Why are so many video game character irreligious?

I mean I can cut it some slack if the game is set in the future or present but it doesn't make sense in games like Bioshock Infinifte or Red Dead Redemption which are both set in early 20th centure America. Saying you don't believe is one thing but these characters always say it with slight arrogance and aim to make themselves look tough or enlightened. What do we do about this contrarian bullshit in vidya?

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>What do we do about this contrarian bullshit in vidya?
You don't do anything. No one is morally obligated to have your religious beliefs represented in a game. It's bad enough with the sjw, and feminist bullshit. We don't need your garbage added into this constantly growing problem.

isnt the whole point of that game that he rejected religion and fell to depression as a result of having no real direction in life?

and [spoiler]every single timeline where he got baptized he ended up creating a floating utopia and developed an interdimensional transporter[/spoiler]

Hey dude I'm irreligious as well. I'm just saying it breaks the atmosphere and evironment to me when some deus ex machina main character decides to tip their fedora

>I'm just saying it breaks the atmosphere and evironment to me when some deus ex machina main character decides to tip their fedora

haha honestly I don't remember that's why I'm playing it again

In an age where people believed a cow not shitting during the first 4 days of winter meant good crops during spring (example) its pretty normal to feel argonent about something so minnute. In those things denouncing god had way worse connotations then it had now, and especially the intellectuals behinf those studies felt smartrr than the average joe

Look at people buying and critiqueing modern art, its was basically the equivalent


>being religious

You believe in talking snakes and magic?

You can write EA, Bethesda, and RockStar an email about your preferences.

That stuff never bothered me.

>not playing diablo 2 as a warrior for light killing demons and literally defeating satan.

But get the median xl mod to make it fun.


You would think that creator of Bishock and Bioshock infinite might be the slightest bit red pilled since the games were heavily influenced by Ayn Rand. But it turns out he's just a blue pilled normie.

Ken levine is a Jew

and his game was trash.

I have been saying it for years now, gamers are the most blue pilled individuals. They leech on other to get money for the next dcu/console/game and their shitty YouTube channel. The gaming industry is run by shill that use cultural Marxism to make the gaming demographic larger. Just look what happened to Sup Forums after they got nutered.

To be fair, Bioshock was more of a critic of Objectivism than it is a praise. The whole message is that Andrew Ryan and Fontaine were both shitty people that just so happened to have similar ideologies.

>Not building a proper smiter Paladin for Uber Tristram until you get perfect Hellfire torches.
>not hunting Diablo clone for dem anni's

Dude has never played total war

>Why are so many video game character irreligious?

They're marketed towards young adults and teens who are woke as fuck on the religion meme

because game developers are almost all nu-males and lean left

Is that cropped porn?

>think they know more than the most brillitant minds and philosophers of the past.

wew lad

This. Athiest Booker wallows in his own filth and sells his own daughter to a random wierdo. Religious Booker is a political genius who founds and controls his own country, that can also fly.

BSI made sense for Booker to be extremely hostile to religion if he is the version of himself that walked away from the baptism and went booze mode and became a nihilist of sorts when you consider that the "other" Booker (of the infinite variations) did take the baptism and went totally insane with power.

>believing philosophy is objective truth