How many of you have swallowed the red pill on the history of civilization?
We Wuz Atlanteans
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Anyone? no biters here on cuckchan?
Graham Hancock is mah nigga
You know it senpai
posting because I dont know how to embed on this godforsaken relic of a site
I just bought magicians of the gods and am about 1/5 the way through. The great flood is pretty much scientific fact that hasnt been allowed into the mainstream, but the evidence of a meteor flash melting the ice sheets is both staggering and mounting.
I bought the kindle version since I couldn't find a torrent/pdf for the life of me. If someone can show me how to upload the file or convert it into a pdf ill post it. I haven't tried yet, but since it's from amazon I assume there's some sort of protection preventing this
bumping for truth
Also, Zahi Hawass is a dirty, loose sphincter of a human bean and I hope he gets hit by a bus.
Stop it, goy.
>the ark of the covenant was a purse
can you say you'd be surprised if the kikes worshipped a coin purse
Not so chosen anymore, eh Shlomo?
from what I've seen there was a meteorite that hit the Earth approx 5000 BC or perhaps a bit before that
it caused the oceans to rise and flood the lowlands of most continents and ash to choke the sky for a few years
this a good explanation for the underground city of cappadocia and other anomalous settlements of the period which have survived
it also explains the iridium band in the soil found across north africa and the middle east, an entire substrata of an element not common on earth located at the same depth across two continents and in our recent past too
I'm interested, go on.
All I remember is the "fertile crescent" where civilization spawned and then humans magically had empires really far away like in China
cant wait for the Anunnaki to come back and reveal to everyone the truth
this stuff is fringe and no basis in scientific and historical study. while some ruins have been found and appear older then thought, nothing would have survived the last ice age.
I agree with Mr. Shekelstein, nothing to see here. The scientists have spoken, goy, academia is your God
I cant spoon feed you lad the truth is there for those that seek it
Atlantis references can be traced back to the 30th century BC in references by Egyptian priests
it did not begin with either Solon or Plato but the myth is far older
Your knowledge is lacking read more friend they've made you swallow lies so they didnt look like irrational fools
I doubt the Apkallu were immortals lad, perhaps the last survivors of the ancient past
they traveled the world from Europe to Sumer to India and even to the Americas where the legend of Kon-Tiki began
do you think their planet has been destroyed and they wont come back ? thats how we came into contact with them the first time when their planet came close to us
Im not gonna spoil it all at once but ill give you "red pilled" smucks a hint.
Dont look for meteors. Look to the moon.
the Sphinx is by the reckoning of geologists as old as 9000 to 11,000 BC, Stonehenge is at least 9000BC and geosurveys have concluded it is merely the central point of an enormous temple site that acted as a solar calendar that stretched for miles on end
Catalhyouk the original settlement is theorized to be as old as 14,000 BC and Gobleke Tepe is 12,000 BC which is roughly the time the Sumerians date in their ancient past to be when the Apkallu came from the heavens, fell into the sea and rose from the waters wearing the skins of fish to teach man the 'gifts of civilization' or in the Sumerian tongue the 'mes'
Oh shit that sounds like the Ainu people that eventually settles on northern Japan
dont forget also to triangulate the pyramids around the world
The pyramid off the coast of Portugal is fake btw
I think they were the survivors of the cataclysmic event that occurred 7000 years ago
too few in number to repopulate they could only pass on what they knew to the humanity that weathered the cataclysm and was reduced to stone age civilization
the commonality is all there and it should be enough to make you doubt the narrative
>nibiru and anunnaki are probably dead
fuck me if its true...
Check out Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of all ages, specifically the section on Atlantis.
Also the Brotherhood of the Snake
>Look to the moon.
well in the myths the Apkallu lived as the advisers to the major human kings of the period after the records of the Sumerians kept in the main archives were destroyed in the floods caused by the cataclysm
even if they extended their lives with technology we have now or beyond how long could they survive with finite resources and with only seven of them remaining?
seven men and possibly women, last of their people, probably scientists or scholars their people annihilated, their race destroyed doing whatever they could to pass on what little they had saved to the primitives they encountered after enduring the destruction and returning to the surface
repairing and manufacturing nanobots to repair themselves at a cellular level would have been beyond them at best cultivating rudimentary antibiotics from mouldy bread and keeping to a healthy diet
if you think about it it would make more sense for the Annunanki and the Apkallu to be the survivors of a prehistoric advanced civilization destroyed by the Younger Dryas event or the meteorite that hit after it
The 60 meter "pyramid" has no corroborating evidence and is based entirely on "looks like a pyramid to me" level evidence.
