So why cant the mods ban all Serb posters? They are the worst of this board and are all CTR shills.
So why cant the mods ban all Serb posters? They are the worst of this board and are all CTR shills
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eat shit and die
I didnt know serbs liked scat
Please do it so I can leave this place forever.
They're quietly the most autistic posters on the entire board
y-you too senpai
I like Serbs.
Fuck you op, you're probably not even white.
What's with all the Serb hate?
I'm a Serb from Bosnia and I'm aware many of my countrymen post nonsencial stuff and make us look bad, but not every Serb is that way.
At least 30% of us are normal and here to have a good discussion about politics.
Just ignore those "we remove kebab we great warrior" people and you will realize we're actually OK.
It's time for you to Germany and enrich it.
>M-muh Westerners don't like me
>Not all Serbs
>I-i am normal guys..
>are all CTR shills.
no, thats like 2, maybe 3 guys and im quite confident that all of them are from Kosovo because toniblers like that Clinton dicc and real serbians despise Clintons, everyone i personally know is either okay or absolutely overwhelmed with Trumps victory.
People like you are the reason we're hated.
Just bring it down a notch or a few. Honestly, I'm starting to think these terribly annoying and obnoxious people with Serbian flags are either Croats or Albanians or something.
And I'd never become a diaspora traitor.
Wait did they seriously put a filter on the word dicc?
Testing: suck my dicc
yeah, what a bunch of dicc's lol
OP is Slovene diaspora
People like are the reason we let refugees trough,which means no matter how much you try to spread your ass for Westerners people like me are liked here more.
>I'd never become a diaspora traitor
>i would throw away all of our traditional values so westerners can like
>Not a traitor
Gtfo to Germany please
Fuck off cunt, besides those 2 CTR proxy serbs they are fine.
I see burgers and leafs way more often CTRposting then even those 2 serb proxies.
Posters with bosnian flags always say theyre serbian
>i-it's a conspiracy
>there's no way we'd ever shitpost
>albanian! N-no, Croatian! Y-you're using a proxy
>oy bre
Country with best posters reporting in
I am almost positive it is a single Serb that does the shitposting. The rest of the Serbs are top tier.
They probably are desu.
You're dumb
Blow it out your ass
Drumpf is shit
bajdbwjdabdjksbdawkjdhasdkjb !!! >:(
I'm pretty sure it's one guy. He used to act like a major Hillary supporter and get 10+ replies on every retarded shitpost. Sometimes I could tell when he would wake up because he would post the same thing in every thread and retards would still reply to him. He's still shitposting the same exact type of garbage and newfags are still responding.
eat shit
Not an argument.
Stable boys never marched into my country even when it was supposed to be given them by a greater power.
It was your Great Aunt x20 ,Great uncle x 20 who got thrown into pits not mine.Meanwhile Islam was accepted.
Awww literally shaking right now? Man up, bitch nigger.
Digits confirm.
Yeah, Trump or no America hates us.
Their embassy didn't want to give Dodik (main guy of Republika Srpska) a visa to come to Trumps innauguration.
Not sure if it's because it turned out he lied about being invited (he actually just bought one of those regular 300-400 dollars tickets) or just because they hate him.
Shows how cucked we are by our politicians. Corrupted cunts.
What's up with hating diaspora?
We escaped a thieving government, vicious, greedy people, no joy, jobs or future.
What are you patriotic about? What are you fighting for? Vucic and Dacic? Our heritage? What can you buy with heritage?
Travel the world, then you'll get enough courage to understand we're fucked compared to many.
We have merits and passion towards life that others don't, but our bad manners can exceed our good.
So why do you ask for approval?Enjoy you travel and Euros.
Which of the Balkan nations are least and which most hated in the country you're in atm?
as if you would ever understand
In all seriousness, Canadians need rangebanned.
Dobar si Hrvoje
>Which of the Balakn nations are the least and which the most hated in the country you're in atm?
Just please gtfo to Germany or Int.Holy fucking shit how can one be so insecure in himself and ask for attention this much?So much cringe.
>Waaaaaaaaaaaah ban things that i don't like waaaaaaaaaah
Kys drumpfkin.
It's not approval.
