Can this man save Canada?
Can this man save Canada?
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I don't know guys, I feel like he might be a bit too coldhearted to win over voters
Looks too evil to get significant Support
Maxime Bernier would be a much better candidate by far. Also it would be hilarious to have the anglos whine about his English.
He earned it. Is this real?
A dried, shriveled-up turd is a decent alternative to Trudeau, never mind this guy.
Yeah he says some dark stuff sometimes
Top fucking KEK
looks jewish and has merkels hand sighn...
I mean he is kinda stingy with money but I don't know if hes jewish
Help us Meme him ito P.M he need him.
He thinks he's the next Trump. He's not.
He will never be anything but a glorified used car salesman tier genetic mutt.
In Canada genetics still matter
Kevin is a conman.
He's half Lebanese, which is why he has the semitic look to him.
He does look like a kike and was surprised to find out hes allegedly not of the chosen ones. Leb + Irish mix I think it was. Maybe his father got cucked by Chaim
Would you rather have this as our fucking leader?
this. but worse, most people on this board think he's the next trump.
he's fucking not. stop spreading misinformation.
I'll take an idiot over a conman everyday.
>more successful than the vast majority of people on earth will ever be
>b-but his genetics ;__;
Stormfag pls go.
THE MAPLE MAN WILL BE P.M! why is there so many fucking cuckservatives in Canada?
I dont know if someone who says this stuff is electable, but hell Trump got elected so you never know
crypto-jew that wants to sell all our natural resources to chinese for next to nothing. He's quite pro-immigration too. Total meme
I have heard people claim there die hard conservatives then tell me they'd vote Hillary I shit you not...
I don't trust bald people
Maybe he went too far in saying this? I don't think it will resonate with voters.
Do you think he will get him into P.M???
Not even remotely. He's a turbokike who'd gas his own mother for a shekel
>pro-mass migration
>pro-work visas
This kike would be even worse than Turdeau.
No, at least Trudeau's retardation and evil is obvious to anyone with half a brain. O'Leary would just trick right-wing goyim into voting for Jewish corporatist policies like Trump did, but even worse
Is Canada so cucked they would vote Justin over Kevin??? the level of cuck in Canada is getting oiut of hand.
Holy shit thats fucking brutal. Hes definitely a shark. But that story just made me like him more lmao. Definition of 'under budget and ahead of schedule'
Too bad canada's so pussified they would hate a man like this.
>mfw Professor X will make Canada great again
>All successful businessmen are conmen
Are you so jewed you would vote for a blatantly corporatist Jew over someone like Bernier or Leitch?
No, but if you knew anything about O'Leary you would realize what a scheming kike he is
>muh big business is evil
Trudeau hasn't even let in that many refugees in proportion to our population, and he doesn't let in single males, which vastly reduces any chance of terrorism.
Fuck Yeah. I would Vote Kevin over Justin or Leitch.
if it were oleary/trudeau id probably stay home and jerk off because who gives a fuck at that point?
trump pls annex
He won't
Kevin is just about the only guy who could make me vote for Trudeau.
i love these
If he wins the Conservative leadership, it's a guaranteed Liberal victory. O'leary won't even have the support of gun owners (who have a ridiculously high voter turnout) because he's already said he wants to ban handguns and the AR-15
Only this man can save Canada
He's non-white and a globalist.
Are these stories real??
He literally looks like canadians from south park, so yes. maybe.
he's trying as hard as he can to make himself look like canada's trump. i don't really trust him, he seems like he'd be even more of a corporate shill
I support O'toole. He seems pretty accepting of the red pill and willing to listen
What's with the constant fucking O'Leary and Maxime Bernier shilling?
Steinberg confirmed. Take a hike, kike
Those people who actually believed an egyptian reptile god spoke to them through numerology are trying to do the same with this idiot dunecoon
he broke the golden rule:
Canada needs a nationalist not a sjw globalist or a corporatist globalist.
