Was Germany Between years 1871-1918 the best Empire that ever existed?
>Economic powerhouse
>Militarily strong
>Conservative values
>vanguard in science
Was Germany Between years 1871-1918 the best Empire that ever existed?
>Economic powerhouse
>Militarily strong
>Conservative values
>vanguard in science
>the best Empire that ever existed?
That would be the Byzantine empire
I won't deny that the continuity of that empire and ability to survive many huge crisis and being the shield against invading muslims is extremely impressive. I would like to correct my question by adding "modern" in front of the word empire.
If you refer to modern empires then I think so
No the american empire was definitely the greatest modern empire. And still is and always will be.
>>Conservative values
Secularization of the state, especially schools
You don't know what you're talking about. The French have been modeling their state-church separation after Bismarck!
Protestantism is incompatible with conservatism
>Protestantism is incompatible with conservatism
TF are you talking about cocksucker its the catholic church that has sacrificed itself on the alter of liberalism a few months ago I saw a catholic girl go inside a church wearing short-shorts and besides Catholics are run by a pedophile ring
Those values weren't extremely conservative but they were modelled accordingly to state's needs. Church was separated from state but it was closely allied with the empire. I know science and catholic church don't fit very well together.
Under Bismarck sure but after he left in 1890 the Germans were just throwing shit everywhere hoping it'd stick. Their last roll of the dice was a big fuck off European war as a way to keep the rapidly fraying nation together in 1914 which obviously didn't go well.
But for those 18-22 years they were based
what about the big european war started by the british in 1939 to keep a fraying empire together which obviously didn't go well
The best of empires is the current American Empire. Sure it's not perfect, but better than any other Nation or Civilization ever.
No way.
Just beautiful
We were Grand Duchy! Not part of the empire per se. But those were mainly good times in Finland before Nicholas II.
Kaiserreich was absolutely the pinnacle of German civilization.
French Empire was greater.
I cant think anything more degenerate than what america is now. A liberal multicultural melting pot that is fueled by greedy egocentric capitalism.
rotting from within.
What is French Empire? Napoleon? He was okay but a bit grandiose, doomed to fail.
Richer than any empire ever. Scientifically more advanced. Culturally more relevant. You are even spending your leisure time on American inventions speaking our language. If we really bothered you just leave. America is the greatest.
Das heilige römische Reich deutscher Nation.
Wilhelm der Erste.
Friedrich der Dritte.
Wilhelm der Zweite.
The truth is: we still live in Reich, the Reich has never fallen. The BRD GmbH has no legitimacy.
Jewish puppet state
You hate me for the same reason people hate the NY Yankees or in European terms the Munich soccer team. We are winning too much for your taste.
French had two empire perioids under Napoleon & Napoleon III plus their colonies.
Best empire was Roman empire.
This, long live Karoling!
reichsbürger detected, do you really not pay taxes and get away with it? based as fuck desu
Your language.
why does lichtenstein exist
Napoleon was a true emperor but Napoleon III left nothing to remember him of.
und hier bekommst auch du einen echten Ausweis und einen echten Führerschein mein Bub.
Our time is surely running out. This can't last forever. I cherish these times for I always seen them as some kind of a golden age, surely that's how they will be remembered I tell myself. The future feels particularly uncertain. It may be a dark one for america
Woher kommst du?
teach me your ways bruder, my parents say reichsbürgers are nazi retards but to me the argument of the bundesrepublik being an occupied and thus illegitimate state seems sound.
>Conservative values
This was the case almost everywhere in 1870
>nazi retards
Entweder glaubst du an die gottgebene Authorität deines Kaisers oder an das Charisma eines falschen Führers. Entscheide dich für Eines.
Und nun verneige dich vor Glanz und Authorität der preußischen Krone.
Ach ja, ich komme aus Heidelberg.
If been around the world in my time and there is nothing that compares to America. You might think there is some new global order arising but I guarantee you for the next 100 years we are more than good.
People think China is becoming better than us — their country is polluted, mostly a desert and the people live in filth willingly.
People think Europe is becoming better than us — we are richer than the entire EU, stronger and our cities are not just some sort of historical Disney Land of what once was.