You know that SSSS we have? Samo Srbin Srbina Sekirom.. kako vec?
When I see how fucking somali niggers work with eachother and form friendships no matter where they are, I remember how we, the 'civilized' world kill eachother over who has a bigger balcony.
People don't like Albanians or bosnians because they act like arseholes. Serbs have it hard to get here, so I've only met inspirational people and we're pretty well accepted. Feels like Greece, at least here in the north.
>as if you'd ever understand.
I lived there for 20 years, go on and shed light on me then.
Is Serbia still mad about NATO bombing them?
Hey look, it's that one Bosnian using a Serbian proxy again
>Implying we are all the same
Nice,stay where you are.No more wars for anexed shitholes.
Why do people always think it's proxies?
Of course not,we however do not like when our "neighbors" claim it was their effort.
>What's with all the Serb hate?
A lot of idiots here are hotheads and get trolled really easy
nah, you are lost and i dont care enough about you to point obvious things that people feel in their hearts
maybe you only had shitty life, dont blame whole nation for that whiny cunt, thats happening everywhere
One guy with a proxy. He couldnt write serb but only google translate gibberish when we asked him. This anti serb sentiment is coming from diaspora faggots either croats or albanians on vacation. The average burger doesnt even acknowledge our existence senpai
>stay there where you are
I like how you're saying it as if you can decide where I can go
Well, I'm not technically staying here, each time I check tickets to Serbia they cost as much as tickets to, say Thailand or Cuba. So you see, the decision is not that difficult.
I don't damn you, I don't damn the damned, but I've done nothing against you, unlike Serbia, who's done everything to you.
It was a wish,not order.Happy travelings.
Like anyone would fucking bother to get a proxy for bullying serbs. Seriously, come on...
This conspiracy theory oriented thought process is why people ridicule us.
Want to become a meme like India? If not, write more substantial stuff instead of nonsense.
Moslems make more than 50% of entire Bih population while Serbs are around 30%, so there is a bigger chance you're talking to Mustafa Mehmetovic.
>Is why people ridicule us.
>You d-don't want to become a meme right?
Holy fucking shit where you legit bullied or are you socially depraved?
I can blame the whole nation you primitive piece of shit.
I can blame it because it's made of scumbags like you who promote the individuality that fucking ruins us. You hate Croats because the TV or you dumbfuck parents said so. You hate everything for the same reason. You're just a fucking sponge without capability to come up with your own stances.
Do you even understand what Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava means? Doesn't matter where the fuck in the world I am, I'm still one of your people.
Don't you fucking think I knew I wasn't having it right in Serbia and that I thoroughly fucking know I would never find another homeland? But in order to get away from tyranny and develop into a person instead of an angry cunt in a sweaty T-shirt sippin' beer in front of a bakery at 7am, I pissed blood for years to get to where I am now. I've been more alone and miserable than your asocial, pathetic excuse of a life and you have no fucking right to even have an opinion on diaspora. The fact you're a lazy nothing and nobody is not enough of a reason to hate people who left that piece of shit charade we call a country.
It used to be a country, now it's a skank.
>It used to be a country, now it's a skank.
Unfortunately, this isn't very far from the truth.
Only after we admit that can we go forward.
>I am living in norway, we master race now, slavs are subhuman
Pathetic. You are lost.
Well he is right. I'm not saying you're primitive, but you do come across that way.
There was no need to insult him so much and to write such infantile things
A Serb is a Serb, no matter where he is. I don't "like" diaspora either, but I would never scrutinize any single Serb.
>tfw albanian
>serbs hate us but i dindu nuffin to them (not kosovar)
>every third serb post is some insult about albanians
>want to talk shit to them but they outnumber me and make fun of me for being diaspora
>they have all the cool slurs like albozerg meanwhile i can only call them some lame youtube comments tier insult like serbshit
>when we try to compare nations they always come back with that muhh taller average height, IQ, GDP, population
>have to rely on others who hate serbs like bulgars and croats to help me bantz them
You are as primitive as a fucking nigger, you fucking asphalt nigger.
I could have lived in fucking Rwanda, it's the experience that matters.
You know, travelling broadens your mind and shit? I've been all over the world and due to Norway's multiculturalism, talked to people from all over the world. You get to find how our population is jebeno zatucan.
