Nu-Male Hate Thread

What should be the final solution to the Nu-Male Question?

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Bullying them to make others feel shame for them when they upload videos of themselves crying about the bullying they're receiving and it's just embarrassing because that shit only works for girls not grown ass men.

It's not about changing nu males, it's about keeping boys and men from becoming nu males

nu male is not the problem. it's the answer, we just need to make the blacks adopt it.

what did he mean by this?

it's not like they will procreate, who gives a fuck

isn't that the married chick who worked for a game company and ended up being a prostitute?

Yup. Not only is her husband a nu-male bitch he is a literal cuck.

Mandatory military service for all citizens.
Mandatory civil service for all those with medical conditions disqualifying them from militar service.

Don't forget her views on pedophilia

>Wake up
>Look in mirror
>Still not Anthony Burch
Feels good man.

Christ, I make good food all the time and love cooking, but I don't feel the need to virtue signal by wearing a woman's overalls

If anything, feminists can't cook, meaning they have even LESS skills when they were housewives and actually useful.

Kinda ironic.

I been bullied then I threw the kid into a bush. Bullying stopped immediately

>ended up being a prostitute

Best of luck with that.

well she already was one but we found out. Pretty sure she worked at nintendo

you new here buddy?

I missed the Gamergate stuff, can I just get a link or something

she's good in my book. "Child protection" laws were created by dried cunts fearing fresh competition.

how very jewish of you, i agree though

Can we all just assume anyone who defends sexual assault against a child is bound to sexually assault a child at some point?

this is so jewey i shivered

i do not want to assume this


I don't get why y'all hate nu males. It makes getting laid so much easier for men like me. Every chick I've hooked up with on Tinder and Bumble in the last couple of months told me what a relief it was to finally get together with a MAN.

It's like there's not even competition. Fucking rocks.

Mandatory Military service nothing will grind the pussy out the next generation of males like being screamed at by a drill sergeant for not making your boots shiny enough. Once they do some tours in some desert shit box they'll come back as chads, thads, brads, and vlads.

I don't want body hair anywhere near my food, it's like Women were made to cook

Military service is cucked in Denmark at least, I could imagine in other European countries too, so doesn't solve the problem for us

I think young men just need actual men as idols

Get this faggot no good kike loving black loving soros loving nbc Watching spear chucking piece of garbage off of here

I was in the USAF for 9 years. Even our aircraft maintainers have nu male pussies. They don't last long, though.

It's got nothing to do with gamergate

i'm pretty sure the nu male phenomina is part of a subtle reaction to women acting like men
these poor schmucks are just trying to get laid

They're doing it incredibly wrong. Pic related is because I'm the polar opposite of nu male, and I live in fucking Atlanta.

God dammit

>What should be the final solution to the Nu-Male Question?- 31 posts and 6 image replies shown.
A rope or bullet.

>Got fired from my job just before christmas due to "restructuring"
>All my friends bought presents for each other but me
>Bought all my family presents before getting sacked so I'm penniless
>Interviews lined up are for bottom of the barrel retail jobs
>Thought about suicide on more than one occasion
>But at least I'm not Anthony Burch

All the women I've met hate the nu male thing going on. I'm somewhere around 20 women in the last 3 months or so. It's a fad among betas under the misconception that, for whatever reason, women want softies. The only women who'll fuck a nu male are liberal feminists.

>tfw banged a feminist last month just so I could choke her and call her a cum dumpster
>tfw she enjoyed the Patriarchy


Get involved with your kids so they dont become faggots.

Mexico's shittyness keeps the worst at bay but there is an ungodly number of hipsters and teenagers with problem hair here in the capital. To say nothing of faggots.

really there's nothing wrong with a man cooking really.
you get to use blades, cut meat, soak your hands in blood, play with fire, use measurements to create nutrients in a skillful way


you don't shine your boots anymore faggot
we're not actively in combat
drill sergeants can't even touch you
once you get through basic it's just like a shitty civilian job

Glad to see the cancer spreading in the Third World.

Time for us to play the Yuri Subversion Game now. Spread faggotry and feminism to the brown hordes and quash it at home.

what is the backstory, I'm a newfag btw just came here a few months ago from r/the_donald.

Does anyone outside the Navy even wear black leather boots anymore? I know we didn't in the Air Force starting around '07, if I remember correctly, and I'm pretty sure the Army doesn't.

Nothing. It's a self solving problem. Their blood is like water and will evaporate into nothingness when the fire rises

Even without a happening they will still fade like the pitiful "men" they are

Emily is T H I C C

>do you count jewish people as white

Now procreate faggot

Ofcourse the fucking kike would come up with something manipulative and vicious like this

Nah, she's a body builder. Her ass was haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrd as fuck.

Working on it. Got a few more lays to take control of, then gonna settle down.


You gotta love those fags who grow a beard and work out to feel manly but are still a pussy whipped faggots

I'm literally shaking right now.

It ruins having a beard for the rest of us.

I have 139 pictures in my beta folder

When's his next date with the bull?

There is no final solution to any problem. We must be eternally vigilant and diligent or we will fail to create a path to the future.

>suicidal response to white genocide

was he /ourguy/ all along?

Is there any pic anyone here wants? I am not going to post all this shit


I'm a 27 year old part time support worker raising a child so my wife can work full time as a professional

Am I a numale? I just want my daughter to have a good start

The katana memes are top tier.

makes u think

All the sword ones please. I enjoy those so much.

Also checked.

All of them. I need to update my beta folder.

You have good intentions, however the typical roles are reversed. The mother should nurture and you should provide tough-love and learn her some good morals and life lessons, but not the point where she wants to fuck niggers to get back at you.

I applaud your goals, though.


King of hearts also


>being this jewish


I like laughing at these cucks but isnt thisnt akin to the two minute hate from 1984? Distracting us from solving real problems?

That women goto work and support men.

The thread would reach its limit


Beautiful thank you

Reminder being a teenager starts at 14, 13 is still piratically pre-teen


teens = 10's

>I am a feminist

Wearing your gf apron while cooking is cute and cheeky, doing it like a faggot is DEGENERATE!

I'd often considered this. Didn't think it was possible.

Gotta think like water, Sup Forums.

post more numales. autistic katana fags are funny but not numales.

Edit, but still pretty funny in my opinion famalam

> hey girl are you a porta potty...

>posting fake troll accounts

Dude I never thought of it like that.

Fuckin eh.


ThirTEEN. Dumbass.


Every user is a nu-male. I recommend a site-wide suicide to fix this problem.

Nonsense. There must be a few chads here who love to shitpost.

>those skinny arms.

not gonna cut shit with that.

>animefags are all just kikes in disguise

It all makes sense now.

For the dump I made, enjoy

You're right. Spare the chads, eliminate the rest.

RGR is my fetish

Hard manual labor


Which one of you faggots did this

You're wrong to assume they're not.

He said military service.