risk risk risk
choose nation
risk risk risk
choose nation
Claiming Austria
Claiming the Tsardom of Bulgaria
Claiming Germany.
Ally? Lets form the Central Powers
Germanic union?
Claimin ottomans
claiming italy
Fine by me
Can i join
Lets sort out our alliance now.
Claiming Sweden
Invade norway
Take Iberia
Attack iran and russia
Fine by me.
Take that one tile in south eastern romania,then macedonia from serbia. Spills greece
I'd rather not start yet, OP. Lets wait until other factions join in.
Otherwise, invade France across its border.
Claiming Britain
Invade Serbia.
Invade russia and take Finland and karelia
Okay. So now the central powers are:Bulgaria,Germany,Austria and the Ottoman Empire. Is that fine to you all?
already killed by the bulgars
Yes, that is good with me.
Spill sweden
I just wanted southern serbia like i saidsaid (macedonia)
Forgot denmark
ill be gone for maybe 5-10 mins. rollem
Take Malta and Corsica. Then fill Albania then Montenegro.
Fine. Invade Russia.
Continue russia and iran
Anything still open?
Kill swedes
Kill Spain
Invade Romania,spills finish Greece
Claiming greece
Attack bulgaria
Everything almost except central powers
Fill France.
Invade Italy.
I'll take russia if its still open.
Invade Norway, spill down to Denmark
Alliance to oppose the Central Powers?
Also forgot to include Russia
Sure, whatever.
>Trips are worth nothing
Rollto defend against ottomans.
I'll join if Sweden stops invading me.
Forgot name.
Thanks for joining in the game dear enemies, even though the central powers had a huge kickstart.
Invade Britain and I'll hold off the swedes
Help me with russia when you're done with france
Everybody is occupied with a power right now your on your own
Attack Austro Hungary in the Balkans and take as many cities as possible.
Kill greece spills romania
Defend if attacked, take back Norway and spill swedes
Keep invading Italy. Head down the peninsula
Spill goes to russia
Kill russia
Take the Spanish Cities
spill Africa
Kill bulgaria
If still spills,Dark red in the balkans
Fill France.
(wtf happened 2 italy btw?!?)
Can you help me with russia once you're done
main focus on defense from invasion, side efforts to focus on taking Norway
Kill ottoman empire.
Kek you have to reply to op, too drunk russkie?
Claiming Greece if not too late
Expand north and attack
Switzerland actually
Same roll
Forgot bonus.
Roll to kill Ottoman empire
colored too similarly to bulgaria.
make up your fucking mind
lad just link me your roll dont re-roll.
Continue taking Austria-Hungary's cities.
Kill russians
I'm sorry dude you saw Greece get an heroe'd
Expand south
Rejoining as Netherlands, invade Belgium and Luxembourg
Finish romania,spills dark red in the balkans. If still spills,Russia
Who's side are you on, little Swiss cheese?
Fill ottoman empire.
Kill Italy, defend if necessary.
Doesn't Italy also own some part of North Africa?
Want to help us against the Central Powers? Britain can help you.
>tfw 1 off from trips
>still get palis
Feels good.
force the enemy out of Scandinavia.
Spills go to invading Germany. Its time for
Swamp germany
Sure m8