Should women once again become property of males?

Should women once again become property of males?

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Subordinate in the relationship. Like children. Not property, you autist.


No. But respect of the family and understanding that the nuclear family is the foundation of civilisation needs to return.

No grow up and try to move out from your parents basement

Honestly if I could keep women as property instead of the existing laws, I would.

Nu-pol will be against this.

No. Half the men in the world are subhuman dindu 3rd world shitskins. Half of the remaining half are forever alone beta virgins. Plus, if you tried to enslave women in todays day and age the fact they can all communitcate so easily would lead to a massive rebellion and probably end up with most men castrated.

The only people who actually want women as property are the bitter jaded and beta virgins who are so tired of being rejected all of the time they want women to be forced to have sex with them. Its a terrible shitty idea for manchildren.

Why shouldn't women and children be regarded as property? They are both equally mentally deficient.

t. beta male who doesn't want to be a warlord.

Women who are claimed as sex property... have power in that relationship. Think on that. The stuff you own, soon owns you.

>if you tried to enslave women in todays day and age the fact they can all communitcate so easily would lead to a massive rebellion and probably end up with most men castrated

Beta anglo détecter...

>leading and organizing anything


No, let them fend for themselves. What benefit do men get out of having to care for women?

Yes. It's the natural order. Any man who opposes it is a brainwashed feminist drone.
A girl belongs to her father until he has her married then she belongs to her husband.

polygamy and female ownership is pretty redpilled desu

No, never again fucking beta fag.

A true man does not need to force his woman to anything. She will be your property by CHOICE & and she will love it.

Assuming that you're a good man who can protect her and provide for her.

What the FUCK is the difference between how Sup Forums treats women and how Muslims treat them?

Fucking grow up you edgy fucktards

>Yes. It's the natural order. Any man who opposes it is a brainwashed feminist drone.
>A girl belongs to her father until he has her married then she belongs to her husband.

Sinead n'est pas d'accord Bubba...


Saying every muslim idea is bad.

If your game is tight, then she is your property

>Saying every muslim idea is bad.

Certain veulent tuer les kikes, quel magnifique peuple...

only if youre the kind of twerp who unironically read blogs like roissy.

We are called to correct our spouse when they are in error, not smack them around and play head games like a nigger

t. Ahmed

Women are inferior to us men yes I'm so tough :^))

>t. assad

>if those guys you don't like do a thing you can't want a similar thing
Fuck you.

t. Muhammad

No, but they shouldn't be allowed to vote and divorce/child support laws should be reformed or repealed.

fuck off bashar, you have kebab to remove

t. Aladdin

>>do a thing you can't want a similar thing

The moment my poison stinger releases the tiny worms into her system, she loses herself to become another me.

What the actual fuck!?

They make their way to the brain to embed my DNA into her cells.


I think it is grammatically correct. Maybe it would have been clearer if I wrote "then you can't".
The point is you can disagree with a group but still hold opinions similar to their positions.

hows aleppo?