Post 'em
Sup Forumsitical compass
This is mine. I did the test like 4 months ago.
I guess I'm still the same.
Also, my ideology is Nationalism Catholicism.
Post the fucking link Abdul
is the first one on Jewgle, Jamal
The kind of nigger i respect...
actually, is wrong, is correct. my bad
I hear Poland is paradise on Earth for Nationalist Catholic people.
You are lucky... I'm watching how my country is close to legalize abortion.
Yup come here and start a normal, healthy, traditional family.
Truth to be told we are not racists, we care for people who believe the same values. God and Nation. Even if You are foreigner we tend to respect Your love to your country. As long as You are not ruskie or germ.
r8 me pls what am i
a retard
I'm surprised that a certain leaf hasn't entered the thread yet.
I get closer to blue with each passing day
youre jealous m8
i swear im not some filthy commie
how am i doing?
Pretty good.
r8 me Sup Forums, do i belong here?