People think there is anything even close to the American Empire because they haven't seen it. They haven't seen Puerto Rico, they haven't seen New England, they haven't seen the North-West corridor, they haven't seen the Pennsylvania Dutch and the new Germany that lies westward beyond them, they haven't seen the South, the Golden Coast, they haven't seen the South-West, and it's many biomes, they haven't seen the heartland, haven't seen the desert states, haven't seen the West Coast, haven't seen Alaska, haven't seen Hawaii. Had they, they'd bow before it, not ridicule it.
>Und nun verneige dich vor Glanz und Authorität der preußischen Krone.
don't worry, i took that redpill long ago, i'm 100% prussian, family fled Danzig after the war. bluepilled family members grew up in the DDR and to them Nazi and Imperialist were both forbidden and seemed two sides of the same coin, at least when compared to the communists. i long for the kaiserreich though.
because nobody cared enough to annex them, the entire country is literally just like 3 villages and a church
ich komme aus Mecklenburg-Vopommern
Defilieret, marschieret für des Kaisers Glorie.
Citing events from 400 years earlier
Literally how was protestantism counter to conservatism 400 years after it was almost mainstream?
The state should be secularized, your children shouldn't go to school learning about how Jesus will save you and how he cured the ill. You go to school to get educated and learn the facts. You go to church for the spiritual.
Letting the church control the education you will quickly get a medieval situation that the renaissance ended off.
are there even any legitimate hohenzollern descendants alive?
>Gay sex
>Muh pinnacle of Western civilization
of course there are:
I'm a Hapsburg
You don't even know to spell Habsburg.
so are there any plans for a restoration or are you guys just LARPing to get out of paying taxes? i don't see it happening as long as we have 35,000 american soldiers still on german soil, we also need the bundeswehr on our side because the herr was as critical a pillar of the preußen state as the monarchy was.
spanish-catholic fucks gib osterreich
Hapsburg in non-autistic countries
This was when Austria was great. Austria was made great on the back of basically Mediterranean rulers (not just Spanish, but much more Greek Byzantine blood)
>Martin Luther
>Hard Work
>relative conservatism
>Belief in science
What the fuck else do you want?
Germans can't run an empire. Every time they have it has imploded. It has done so for good reason. They are just autists.
y-you too
Roman Empire best Empire though.
*massive citation needed
are you trying to tell me post 30 years war austria is greater than the Heiliges Römisches Reich? the time when a nation was greatest is usually defined by its period of greatest territorial extent, highest prestige, and period of greatest strength relative to its neighbors. the reich stretched from lithuania to rome during the middle ages and was europe's only superpower at the time, more than double the size of habsburg austria-hungary.
Wir haben den Artikel 146 des Grundgesetzes.
Das Grundgesetz welches aus dem Besatzungsrecht entstand war als dauerhaftes Gesetz gedacht. Nach der Tilgung des giftigen nationalsozialistischen Gedankenguts waren wir Deutschen angehalten uns eine echte Verfassung zu geben,welche das Grundgesetz ablöst. Dies ist bis Heute nicht geschehen.
Geht auf die Straße, zeigt das Volksbegehren nach einer deutschen Verfassung um das Grundgesetz endlich ab zu lösen.
Diese Verfassung könnte das nie besiegte heilige römische Reich deutscher Nation reinaugurieren und den Glanz der preußischen Krone widerherstellen.
Fuck off Finrand. Clearly all that Horse Archer semen has made it hard for you to open your eyes cunt so get somebody to describe the British Empire to you. The Anglosphere will never allow Hans to have an empire, or even a country of his own again. Bismark is only famous because he beat the French (woop-de-fucken-doo), and the part of Germany he was from no longer exists. Greater Poland-Belorussia when.
*war NIE als dauerthaftes Gesetz erdacht.
>compulsory education
Nopen it's shit. As someone bullied all through school I think all nations wit compulsory education is shit
sad that it got destroyed in WWII
Nothing lasts forever. America won't survive the century.
i agree completely mate, however that is just legal semantics to most germans and we are still an occupied state; there is no chance of a return to preußen glory if we don't have the army on our side.
