I stand with Israel
Well Sup Forums? Why don't you stand with Israel?
Why are you degenerates pretending like Israel is the enemy? Are you just jealous that Jewish bloodlines have higher IQ than yours?
I stand with Israel
Well Sup Forums? Why don't you stand with Israel?
Why are you degenerates pretending like Israel is the enemy? Are you just jealous that Jewish bloodlines have higher IQ than yours?
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I've never had a choice.
Schlomo can pay for and fight his own battles. Doesn't need goy money to do it if they're really so stronk.
>Why don't you stand with Israel?
i think israel should stand on its own two feet
Israel is based as fuck, watching a palestine getting blown away at damascus gate in the old city, then driving to Tel Aviv to swim in its Hawaii tier beaches was part of my best holiday ever
Israel is based.
Obligatory pic attached.
Good goys
GTFO Rothschild Sheckelnigger.
I just watched "Zero Motivation" - can recommend.
Israel is my favorite country, Israelis (sans Muslims) my favorite people and Israeli culture is the best, most redpilled, coolest, smartest.
I stand with my only friend you low-life kike scum, and that is Lucille
The left on your picture wouldn't exist without the soulless shilling of kike propaganda for funding from the right.
Based Obama
Anti-Obama/Anti Jew/Sup Forums Trumpfags suddenly quiet.
Sup Forums btfo again
Israel has
IDF chicks
And thats it.
Palestine has
Good food
Based Nasheeds
I cant choose.
Good job Sir. I also will stand with Israel & the Jews.
Also best music
>Oh yeah, poor orthodox Jews rule
da fuq outta here.
>Gulf Rich fucks, European Elite Shits, South American Dick-tators, US Rogue Black Project Niggers, etc
Isn't Israel already getting enough money from US for fake sake?
Jews even even worse than muslims for a 2 dozen reasons. I hope Trump stands up to Israel and doesn't cuck out.
Israel is a welfare nigger
The Israelites and Jews are two different people. The Jews are imposters they are the blood lineal children of Jacobs twin brother ESAU who are masquerading as Israelites
The whore of babylon? That is Jerusalem….the city on seven hills filled with the blood of the prophets and servants of God. She is the one who controls the banks of the world and has control over what men can buy and sell. Her chains are on all of us. Expect her to forge an alliance with the Arab countries and ruin the world for their gain.
JIDF get out
What I've noticed is that poor people hate Israel. If I were poor I'd probably hate it too
Because the Jews and Israel support corporate suppression. Not just on Wall Street, but through Globalism, through the New World Order... Political Psychiatry, corruption of legal process for a result, blacklisting, corruption, skimming, thieving black bag jobs, no-touch electronic torture, financial murder, slander, Homeland Security scenario editors, life destruction, etc. They are terrorists who suppress the innocent and the good, while claiming these same good and innocent people to be 'insider threats.' They murder those who appear too 'strong' and who are a threat to only this system of evil, those who could potentially stand up for what is Just and Right, those who refuse to accept an ethic of cynical, hypocritical, projecting evil ... you cannot buy nor sell without accepting this evil system. They ushered in the Mark of the Beast, in other words, while abrogating the social contract.
Jews are worthy of extreme hatred, for this reason.
And because Jews say stupid things like, "No matter where I stand, I stand with Israel," and take oaths to that effect, you will need to kill them all in the Final Holocaust, Armageddon, in order to be free again.
They have proven their extreme Evil. Their Covenant is broken.
The relationship between Israel and the Christian Zionists is a sick and twisted one to be sure. Each requires the other to die. It’s really nothing more than a murder-suicide pact. Israel relies on Christian Zionists to sacrifice their money, resources, freedoms and children. They need these things to wage war on their neighbors and expand their empire. The Christian Zionists rely on Israel to sacrifice 2/3 of their Jewish population in an apocalyptic war in the Middle East. They need these things to hasten the return of Jesus Christ so he can usher them up into Heaven.
No sane person would ever allow themselves to be involved in a relationship like this. But these people are not sane—they are psychopaths.
Yet this ring I bought in Habad street near the Jewish Quarter is worth more than you make in a month. So how's that?
>muh jews love corporations
>muh jews love communism
Pick one delusional anti-semites
good goy
That ring is cursed. It was not worth a single dime.
Don't you have fries to fry?
You are a monkey. You think in monkey-like, extremist, fixated terms of A or B. Your evil cult makes you process things like that, but so does your crazy primate-house DNA. Thinking in terms of extremes as a chimp does, rather than one who thinks of logical possibilities in terms of: A and/or B and/or C ... and/or N. Whining in frustration because you are always believing yourself the victim, while full of self-delusion and self-righteous violence towards those you are attacking for no reason and/or victimizing -- because they could have something you want. Ever projecting your Jewish evil. Poor eternal Jewish victim. Ever asking, "Why doesn't anybody like me?"
Jew monkey, please realize that when you die in the Final Holocaust, that I sincerely wish you to remember that you deserved it.
You do not shame me, Jew.
Why should we support a country that solely exists to accommodate the Jewish people when there are more of them that live out of it, then within it?
>they force hans to do jidfposting for holocaust reperations
>doesn't suck the lifeblood out of the host nation like an awful parasite
Nice try to paint Jews as nothing but pathetic, parasitical sandniggers. I relish the day that Israel is wiped off the planet.
The amount of good goyim on Sup Forums since Trump's election is fucking ridiculous. Jews are the ultimate enemy of ALL gentiles. If you don't hate Jews, you're an idiot who deserves the exploitation and evil the Jews commit against you
No. I'm too busy trying to manifest the Holocaust for the likes of you. That's what I do all day.
I really don't want to do that, btw. But there is a necessity.
I like the way they give Muslims a taste of their own medicine but I'm very suspicious of them. I don't trust any of (((those people))) to be loyal allies.
>>they force hans to do jidfposting for holocaust reperations
Nope, Israel just is an amazing country. Take India and make it 5000% better and you might be on a Germany level... but then you take Germany and make it 5000% better and you might get close to Israel.
Israel is just that based and cool.
Shlomo how many shekels will you get from this jidfpost?
I stand with Israel and the Jewish people, most based people on the planet.
it is hilarious watching the sudden increase of Israeli shilling since Obama refused to veto the UN resolution. Israeli's are the most anxiety ridden, hyper-sensitive nutcases on the planet.
Could you post the original version of that comic?
>wears a ring to show the world what a faggot he is
muslim here.
..i "belive" that people should have the right to defend themselves.
simply because most of us would subjugate the other.. given the chance.
and maybe thats the way its always been.
...but i refuse to support a state that does not promote a development of trust and equality..
for later generations.
israel very much acts in the interest of its own self rather than the entire population of the land.
although maybe even that can be overlooked..
because self interest is entirely universal.. apart from in those that are lower in the food chain.
again i refuse to accept a state that has limitless funding..
for all intents and purposes.
big burger backing.. for all intents are purposes.
and yet still only finds imprisonment and infringement of rights as a viable solution.. foe those harbouring decades of resentment.
black lives matter.
damn they mights as well be modern red indians for what its worth.
...and now you know.
im kidding, they aint.
It's just Jews need to die for their crimes. That it
I'm kinda sore about USS Liberty. I don't hate the jews, I hate (((them))), still though
The way I see it is the Palestinians are angels compared to the crimes of worldwide Jewry.
I don't see why we don't ally with palestine
that's quite some shitpost Hans
never forget the 10 billion :^)
Shut your stupid nigger ass up