Göbekli Tepe is a legitimate find. The site isn't just one site, it's many sites over thousands of years.
It's a site that lacks evidence of long term habitation, and the speculation is then that it was a religious center used by nomads, rather than evidence of early settlers. Which actually makes it MORE astounding.
Not only that, but for some reason they buried their old temples after some time and then built a new one. Which means you can find the entire evolution of that culture; small early temples to huge elaborate temples, to small ones again. The entire rise and fall of that culture is preserved.
And then there's more pseudoscience bullshit.
Note the difference. The evidence by the atlantis morons is just based on "looks like civilization to me" t. literal nobody. Meanwhile the temple site is being excavated by actual archaeologists and the fact that it breaks what we knew about civilizational development isn't hushed up, it's the primary motivator for writing about it and funding the excavation.
Why is there a need to listen to hucksters looking at hills and claiming they're ancient aliums pyramids based on nothing but their personal hunch?
try this
>Why is there a need to listen to hucksters looking at hills and claiming they're ancient aliums pyramids based on nothing but their personal hunch?
I aint claiming that sir
I want you anons to investigate thoroughly and come to your own conclusions
there are gaps in human history that are shooed away or ignored by academics for being inconvenient
I dont truly believe in Atlantis, a continent going up in smoke makes no sense to me
A meteorite causing glaciers to flash melt and flood a section of land as large as Beringia which may have housed an ancient homo sapiens civilization that existed during the last ice age is not far fetched in the least
as a species our human species has been on the Earth for 100,000 years and we only figured out society in the last 6000 years?
and again we're assuming all other species of hominid were incapable of creating an advanced society even though Neanderthals are accepted by modern anthropologists to have actually been smarter and stronger than homo sapiens and were wiped out by a combination of a genetic plague and us killing them
>only 7
where do you get that ?
i remember that nibiru was a planet full of life and the pinacle of civilization in our solar system , the anunnaki came for us to make us into something great in their image and also take our gold for their technology and then left when the cataclysm came , im sure they still around and wait for nibiru to come back near earth to see how much we advance as a specie with the knowledge they left us , and when they do im sure they will be quite dissapointed in us
there are ancient myths concerning the descendance of 7 or 9 'sages' who don the scales of fish and come to land from either the sea or the sky then the sea to teach men civilization in ancient nordic/celtic, sumerian and indian myth
i havent read nibiru ive only used academic sources in my research
but the stories only say that 7 or 9 half-immortal (long-lived) 'sages' came to earth to teach man civilization
do you think it was ayylmaos or survivors of an advanced civilization that somehow managed to survive the cataclysm with their knowledge intact who then traveled the world to gift primitive post-cataclysm man with the knowledge required to advance out of stone age man and back into the long process of advanced civilization again
>Ark of the covenant
>there are gaps in human history that are shooed away or ignored
>A meteorite causing glaciers to flash melt and flood a section of land as large as Beringia which may have housed an ancient homo sapiens civilization that existed during the last ice age is not far fetched in the least
Actually that is pretty far fetched. How the fuck do you figure a meteorite could flash melt a glacier?
>as a species our human species has been on the Earth for 100,000 years and we only figured out society in the last 6000 years?
Dinosaurs were around for millions of years and never figured out society.
It's yet to be proven intelligence and society is more useful to survival than a basic adaptable design like a crocodile. If we're still around in 40 million years we have something to brag about.
hmm...peraphs it was these where 7 annunakis that decided to stay on earth while the others knowing the cataclysm was coming got back to nibiru , thats how i see it , they knew that they would never see their home again but that by doing that they would ensure the survival of the race the annunakis had helped become Advanced , for me nibiru itself is untouched and the annunaki will come back to us again to guide us toward civilizations , but the wait will be long as nibiru take really long to meet earth in its orbit
>Dinosaurs were around for millions of years and never figured out society.
Oh ok you're just dumb
obviously the reptilian brain is too simple it lacks a proper forebrain for christs sake
> How the fuck do you figure a meteorite could flash melt a glacier?
you know a meteorite of sufficient size can outclass any nuclear warhead developed by us so far
a meteorite flattened 1/3rd of the siberian forest 100 years ago, kinetic energy can express itself as heat you know
the Greek Dark Ages, the Sea Peoples, the settling of Egypt along the Nile, the Minoan and Phoenician civilizations and their effect on beaker culture in Europe
all of pre-Iron Age Europe is sidelined in traditional historical studies, how many people do you know who know of the tocharians and Hittites?
go back to studying the Quran swede if you cant keep an open mind
So we're the half-bred retarded cumstain genetic offspring of alien organisms?
