Ask a guy with a 100% passing MtF transexual gf anything

Ask a guy with a 100% passing MtF transexual gf anything.

I am actually considering proposing to her, we have been dating for two years steady. So I decided to make this thread while I mull things over.

PROTIP: She's the short one.

>(((white))) (((girl)))
nice try

Let's see your boyfriend with no makeup, no funny camera angles and no filters/softening ;^)

What did she look like before her operation?

Think of the children!

are you a top-only or versatile?

What's it like being gay? Does AIDS hurt?


how can a man be your gf?

How does she pass with the man voice? I have never seen a tranny with a passable voice

OP will never deliver.

Ok, this one is after a music concert, barely any makeup

I didn't know her personally, transitioned very young (started taking hormones at 16 years old), but she (or he) was a very petite boy back then.

Top only, we pretend the dick is not there.
She is a real transexual, not one of those fetishist camwhore freaks. She wants to be the girl at all times and treated like one.

transexual (((gf)))

depends on the age they got the drugs, I have heard a couple

> she


Are you the tall one? Which one of you has the bigger dick? Which one is the top, or do you switch? Do you deepthroat her and let her come straight down your throat? Do you let her cum inside your ass and then plug it to keep it, waiting for the next load? Do you snowball with your collective cum loads?

Hormones are a wonderful thing, you'd be surprised. There's also a surgery they do in South Korea on the vocal chords to make the voice even more feminine but she really doesn't need that

Is the penis feminine

Do you take turns sucking each other's cocks or do you just 69?

Cute gf.
Is her feminine benis bigger than yours, boludo?

>Top only, we pretend the dick is not there.
How is this any different from kissing a man wearing makeup who looks like a woman? How is this not gay?

That isn't a tranny

When did you realize you were gay?

Finland what the fuck

>implying that's a transexual

OP I have seen many traps on this site but there is no way the girl in the picture has a dick.

can u post the genitals :^)

>we pretend the dick is not there.

Jesus Christ, absolutely disgusting

who leads when youre dancing?

>we pretend the dick is not there

You literally have to lie to yourself to be with it.


Jag heter Kaj-Göran. :^)

you're gay
you're having sex with a mentally ill man

Ask yourself if he wants to be a girl and you want a girl then why don't you just get a real girl with a vagina?

It's because you're gay.

How do you deal with the fact that you'll never have biological children with her? Your bloodline will die with your poor choice of mate.

>fucking a man who takes hormones up in the asshole
absolutely degenerate

>He doesn't even tape down the dick... only pretends it isn't there.

Biggest pleb.

when you two commit suicide who gets your stuff?

>we make believe it isn't there

Do you still fondle his balls?

All kidding aside, like some other anons said in this thread, for better or worse, I've seen my fair share of traps on here:

That is absolutely NOT a trap. Unless you show me pics of him naked with his dick present, I do not believe it. Not possible.

I am jelly op. not going to lie.

good for you man


Mongols bants are strong.

Yes, can't use it because of the hormones though. Not that we want to.


I don't know, I guess I'm bi.
I only liked women before this relationship though. I like the feminine. If this makes me bi so be it.

Yes it is.
Who is that?

well done op

looks like a girl too me.

Tolerance for toasties is the gateway rationalisation for tolerance for "feminine penises". Once you're able to pretend her dangling wizard sleeves aren't actually flopping around in front of you it's an easy step to extend that selective blindness to other undesirable bits of floppy flesh between the legs.

Prove me wrong nerds.

Pretty cute for a tranny, not even memeing now.
Protect that smile etc etc unless you want children.
Then you're fucked son.

But seriously though, do you ever touch her benis and how does she get her rocks off?

Yeah and just as I thought. As the picture quality raises, the face gets more busted lmao. He's a freak, ruined his body and face. Crows feet and not even out of his 20's. Have fun with your gay sex faggot

You're bullshitting these pics ain't a bloke.

Why doesn't she have a surgical vagina yet?

>mfw when I am 100% straight, have never watch gay or tranny porn nor do I want to but I fucked a tranny

I fucked a mtf for a few months when I was 19, we also pretended the small dick wasn't there, five years later, I will never forgive myself for the degeneracy I was so desperate to fuck that I fucked something I hate. She had extensive surgery and exaggerated curves, 5'2 and looked nice but was a man.