Are you fucking retarded?
Every conservative in Canada hates him deep down and supports him merely for the memes.
He's a cuckservative to the bone.
He's half Leb, so it's possible he's a crypto-kike.
By Canadian standards Hillary is a conservative and she was literally more fiscally conservative than Trump. Trump isn't really cutting taxes so much as he's forcing future admins to hike taxes. He's literally meddling in markets giving companies sweetheart tax breaks. Dude is about as fake as a conservative as you can get.
Trump just wasn't a globalist, and Hillary was.
why do Jews like to squat in Irish sounding surnames?
I'm literally not sure who I would vote for, something has gone terribly wrong with the CPC when Trudeau is better on gun rights.
If it talks like a kike, and walks like a kike, it's a kike.
You don't have to be strictly Jewish to be a kike. If you act like a Jew, you're a kike.
Just because you're an idiot who loves kikes doesn't mean we all are
because it's clear they are the only two real options for the con leadership.
no, Kellie Lietch never stood a chance.
Shit taste in wristwatches.
No, he cannot.
He supports open borders and immigrants
If not a kike a really really good goyim
Leitch is unable to win the CPC leadership. She's also unable to win against Justin with her shit french, zero charisma, and appearance that looks like british royalty. She is however one of the only candidates not a cuckservative.
O'leary has dank memes despite being an even more terrible candidate than pretty much every other choice with his rampant cuckservatism, and the worst french of any Candidate I could name.
Maxime Bernier looks like the most plausible candidate at this point despite being a cuckservatives because he's at least he's for guns, for free markets, and against the cbc. Shilling for mad max is about pragmatism.
That parasite Jason Kenney is just biding his time and letting these people get destroyed in the next election by trudeau while he swoops in Prentice-style to beat Notley in Alberta.
Rekt. Any quotes from him on Dragon's Den. He rekt people so bad on that show to
>can an open borders, pro globalization, non french speaking, greed driven conservative win in a bilingual meme tier socialism country
Idk, if a drama teacher can, maybe he can too.
He is a devout consumer. It is his religion.
He'll do whatever he needs to do so that he can continue gorging himself on the world's energy. Most people consider this type of behavior psychotic.
he looks so untrustworthy
He is the storm that we need.
Trudeau will remain
Kevin is the ultimate cuckservative though. He's like Trudeau without the weed. we need someone who isn't a shitty knockoff cuckservative version of Trump for our Conservative party.
Of course, lets hand the country to a jew what could possibly go wrong xdddd
>supports multiculturalism
>insulted the troops
>only cares about money
>Arab mother
I'd rather stay with Justin.
So that they can whine about muh potato famine.
charles xavier?
So you'd rather have a non- white globalist over a white globalist? Kevin will just continue selling us to the chinks and importing mudskins.
If you watch any videos he can clearly see hes pretty redpilled hell of alot more then Trudeau and will be better for the economy.
Sounds fake or dumb. Kaffir is a Muslim term for unbeliever. Everytime these damn Muslims find out I'm Christian they instantly scream kaffir. Fucking minorities
Hell I'd vote for him. I can't see him winning after saying stuff like this though, I can just picture the CBC laying into him now.
We must remove Trudeau but we must not replace Trudeau with a free market libertarian.
He's morally bankrupt, but I would vote for him over Tru-fucking-deau.
come back in 4 years when trudope has ruined the economy..
for the first time
your last best hope raised his kids in boston, that shows you how much faith he has in your country
Question for Canadians:
How big of an impediment will his inability to speak French be?
its pretty shitty in quebec, don't need it anywhere else
PC's usually don't usually do well in Quebec anyways, but win maybe a dozen ridings. He won't win any. It means he has to rely on BC and Ontario even more; basically it sewers him. Quebec is 25% of our parliament.
>we must not replace Trudeau with a free market libertarian.
...why? small government is best government.