What's Sup Forums's opinion on the widespread phenomenon?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the widespread phenomenon?
Fucking disgusting.
Purge those old fucks, and their disgusting island niggers.
>me in 30 years
why not?
Some old guys having fun in their twilight years, some girls making ten times what they would make in whatever Vietnamese sweat shop they'd be working in otherwise. What's the issue?
Can't go down the street without seeing some old geezer with a 4/10 chinese or flip bitch around here.
If I was in their lot though I'd probably do the same thing so I can't get too buttmad about it.
Aren't asians and whites the races with the most intellectuals? Not to mention both have contributed to a majority of society. I think racemixing with asians is fine as long as they're not shitskin asians.
Fine with me, provided that his children don't get cucked out of their inheritance.
The only passable chick is like 18 and I bet that mofo is loaded.
divorced or dead wives. want some young girl who won't try to break their psyche in their older years. too old to deal with the sociopathic first worlders.
Here this is rare. Lonely old fucks with an average amount of cash get an eastern European mail order bride, those who are poor get one from Asia because they are ok with absolutely everything to get away from there it seems.
They deport them is the sad old fuck dies too early though.
>want young wife
>want obedient wife
>want housekeeper
>want cook
>settle for gook
Thanks feminism.
>provided that his children don't get cucked out of their inheritance
Isn't his right to make that decision? If he did a good job raising his kids, there would be no issue because they wouldn't need anything anyway.
>Fine with me, provided that his children do get cucked out of their inheritance.
mah nigga
A symptom of western women's high opinion of themselves. Western women think they're too good for older western men, so older western men go elsewhere.
The bitch gets everything though when the guy dies, his money, assests and house. Thats the deal, even if its unspoken.
"I cook and clean for you, love you long time, you leave me house and give money for my family back home"
If any of these guys have children with a previous wife, they get screwed out of what should rightfully be theirs.
Why should an old/dorky guy be cut off from sex?
They aren't just 'settling for a gook'... they have a pretty penny tied up in that shit I figure.
From what I've seen:
First what happens is geezer gets his dong sucked, flip bitch doesn't have to live in a humid hut with six people without climate control..
But then she starts nagging his weak ass about letting her parents come over and live with them. Geezer being tired and beta, eventually relents.
In-laws are living with him, okay I guess. Then they start in about her siblings and their family.
In about ten years the old man is sitting off in the corner while the wife's peasant family talk among themselves in thai or tagalog living the best life.
Never think with your dick, Sup Forums friends.
Well, its the result of feminism. Why blame some guys trying to be happy?
Your hereditary laws are very strange, indeed.
Around here, when someone over 60 marries, there is no communion of goods, no inheritance. Even at a younger age, in the partial communion regime, the wife inherits the fourth part.
The logic dictates that inheritance must go to the heirs. Is not that the way there?
It's a win win. Sad and lonely guys get a woman and women looking for better lives get it.
I don't see the big deal, so long as the old white men in question are single and don't breed with them. Let the geezers have their fun, they're hard-pressed to find a young, traditionalist white woman willing to spend time with them when the vast majority of said women are third-wave feminists who get off to their pets licking and pissing all over them.
Plus, it's fun to see white women get upset whenever a white man goes out with an Asian women, be it a mail-order bride or someone native to the country.
I can only hope I am this fortunate in my old age.
Who would want to be stuck with an obese feminist 65 year old wife nagging you nonstop when you could have a tight, compliant 20 year jungle asian?
Hell, who is to say these guys wives didnt just take half their money and run off before all that?
I don't think he's required by law to leave the kids anything, but its expected he does. I've situations where old farts have gone and married some jungle gook, and she's taken everything after he died, for herself and her family, leaving nothing for his original children
The surest path to cuckoldry
>mfw stacey is butthurt about being cucked by ting tong
Desperate ass rich dudes and desperate ass gold diggers. Nothing new.
>She really loves me for who I am!
I will have a white family. Then when I am old I will produce half-breeds with Asians. Hapas may not be ideal, but the white man must spread his seed if we want a future for white children. Lightening up the brown races is a step in the right direction. One white male can lighten up many jungle Asian wombs.
> but the white man must spread his seed if we want a future for white children. Lightening up the brown races is a step in the right direction.
This used to be called The White Man's Burden.
Spain cucked an entire continent in their efforts to uplift the indios.
Portugal helped on that.
A whole lot of good that did us. Don't fall in the same trap Anglobros, you'll only get generations of ugly, dumb mud babies who mangle your language and talk shit about you.
not only white men, but men in general are selling themselves short when they get with asian females, especially vietnamese, and flips, chinese, etc. Enjoy having your child look nothing like you and just a random asian person. they remind me of fish, they all look the same, not even a human species.