I hope I live long enough to see the Nemesis theory either proven or disproved once and for all desu
>Actually that is pretty far fetched. How the fuck do you figure a meteorite could flash melt a glacier?
Meteroites strike earth all the damn time. Around a 1000 a year.
I never said that read my posts senpai
the Annunanki or the Apkallu or whatever you call them may have been aliens or they may have been ancient men
who knows
but the ancient myths pre-judaism have truths intertwined with fantasy for sure
the annunaki had no interrest in breeding with our specie , they where here as advisers to make us into great civilizations capable of doing what they could do , in exchange of us giving them gold for their technologies
>Meteroites strike earth all the damn time. Around a 1000 a year.
I was way off
A study done in 1996 (looking at the number of meteorites found in deserts over time) calculated that for objects in the 10 gram to 1 kilogram size range, 2900-7300 kilograms per year hit Earth. However, unlike the number above this does not include the small dust particles. They also estimate between 36 and 166 meteorites larger than 10 grams fall to Earth per million square kilometers per year. Over the whole surface area of Earth, that translates to 18,000 to 84,000 meteorites bigger than 10 grams per year. But most meteorites are too small to actually fall all the way to the surface. (This study was led by P. A. Bland and was published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.)
Some say we can travel in time but only backwards.
And so the humanoid ayy lmaos are actually us but from different futures.
That could explain both modern aliens and annunaki or whatever. Literally us from different timelines in our respective futures.
'planet x' was meant to come back and be visible / fuck our shit up in 97, 99, 00, 12, 14....
Why exchange if they could outright get it?
>Some say we can travel in time but only backwards.
you would have to be retarded to believe this because we already know we can travel forward in time by simply moving near the speed of light.
we also know we can move forward in time because we are currently moving forward through time lol
While I accept this, just gonna throw this out there for anyone who's using this as proof of the Bible
>The Bible is actually a collection of different texts and the Great Flood was likely recorded after it was experienced, and like most things humanity didnt understand at the time it was attributed to a supernatural force. Usually large unexplainable things with deep impact encourage faith and religiousness - so of course people right after the Great Flood would also be receptive to religion.
>Oh ok you're just dumb
>obviously the reptilian brain
Dinosaurs didn't have reptilian brains, dumb fuck.
>you know a meteorite of sufficient size can outclass any nuclear warhead developed by us so far
Give me the math of nuclear warheads "flash flooding" a glacier. Without that amount of energy turning the area into a gigantic crater and blasting forth immense amount of matter into the atmosphere, which would be easily detectable.
the Greek Dark Ages, the Sea Peoples, the settling of Egypt along the Nile, the Minoan and Phoenician civilizations
Your examples of "gaps" that are shooed away and ignored are the same as the gaps that are constantly referenced as mysteries and researchers bemoan a lack of sources for?
What a conspiracy of silence!
> if you cant keep an open mind
The constant refrain of a bullshit artist who encounters people who simply question their narrative.
well we where there so they figured out , "hey look like theres some workforce to get gold" but they didnt want us as slaves and saw potential in us
Also this could be a vestige of a previous civ
time travel is possible both forwards and backwards
with forwards all you need to do is travel near the speed of light
for backwards im afraid that means crossing the dimensional barrier into a parallel universe, its not possible to travel backwards in time in your own universe according to modern physics
I dont think Nemesis is planet x
its meant to be a gas giant hidden in the Oort cloud that hurls large asteroids towards us every tens of millions of years causing major extinction events
>No one would have survived
Why? You dont think there could have been warm pockets? Clearly some things survived it or there'd be no animals at all. Good goy, humanity definitely couldnt have survived despite all those others things that did.
Seems like a pretty human way of thinking.
Unless they're us from the future / another future.
Pretty cool shit desu, I want the best source for each of these claims.
>The great flood is pretty much scientific fact that hasnt been allowed into the mainstream
Jesus how stupid can people get
well not really cause as soon as they saw that the cataclysm was coming , they decided "fuck that shit we go back to our planet , good luck surviving humans"
>Also this could be a vestige of a previous civ
It could be a literal angel of god that opens a dimension to collect souls for the afterlife.
Or space junk.
You know, basically the same evidence for both possibilities. That's how it works right?
>Your examples of "gaps" that are shooed away and ignored are the same as the gaps that are constantly referenced as mysteries and researchers bemoan a lack of sources for?
Kek trick question and you fell for it shill
>Dinosaurs didn't have reptilian brains, dumb fuck
just wow
wtf is wrong with your scandi brain swedecuck?
>Give me the math of nuclear warheads "flash flooding" a glacier.
