This should be a punishment on all cis white scum. They have enslaved everyone and now its their time to pay the price.
Deprive All White Males Right To Vote For 150 Years
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why the fuck do you even browse that shit?
As far as i remember most slaves were taken by arabs. So are you going to deprive all shitshins, or you still prefer to lick their balls?
Mzungu devil is worse
I would love if this happened, whites would just move somewhere else and start their own country, while the feminists and minorities would go broke because of no gibs.
This site and many others alike is mandatory reading for swedish college students
And other blacks.
Ah, no wonder your shithole country will be a third world country by 2030. Also, say hello to Barbara Spectre for me.
I've realized how the only reason the left really despises that group is because they don't vote leftist, they always vote right-wing instead. It makes them crazy to see how they can't get that group to vote how they want.
White people made a country just for african america, it is called liberia
go fuck yourself there and stop taking our stuff and complaining
How about all white males also stop working and take a vacation for the next 150 years?
>Deprive All White Males Right To Vote For 150 Years
I like it, this has potential for a civil war.
Whites are objectively the most evil race to ever exist, you can't weasel your way out of this by blaming arabs, sorry cumskin.
[citation needed]
Read a book you sauerkraut autist
kek, there wouldn't even be a country in which to vote after 150 years.
Yeah right! Those black people and natives making humans sacrifices were the goods guys for sure!
No surprises
>Take white peoples right to vote
>Base this on black people
>Pissed off white people take their anger out on blacks
>The day of the rope comes and niggers in America go extinct
I never knew Feminists wanted to genocide blacks as much as the rest of us. Good on em for taking the redpill
Also it was other blacks that enslaved them.
So black's and sandniggers get no voting rights?
I agree! Fuck the white bois for setting the blacks free! Punish those muddafuckers!
>dad's side of the family were northern abolitionists that helped escaped slaves make their way to Canada
>many years later I'm the bad guy because of my white ancestors
Road to hell...good intention...etc etc.
I'm glad that you see Islam must be eradicated, OP.
Islam is the only way to save the white race
yes, because only with the use of a megaphone anyone's ever going to hear the bullshit you're spewing out
I have a better idea, how about we deprive all non-whites, trannies, and faggots of their right to life!
It was never a woman's role during our evolution from cavepeople's tribes to modern era to create society's
safety or prosperity.
Mechanisms to understand those or feeling of responsibility of those are missing from the head of female of the species.
System of government where women are allowed to participate is guaranteed to eventually completely lose both, society's safety and prosperity.
the magical christian fun wheel weeeeee
What about Arabs seeing as how they engaged in a much longer bloodier slave trade?
Why don't we just make it so that only property owners can vote again? Would fix a lot of shit.
>That gif title
Fuckin kek
What I want to know is why can all the black not go back to Africa? I mean, what is the holdup here? Obviously they don't like racism, white culture or laws. So why do they not just move to Africa where none of the above will effect them as much (or at all)? What is their stigma for staying somewhere where they are the minority, feel oppressed and mistreated?
Seriously, why not just pack up and move to Kenya or some other African country? What is the big problem here?
sweden you should know that you'll be getting a visit early on when it comes.
No nigger alive in America today was ever a slave and no living white man in America was a slave owner. I dont see what these peoples problem is.
I have enslaved no one.
You may now suck your reparations out of my ass
You know what we do with entitled children. We ignore them.
This seems about right