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Is it supposed to be funny because of flawed understanding of what the space race was by the author of the picture?
You forgot about the first VoiP call which was made from space, and that one is actually relevant.
This is the real laughing matter here
Look up "Space Race" and get back at me
Add it if you want, it's irrelevant to the point though
Check this full house in the mean while
those numbers are out of this world
>paste of teeth
You're either redpilled or you defend/love 'murica. Choose one and seriously, only one
I'm so edgy, and drunk. Fuck you bait taking retards
Who dis make you feel coal boii?
How does this make you feel.
I don't need to because I know it wasn't a race like an Olympic discipline. There was no clear goals, checkpoints or anything well-defined that both sides agreed on. It was the extension of arms race and the winner was the one who outlasted the other. It's that simple. It's no use to make up arbitrary list of "firsts" because there's an almost infinite number of those. It can be literaly anything and they can have different importance.
The race was for supremacy in spaceflight capability. America got the SO CALLED moon landing. The former USSR got everything else. There is no arbitrary score board, just results. And they got them
Haha fuck, yeah we will lose that 1 vs 1
I invade burger land for burger land
Goddamnit stop posting that
This isnt a laughing matter, we should be posting up at Reviewbrahs house so he can sleep well knowing the jews are at bay.
He was actually being stalked, the guy broke in and stole pictures, posted them online etc.
I wouldn't say so.
Old, but one of my favorites.
You're fucked, aquafresh, motherfucker!
The US only gets into space nowadays through Russia. Think what you want, facts are facts. Muritards killed their own astronauts twice because their indoctrination tells them to stick to the imperial system as opposed the the better, logical, metric system
We stand no chance heads up against the American army yes. But at least we don't have that third world level of corruption, crime rate, prison rate, teen pregnancy, veteran homelessness, murder rate, division, poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse, degeneracy, Reddit, Tumblr and probably many more I can't think of right now
>Yuuka moves to a cottage on an overlook by the sea
>it's now called the Yuuka-tan Peninsula
Irony right there
It's the fact that they are so dumb,delusional and unaware o history that the stories they make are this dumb that cracks me up. We Israelis like holocaust jokes.
These are problems every country relevant to global stability face.
>implying Caesar was bad
True story, like I said here
They aren't aware of other countries, Uncle Sam's jewish indoctrinating dick is so far down their throat they can't help it but gargle jewish cum and repeat the same lines over and over.
Yeah, but the US levels are among third world shit countries while the Netherlands is in the top 5 in every good statistic. You're the opposite, in every fucking "bad shit per country" statistic I see the US among countries I never even heard of and other shitholes that end with 'stan'
souch a big fail
Think you're taking it kinda serious...
I'd say you're fucked by proxy, as long as the wars go on thanks to the current administrations, and refugees being accepted, and spreading like cancer outwards, liberal/progressivism, and Islam must die, for the west to survive.
you never cease to amaze me Sup Forums
We've contributed more to the world than cookies.
>As bad as caesar
Fucking Gallic cucks
Also this
>American history at work right here
We owned a third of your country. Named dozens others, and our flag influenced even more dozens. But yeah you've got jews now, well done take pride in that you newfag retard
He's not president yet, give him time. The witch will burn
No one likes you sweden, and now go to /int and make your thread where you're angry at norway like you did yesterday
But we did get mad for those other things...
Give him a chance. He has to survive until inauguration - politically survive and LITERALLY survive.
Like what?
>We owned a third of your country.
Sorry for your loss. At least you still have cookies.
>Soviets put first satellite in space
>The US built a highly developed satellite system that can pinpoint a users location on Earth to the inch, which is still used by almost every electronic device on earth
>Soviets built first space station
>The US built the largest space station, and the only one which is still in use today
Yeah, the Soviets sure did win.
This, the US government kills more of their own that fucking ISIS
>International Space Station
let that sink in
The ISS is international and so is Hubble
us and isis are the same shit considering who supliments isis with weapons
Why was everyone picking on him?
would fug both
part 2
He's /ourguy/
you can't
you are not a muslim
This yeah
Yeah they sell/give weapons to their direct enemies. But no yeah America, you won here. Fucking retards
Holy fuck aqua, calm down.
Only in the presence of other Shlomos, I'm not even allowed to call you fuckers Jewish without you fuckers spinning it into white male antisemitism (source it fucking happened)
What I am curious about however is why? You know that the holocaust is a Photoshop job and collective lie. Why then do you actively hate white people like you do?
Holy fuck jew, wake up. You cannot be redpilled and muritard fan/defender
He should do a review of reviewmoms pussy
Calm down Geert.
why he gotta pet him though?
for being a guuuud boi