>lose the only war that they fight
You mean the one that wasn't Holy, Roman or an Empire? The so-called empire was briefly relevant in the 11th century under the Fredericks, but rapidly went into decline. For a few decades after that, it was still of some importance geopolitically, but it was soon overshadowed by France. The Germans made relatively little difference in the crusades for example. This wasn't because of a lack of military strength on the whole, but the crumbling nature of imperial power. It became more and more balkanized until at the end it was basically a joke, and indeed, dominated by Austria. Little Austria, with no particular advantages in location or manpower, forged an empire that lasted and grew and subjected many different peoples. German power, when it has arisen, has fragmented quite quickly.
German-French war still counts
don't get me fucking started :(
it is not semantics, argueing against it would be semantics.
the army is the volk.
die armee ist das volk.
So gehe, vebreite die Kunde vom unbesiegten heiligen römischen Reich deutscher Nation und Artikel 146.
nice meme, we weren't effective in the crusades because we were busy subjugating pagans from danzig to riga instead of fighting sand niggers
Youve been doing this for months will
you ever get tired?
This was of no geopolitical importance. Basically primitive barbarians were fighting primitive barbarians. The real fight was in the middle east, and the krautnegers gave up
There's a pattern of islamophilia that continues to the present
Is German a difficult language for english speakers to learn? Some people tell me its hard but it honestly looks very easy, the grammar appears to be similar. Maybe its my inner aryan. *tips stahlhelm*
>Basically primitive barbarians were fighting primitive barbarians
Its not that hard, but every German has a rigid definition of pronunciation which must be obeyed, trouble is that definition will differ between regions and even between persons. And they will tell you how wrong you are ad nauseam
But true. Okay, one group of barbarians were at least somewhat Christianized
>australian intellectuals
see i almost thought you knew what you were talking about for a second, then you went back to leafposting
>Economic powerhouse
>vanguard in science
I'd like to hear your definition of barbarian. What you're saying has no historical basis whatsoever. And what do you mean with 'somewhat christanized'?
gott mit uns bruder, thanks for the info.
no it isn't. just visit your nearest german class, the grammar is more difficult but similar.
>and for to you compare the same in german:
Nein, ist es nicht. Besuche einfach deinenn nächstgelegenen Unterricht deutscher Sprache. Die Grammatik ist ein wenig schwieriger, jedoch ähnlich.
Frohe Weihnacht Bruder.
French """""""philosophy"""""""
13th century Germans were barbarians by any reasonable definition. It was an extremely backward place. There was no renaissance to speak of in Germany, Durer was an outlier who spent most of his time in Italy. Culturally speaking, Germany didn't become relevant until the 17th century. A lot of paganness was still under the radar in local customs and festivals, as it is to an extent to this day in Germoney.
Wilhelmine Reich Best Reich
A Byzantine symbol, and an historical entity ruled over for the most part by people of more than half Mediterranean descent, the Hapsburgs
>13th century
the fuck
you dont really question the sovereignity of the german kaiser, heretic?
learn how to spell Habsburg.
Ayy, wie kann man mit euch in Kontakt treten? Wie viele Preußen-Schlesier gibts denn bei euch?
>t. Diaspora christcuck, der es nicht mehr ausgehalten hat und sein Studium in Polen aufgenommen hat
Essentially, Germany was backward until the 17th century when you saw emerging some artists who were often completely ignored or unappreciated by the bulk of the populace. Before this, you did have the Carolingian renaissance (the Franks were from Belgium and only created a small cultural orbit around the North Rhineland in Germany) and such relatively primitive developments such as the Minnesaengers, rather like skalds or bards who might have had a little talent but no sophisticated audience. During the period 1300-1600 Germoney was backward culturally and geopolitically. Even such things as the Teutonic Knights and the Hanseatic Leagues, in fairly barbaric territories, were not in any way united or an expression of a united German state
>you dont really question the sovereignity of the german kaiser, heretic?
>questioning the sovereignity of the german kaiser
>questioning the Kaiser
>47 years