Does Sup Forums support Palestine?

Does Sup Forums support Palestine's right to independence? Isn't it undeniable that Israel is running an apartheid state that oppresses Palestinians?

Yes. Based Palestine.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They are an invented people to do the arabs dirty work.



At least they don't steal money from American taxpayers.

What warrants Moderator action here?

All I did was post a picture from Fatah's (the other political party in Palestine besides Hamas) facebook page.

Either Israel is running an apartheid state, or Palestinians have a right to their own state.

Can't have it both ways.

it's not theft because we willingly give it to our greatest ally

>They are an invented people

Just like Americans, Israeli's and Belgians.
But why should that matter?

Since when is Sup Forums against apartheid?

"Palestinians" are roaches that deserve to be eradicated.

This does not mean I support Israel. The enemy of my enemy dies next.

whole mideast needs to be glassed

It's pretty difficult to support something that doesn't exist.



Palestine is pretty based. They remove Jews for us.

Palis > Jews

I support the right for Jews to control the holy land under 3 conditions
1. I don't have to put up with Jews outside of Zion
2. I don't have to pay for Zion
3. They kill plenty of Muslims

They haven't managed to meet any of these criteria. Unless they prove otherwise, the Kingdom of Jerusalem needs to come back.

There is not such thing as an Israel. Its a Jewish invention. They are invented people. Just Turkish Slav rape babies migrating to Palestine.

I support anyone who's murdering Muslims, so no I don't really support Palestine


Yes. I support half the land being Arab anyway, Palestinian nationalism is abit of a meme tbqh.

you actually give the both of them. israel and palestine.


"Israelis" are roaches that deserve to be eredicated.

And Palis are doing it for free. Let them kill plently of our enemies.


I support the their right to exist.

I can not say the same of zionist horde.


Yup. Arabs, Jews: to problems, one (final) solution.

The situation there leads to muslims and jews massacring each other with whitey nowhere in sight to get the blame (except anglos maybe), so it's fine by me. The conflict I mean, not Israel or Palestine being there.