Anyone still alive hasn't achieved nihilism

Anyone still alive hasn't achieved nihilism.


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Bet you he'd suck your dick for $20

I hate those kinds of people more than anything else in the world. I'm fairly libertarian in a lot of respects but I'd make an exception on gassing for those types.


If nothing matters why spend so much time on your appearance ?

luckily these people don't reproduce.
Consequently, they need to indoctrinate our kids to maintain their ranks.

how do i get a qt crust punk gf

sell drugs

Libertarianism is totally impotent against: mass immigration, Islamism, communism/Jew infiltration. Without a proper army, we could successfully be invaded by Mexico, Turkey, or Nigeria. It is a totally pathetic ideology. The fact that it is so popular is another fine example of Jew trickery. It's basically a suicide cult.

Not to mention that it views everything--outside of solipsistic "individualism"--as being "collectivism" or "socialism."

Culture, race, nation,'s all "collectivism."

Problem is, some version of libertarianism is at the heart of the American experiment. Which goes a long way toward explaining why America is such a cultural abyss of a country, a kind of anti-civilisation.

do you think it would actually work?

>in a lot of respects

Immigration isn't one


Heroin will get you all the whores.

Hello, I'm here for the job interview

but heroin is terrible senpai.
seen too many people go down that road

You wanna fuck a dirty aids ridden crusty, get heroin for it.

what makes you think they all have aids?

The heroin usage prolly.

Tbf tho you can get HIV now and still love a long full life

Huh, didn't know I had a fetish for Choking Victim jacket patches and yet here we are

Why would you want a sweaty hairy liberal heroin addicted dyke?

Sharing needles and fucking aids babies for heroin.

The Judge Dredd comics were basically predictions holy shit...

bump with onision

Man, that's one damaged specimen...

I used to go to a few punk shows (edgy) but quickly realised everyone was partaking in things which they claimed or should have been against, the biggest ones being drinking Coke, and smoking tobacco from some international tobacco firm. Then I noticed people arrving in their parents BMW's, and realised the whole thing was a dress up show for unhappy people

>I don't wanna work :)
>Please fund my kickstarter :)

>I live in a solidly middle-class environment
>I work in the accounts department during the week
>I'm a crust punk rawr :)

It's all fun and games until her panties come off and her pucci smells worse than your dusty cumrag that's got a couple hundred protein bullets in it.

apparently this photo is from 2003 .. I'd love to see what this person is up to now

Probably found some beta with a high paying job

Nihilism is a transitional step between slave and master morality.

No discussion necessary.

otoh what's the big hurry well get there eventually

>Was a nihilistic
>Tried to kill myself with my .22.
>Pulled the trigger but the gun jammed. >Laughed my ass off.
Life turned around for me that day. Still don't see the point but decided I wouldn't end it myself.

He gets it

looks like allie sin

Heh it looks like that person in the back ground is wearing a santa hat on mobile


>attempting suicide with a .22
>Gun jammed
You mean you wussed out or forgot to load it.
>Le speshal snuflek
Yeah, I'm sure the universe chose you, kid. I mean, all the millions that die without even a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Surely the universe chose you to survive to make up for all that.

If you've ever wanted to know what it feels like to fuck scabbed up period blood and a miscarriage, she's your girl.

You kill yourself like the fag you are

Yep nailed it and its a superficial dress up at that. All these fucking cunts go on about being anti establishment and shit but they are really just uppity wankers.

I've been around some of them and it's like a "who can look the most retarded" competition. But they all come from nice middle or upper middle class homes. They follow mainstream normie beliefs and they constantly eat corporate fast food and drink softdrinks and shit.

They're assholes. They look at me like I'm a loser because I have no tattoos or piercings or anything and I don't try and dress like I crawled out of a garbage bin but I'm way more anti establishment then any of them and have a real interest in politics and how to change things for the better without bullshit antiracist garbage that just makes everything worse. Half of them are studdying in university and the other half are working retail all of them are fucking supporting the system they supposedly stand against.

Why the fuck is punk anti racist now anyway? Why the fuck would a bunch of working class whites want to flood themselves with cheap 3rd world competition? Fucking posers.

>Firing pin failed to engage from being dirty
>Never said the universe chose me for anything. Just that my life has gotten much better since I stopped caring about meaning.

It's not about special just has the sickest sense of humor sometimes.
No writer could come up with the shit the actual universe does.

The irony of the punk movements is that it can only come about in a society of freedom and privilege. There's a reason why there's no North Korean punk bands. So the punks are fighting against a society that allows them to exist. Makes ya think

>life has a sense of humor
>the universe comes up with shit.
Not very nihilistic of you. In fact it sounds like you believe in god but you replace god with life or universe or science or something because you're an edgy atheist.

Pull your head out of your ass.

it also gives you AIDS free of charge

>Libertarianism is totally impotent against
>mass immigration
Not like mass immigration happened because of state stubsidies.
Also the fact that people living at the border would btfo the migrants themselves if the state would let them.
For example: Bavaria insisted on closing the border to Austria themselves during the flood and its Berlin that told them to prep the bull instead.

>Islamism, communism/Jew infiltration
The state is the access point of infiltrators.
Kikes could never have done so much damage if they did not have a central authoity to subvert

>no army
>repeating "death cult" meme
Ye, cause personal freedom hasn't created all of the great and prosperous periods in history

>Culture, race, nation,'s all "collectivism."
You niggers just don't understand that it's the sum of individuals that form those, not them that form the individuals.