Are you bisexual, do you go down on ? I would have no issue with sucking dick of my girlfriend, but i want to know if it's something you do. Or do you just pretend she's a woman without penis?

hahaha my nigga u is fucking a man nigga wtf get ur shit together

The less Argie genes passed on the better,

if quadupless you must post nudes

Your boyfriend is mentally ill and needs psychological help. He's very likely to commit suicide later in life. You are only making things worse by feeding his delusions.

What's it like having sex with a Tranny? I'm a straight BBC nigger but I've been having thoughts of holding down a petite white tranny and fucking her asshole while she apologizes for slavery.

Post swimsuit pics

If this is what you want go for it. Less degenerate than 99% of the trannys out there i give you that.

obviously a girl, if not post panty bulge to confirm

How deep do you stick ur dick in her ass? Has his balls touch urs?

>surgical vagina

>people believe OP

The women in that photo were born female. OP is straight up lying.

Cmon OP. Gotta give some proof. Doesn't have to be a sex vid or noods, but there is no way I believe that is a tranny.





you're lying, that's a girl. you're just roleplaying


you know you're gay, right TC?

I don't give a shit how much your boyfriend passeds for a girl, logically, biologically, physically, genetically, he will always be a male...

But what about family and getting children, you literally cannot pass your genes further and your parents won't get grandchildren. Your genes will be wasted.


That's like 95% of Sup Forums

Just roleplayers and LARP fags

You are a homosexual.

how does it cum op?

he's fucking a tranny
nothing of his genes is worth any value

Yeah, not a tranny. Shoulders and neck always give them away.

fucking a man in the ass pretending to be female

Agreed no way is that a tranny..the tall one in the first pic is though

OK does look kinda dudeish in this one.

Thank you.

There is a study being done so that trannies can conceive. It involves combining both sperms artificially and putting them into a fake ovum in a surrogate mother, but it's more than a decade away from being an option, if it ever does.

I'm ok with things right now, I'm not sure I want kids.

I don't touch it, sometimes she rubs it but she mostly gets off on anal orgasms. Most of the time she keeps the top half of her panties on so I only see the bulge.

Nah, she's a qt.
I could do better? Maybe.
I don't care. I'm in love. This relationship works.

She is afraid of the surgery, it's actually free here but she can't do it. Still mustering up courage.

Some of those post-OP vaginas are hideous.
I'm not sure I want her to do it either.

Your trips scare me.
She is not delusional though, knows she is genetically a he. Just wants to live as a woman, that's all there is to it.

Good point friend

What is with the constant tranny shit on here?

It's like they've annoyed the gays on /lgbt/ so much that they drove them out, and now they've come to annoy us, and trying to convince themselves they aren't freaks!


nice bf faggot

Tall one still looks like the more likley tranny.



Marrying a tranny is also the most redpilled thing you can do. Compared to a woman trannies are:
>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
>Are more often redpilled
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
>A sex drive to match your own
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable

All you will need to figure out is getting a surrogate mother for your children. And your trap wife will do a great job taking care of them.

Not a tranny faggot, stop stealing Facebook pics.

Ask a beta faggot who was competed out of actual women so he has to fuck even lower status meb who resort to "being" women

Mira si habria mujeres y tu tenias que elegir la que tiene polla.


>PROTIP: She's the short one.
Yeah, nice try.

It's a controlled post to stir up shit and divert attention from more serious threads

Listen to me you fucking faggot. You are fucking a man, and no matter how much you sugar coat its still a man. All that makeup will not have a much of an impact when he is in his 30s. Enjoy your hairy man ass.

I'm legit jealous. If you're both happy, who the fuck cares.

When did she start transitioning?

When/how did you meet her?

When did she tell you, how did you find out?

What was first time having sex with her like?

Does your family and friends know? If yes, do they approve or not?

I don't think boipussi can actually make children

The dude on the left is you OP..your just trying to kid yourself that you pass as a chick so you put up pics with you and an actual chick to see if we would fall for your nonsense.
You look like an obvious dude..nobody wants to fuck you other than fags.
Now fuck off and die.

>I don't touch it
But isn't that kinda cruel to neglect her like that? Is she ok with that? What is her opinion on her penis in general?

Trannies never pass. Ever.

That's why trannies and tranny lovers like OP always fail with threads like this and always have to post pics of actual women as bait.

Trannies and tranny lovers talking about "passing" is like someone with schizophrenia talking about being sane; they don't know and can't tell that they're mentally ill but to everyone else, it's completely obvious.

Take all the hormones you want. You're never going to look like a woman.