With the fall of the white race

Will we ever see another girl like this?

well, not if you can't take her at her worst

The white race will not fall. Keep dreaming, shitskins.

Probably. Drugs will be around forever.

Too late whitey
Take a look outside

No, but when the Ayys visit earth. They will wonder why the women of hunter gatherer tribes ritualistically paint on white-face and weave straw into their hair.

Well nigger, I haven't seen one of your race since months outside. Your kind seems to exist only in the media.

Hopefully not they are the reason
Brain dead whores user

Yes they will always exist.

Just look up the myth of redheads disappearing and why it's a myth.


Europe and America will end up like South Africa or Brazil.

What? A gross whore? You see them all the time.

false. marilyn was the perfect woman. today's trashy kardashian whores couldn't hold a candle to her.


>a fat slut who fucked half of Hollywood

Wew lad.
Pretty sure sure there are plenty of those currently in Hollywood.

>today's trashy kardashian whores couldn't hold a candle to her.
Desu lad, if it turned out that a Kardashian was fucking Trump would you really be all that surprised?

Trump wouldn't touch those disgusting roasties. If Marilyn was alive and in her youth tho i bet he'd be railing her.

>gross drug addict celebrity
No shortage of those.

She was a degenerate whore

Poor example


Pretty sure Trump would never lower himself like that.

>take a look outside

I live in a white, gated community (a place blacks are too stupid and poor to live in, good for keeping them out), all i see is more white people, stay mad dumb nigger

You're a retard who doesn't know shit about shit. You probably worship Audrey Hepburn too.
Go jerk off to nasty skanks and your delusions about them somewhere else.

If she isn't between 14 and 18 she's probably used goods.


At least they weren't coalburners.

You dumb fuck, Marilyn Monroe was a degenerate piece of shit. She was the equivalent of a softcore porn star for that period. Fuck the 60s, god I hate boomers so much.

Trump is quite friendly with the Kardashians actually.

>Marilyn Monroe

Yeah, there are whores all over the place.

Whites in Brazil say that too
59% whitw

A whore celebrity?

Yes. Don't worry.

>Grace Kelly

C'mon, I mean, at least a guy had a chance with Marilyn.

I saw like 10 of them hanging around at the shopping center

The downfall of whites couldn't come any faster. Please mix race some more.

Shit taste

Yeah, she's a nasty bitch too. I don't why you retards fawn over these gross sluts.

Brazil is 3rd world