I am not saying slavs are subhuman. I am not saying Norwegians are the master race. I'm saying we've turned into submissive bootlickers of a despotic hegemony called the Serbian Government when one day we were something. And the only thing making us plummit into an even deeper abyss of embarrassment is people like you. I sincerely hope you get raped by a fucking dog and fucking die, you fucking shitstain.
I'm lost? I know exactly where I am. You're not even wondering where you are.
But Sup Forums is a Serb(the normal ones,unlike these cucks) and Croat safe space you would have a much better go on any other forum.
Nah I have albo friends, we're similarly mannered, actually
Each country has its retards
You need people like us.
Honestly, if you're dumb enough to forget to mention Kosovo, they deserve to win.
Its hilarious how hard you try to justify your decisions in life. I never had any shitty moments, have lots of family and real friends. I am also master engineer. I love it here. Only uneducated pathetic traitors flee and complain instead of staying and fixing.
I have no sympathy for Muslims I don't care if they are Albanian like me
Just really pickles my cookie when they talk shit about Albanians it's like euros talking shit about niggers and calling them Americans
Islam has nothing to do with your average IQ and crime rates,why do you think you get universal hate while bosniaks never get metioned aside from memes,we are not the who should brag but you got ridiculous dijaspora.
Why would you ban them? Serbs are pretty good people
Is it the opposite day today?
Why are you saying this?
Because he is not a brainless hick
Glad to see that for once.
It is very refreshing.
holy shit
>muh serbs are great
>we don't shitpost daily
60 years of North Korea style communism does that to you bro. Crime rates can't argue with you there, we are pretty much a quasi-narco state.
You do know Hardcore Pawn is scripted right?
>muh albania
>muh not me
>i'm a special snowflake
i m liberal and proud AMA
i m not the CTR God, that hero has been exiled to Sweden
Never heard of the show before i saw the clip,so no.
But why would the Americans,your only ally script it to be you?What the actual fuck?
When are you moving to Germany?
>t. Albanian diaspora
T'fala Trumpit.
Serbs are fine people, very hospitable and very funny. Croatians and Serbians don't have any real open problems despite some loudmouths who still can't accept that the war is over.
Our interests in BiH are very similar as well.
Oh?Is time to make Croatian borders look like an alligator mouth?No jewery this time?
>ask for paid actors to start drama on a """pawn""" show
>some guy shows up
>"alright, what's your angle here"
>"well, i'm albanian so im gonna brag about that and start a ruckus"
>"ok good"
Come on man, the guy who owns the pawn shop and produces the show is literally a jew
Serbs truly are scum, this is shown by them trying to hold on to stolen Albanian land
Yeah,i understand how to jew,trust me,but why would the jews who have helped you trough time turn on you in American media top kek?
Well it's forever lost, so why post about it? What's the point?
Oh boy, here we go.
You know, travelling broadens your mind and shit? I've been all over the world and due to Norway's multiculturalism, talked to people from all over the world. You get to find how our population is jebeno zatucan.
Hello r/politics.
What do you mean bro? Prove me wrong if you disagree.
Jews are literally incapable of making long term decisions. They just make the best short term decisions that generate as much profit as possible.
There is no hidden motive in heliping Albanians specifically.
Burden of proof lies with the person making the claim.
You of all people should understand that Serbs are literal demons trying to steal OUR Albanian land
Try to get it back serbshit, Clinton will bomb you niggers back to the stone age for the third time.
OK, a few of the most obvious things:
>they have become an independent country
>95% (or something) of population is not Serbia
>they have an open border with albania
If that was the case we would not have subhumans like these and Kosovo would be Serbian by now.Just look at FYROM.
Dunno man. I've met one single Serb my entire life, and he was pretty nice. His halitosis, though, was as you said a literal demon.
If all Serbs had his halitosis, Albanians would have abandoned Kosovo long ago to seek refuge in safer lands, such as Syria, Lybia or Somalia.
>no u
sasuga chad
You sure you didn't fail reading comprehension in school? The Jew helped us wrest Kosovo away from you because it was profitable at the moment. If it ever becomes profitable to give it to you, they wouldn't think twice about it.
autistic diaspora detected