
>tfw 2017 is the year the pendulum swings back

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and what happend these days?

Just shows how stupid the population is.

People always swing, can't even hold onto their own beliefs.

>being this much of a newfag
lurk moar

French revolution

Old Bonaparte got BTFO


End of the US Civil War

Creation of the federal reserve? Some kind of pre-revolution in Russia?

dunno lol

dunno lol

What happened in 1970 that set the pendulum to "far left"??


>these days?

The pendulum will be broken.


>27 BC

Things shouldn't have changed since that time. Everything else would have been irrelevant in that matter

>1933 + '84 = 2017

Will Trump combine the 2 greatest decades into one?

Hippies and degenerates in general (Movies from the 70s)

The summer of 69,

1970 was the beginning of the swing back

Cultural marxism agenda came into full swing


mommy no



1930 is the crash

1970 is the end of the gold standard?

it was summer of '67, and no it wasn't. The 70s were when hippie degeneracy which was in the 60s confined to places like Greenwich Village, Berkeley and San Francisco spread to the masses

also OP is a fucking faggot

>every idea I post

I am become Sup Forums

fucking leaf


1848 was the year of a lot of shitshows.

Problem is a lot of these are subjective. It omits the 2011 arab spring, the 1917 commie revolutions, a year with a lot of decolonialization going on

>when lefties act like they're the counterculture

These things are fucking stupid but one of my mom's friends passed away at 59 or so in her sleep when visiting her son in Turkey to attend his marriage to a Turkish girl.

So I'll be supersiticious


Bush lost the popular vote by about a million, Trump by several million. Things are actually going in favor of the left in the long run, and it has everything to do with their forcing of a demographics shift.

We need to kick out the spics, lower black birth rates (stop paying them to have kids), and increase the white birth rate (kill feminism) or it'll just continue to be a slow decline and next election cycle we'll be down millions more votes.




Think it's a bit too late, friend. Pathological altruism strikes again

>No 1776

this guy has got it

You're a fucking piece of work

>implying that we can't convert them