets blown up by Terrorists.
I traveled through there often. Cedar Rapids is far from a shit hole. It's not a tax rich boom town but it's doing just fine and has a very nice population of people.
Have you been to a shit hole? I don't think you have. Atlanta? Philly? Newark? Camden? Memphis? Dayton?
Count your fucking blessings.
If Czechs are superior then why are they so little compared to Poland?
because of their lack of hurray-patriotism
Czechs are more individualistic and the notion of homeland is very subtle to them. Aside from the prague spring of 68, they barely fought for their own national freedom, they mostly fought for personal liberty (beginning with the hussites)
so yeah - poles and czechs are vastly different even for a sandnigger like me
Can you post some of your favorite pictures of Polish architecture and good looking towns?
I think Poland has some of the best policy in regards to outsiders these days but I must say that there is some charm to these Czech cities.
Yes I've been everywhere, Detroit is especially a shit hole outside of the 3 blocks downtown that aren't vacant.
We are a comfy 90% white town but at the same time our infrastructure is crumbling and blacks are being shipped into town in droves.
The only time you can photograph that faggot bridge in that state is in the middle of the night. The rest of the time it is permanently populated by a thick stream of tourists and the shitty fucknut salespeople peddling chinese souveniers to them.
The entire region is populated by peddlers. They're not that bad, though.
Czechs are secretly salty that they are so little. You can see this whenever they are mean to Poles here :^)
These are all fucking chink tourists coming here because of their "booming" economy. The other German cities are full of them too, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Würzburg, Nuremberg, Munich etc... full of fucking chinks, especially during summer.
you seem salty as well, are you cryptoczech?
>the final redpill
Has anyone ever used this phrase seriously?
no, czechs are slaves to germanic race.
We don't need to compensate for anything
Daily reminder that Bolesław The Brave (pic related), the first king of Poland was half-Czech.
"starosta" office is also from Czechia
I honestly believe the smaller (population wise) and homogeneous countries have less social tensions and stick together more in a time of need that bigger ones. Makes sense that you would want to help your neighbor because you pretty much know everyone in the community.
This is why the bigger countries like Germany, France or even USA will always end up having racial tensions and ghettos because immigrants don't have to bother assimilating like in smaller countries where you're borderline ostracized for not integrating.
Come check out Whiting, Indiana for another East Europe immigrant hot-spot. It's a pretty comfy town with little shops, and a yearly "Pierogi-Fest" where a whole weekend is spent celebrating Slavic culture. All you have to do is be able to put up with the smell of the nearby steel mills. It's a very blue collar town.