> Black tries to get white women gets laughed at
> one girl calls him a nigger.
> Black man cries on social media "Muh racism"
Here is post
Pol tier red pill girl who called him nigger rofl
>chicken nuggets
Your sister is based, she made a nignog cry.
It's clearly someone with a fake account
Let me marry her!
he is not black wut?!
she looks like a jew
cornell is jew central
Tell us more
always one
Based Kristina
There is hope for the Ivy League's and the wealthy white upper middle class then.
Then your dad and mom raised you wrong. They're stuck with the backward mentality of racism and bigots that they needed to encourage your sister to be one. That's sad.
user your sister is so hot! Do you jerk off to the thought of her cucking black guys?
And you are posting on Sup Forums why?
Are you in love with her? This is important.
Also more pictures of her, the less clothes the better.
I don't understand
How many times did you fuck her?
fucking leafs, it never fails
Isn't Cornell the most jewish university?
Cockroaches are incestuous? I mean not surprised. I'm just not an entomologist.
Is she older than you or the other way around? this is important
.. yeah, totally a Jew.
shouldn't it be at the beach instead of on?
Oy vey
>if you're not a bbc living whore you're parents raised you wrong
I thought Spain got rid of all its Jews?
>Sup Forums's sister
Like pottery.
Looks like she was calling everyone in the chat "nigger", desu
This girl is a fucking idiot lmao.
KD blown the fuck out
Your parents should have raised you two better.
"long walks on the beach" is an American colloquial phrase. She just made a pun like all basic girls do
Are you retarded?
> chicken nugget
smells like b8 desu
>niggers btfo
>/r9k/ rejects btfo
>MGTOW btfo
Protip: if you date a girl that has worked retail in a decent sized city there's a pretty good chance she won't recoil at the word "nigger." Most of them have had to deal with shoplifters who immediately start shouting about racism when they're caught.
wtf i hate niggers now
Is like to shove my garbanzo snake up her winking skeever and stir her digested tendies up after a long nap if you know what I mean.
I'm sephardic, I'm reclaming Spain again :^)...
Based Kristina
can she please be my ai waifu?