Im afraid I cant im not a mathematician just a geneticist, a historian and an amateur astrophysicist
i looked up that underwater city and the footage looks like a bunch of bullshit, a few angular rocks
Explain 2 last sentences in your picture
That's still a pretty human way of thinking.
I'm a Bosnian Serb and it is evident that all European nations have descended from Serbs.
Fucking familiarize yourself with real history, plebs.
>Kek trick question and you fell for it shill
You just can't explain how or why, of course. :^)
>just wow
>Im afraid I cant im not a mathematician just a geneticist, a historian and an amateur astrophysicist
I'm a nobel prize winner and I say you're wrong. Guess I win this round, kiddo.
how many extra planets do we have in the solar system then? Thought planet x was niburu / nemesis just updated for a new clickbait audience / social engineering victim
My god.
Hey thats Jas Townsend from those 18th century reenactment youtube vids.
black people came from south america, and the easter islands
Lots of important people visiting Antarctica lately. I wonder what New Berlin looks like. I may never know, seeing as I'm a J*w
Holy shit never thought of that
>I'm a nobel prize winner and I say you're wrong. Guess I win this round, kiddo.
bollocks as if one of them would post on that japs shekel datamine
I curtailed to explain it because I dont feel like writing paragraph after paragraph about the history of Qart Hadasht, Carthage, the trade routes to Britain and Ireland, the Minoan cataclysm and the rise of the Mycean Greeks with the Sea People invasions nor the invasion of Hattusa by the Phrygian scourge
phew christ im not sure theres Sedna and I think about 4 exoplanets
so about the main 9 and about 4 extras beyond the light of the Sun
strangely no date is given for the underground city. just says "ancient".
I fucking hate Sweden. They ruin Europe, have no brains and are cycled to all shit. Disgusting faggots the lot of them.
>the weight of the glaciers being removed caused the earth to spring back up in their place and drop into the ocean in other places
that's not how it happened, that's not even the theory.
the theory is that the ocean levels rose from glacial waters flooding into them, and the parts that were previously covered by glaciers were 'thawed'
Also, I believe the ancient civilization would most likely have been in "Sundaland", currently indonesia. look up Gunung Padang, malaysian pyramid structure. I believe it's currently being excavated still
>Evolutioncucks BTFO
Graham Hancock is right.
Digits confirm
well conventional estimates put it at 8th century BC and excavated by the Phrygians
but that makes no sense considering the Phrygian culture they were little better than the fucking Huns
I swallowed it a few months ago, but had noone to talk about it with.
be my friend /x/.
started from Graham Hancock, and if he's not convincing enough. This youtube channel literally goes piece by piece of evidence that mainstream academia and museums have oxidizing trousers.
Bog je srbin. Hahaha you fucking turkish rape baby kebabs
>It's yet to be proven intelligence and society is more useful to survival than a basic adaptable design like a crocodile.
This honestly really made me think.
Really nice to hear an actually insightful line and not some reblogged facebook platitude.
>Can't embed on this relic site
>Site automatically embeds YouTube links
Just leave
The Orion Prophecy - bit loopy author but the history and myth he puts in it is great. All pyramid building civilizations hail from Atlantis.
Reason for the pyramids and all the other stuff they built was, of course for religious & astro-theological reasons, but mainly for astronomical maps & warnings about the cyclical destruction of the earth by pole shift events.
FACT: if you feel instinctual fear when looking at deep waters, you're a descendant of Atlantis.
keep going OP, really appreciate the fact you don't delve into clickbait BS and stick to academic sources, its the only way
share your wealth of knowledge nigger
Why would the Alantians be afraid of water?
source for the ecuadorian one?
Moon used to be part of earth aye? Or did Nibiru sail by with it´s own orbiting planet-moons & leave one for us?
I love this type of stuff. Electric Universe-tier awesome.
Because of the terror of watching/feeling your entire city sinking into the sea, duh.
vAlso, one particularly interesting detail is how overused carbon 14 dating is used to determine the age of fossils and structures, when it only works as far as 6000 years and any time after that is easily chalked up to guessing, not to mention it only works on organic matter despite several documentaries claiming to date the sphinx by carbon dating. Thats not even nclusing the skulls found in ancient coal mines, or the fact that there is little to no proof in the fossil record showing humans jump from monkey to man. Million year old bone fragments (lucy) are insanely incomplete, not to mention there is no evidence they werent just an odd looking million year old human.
Then thereare these babies, which hollywood sucessfully waved off as fantasy.
7 archangels in the bible iirc
Then if they all died and drowned how would they have descendants?
>Autism posting