Poland appeciation thread

Why so much hate toward Poland?
They are so uncucked, religious. They deserve appreciation.

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They need to get the fuck out of my country.


>Sup Forums is one person maymay

I happen to like Poland, visiting next summer for the first time in some years and as a tourist this time, going to be sweet.

Even though they are well-behaved immigrants?

They need to gtfo of my country too


Just try not to look like totally lost tourists and try to find some buddies to hang out with. There is a reason why there are so few sand people in here and it's not only poverty :^)

Well visiting a friend, so hardly :)

I don't care. England for the English.

Thus is now an Indonesia appreciation thread.

It's not your country. It's Ahmed's country now you utter git.

>photo didn't stay rotated :(


You're saying that like it's a good thing.

maybe if you had more kids you fucking cuck

clean my toilet

I only hate French, those fiends are the worst europe has ever produced.

Why so much Poles on /pol in last days?
Its some massive attack or what
I know we are most important country in the world for white people,but why?

>having more kids will somehow drive Polish scum out
Great logic there, Tyrone.

I'm gonna put in a "I love Poland" T-shirt with hussar wings on its back, so that bydlos know I'm one of them :3

Maybe because of what's happening in our little shitshow we call domestic politics

I came in November in Warsaw for the independance march with some friends, some random skinhead with military pants gave me a magazine with written "Bastionem Europy" i had a great time and the organisers of the march even invited us to a private party with a lot of foreigners from all across Europe, everyone was pretty cool, plan to move there and learn the language

Pic related is some wooden jew i saw in a store

amazing idea bro

Why's that? I occasionally party with French friends and backpackers at their share house. Besides occasionally making circles and only speaking French, which is fair enough really, they're tip top.

stepan bandera did nothing wrong.

you were all lied to by communists.

they lied about the UPA just like they lied about the gas chambers and the human lamp shades.

red pill is hard to swallow

Christianity has been the basis of the European culture.yes it's good thing for not being cucked.

>T-shirt with hussar wings on its back
Man i bought one of these t-shirt in a nationalist store called "Red is bad" kek

You forgot epic moustache. No one will dare to touch someone with something like that

Why shitshow? PiS is better than the cultural-Marxist regimes of western countries.

>a hohol
just existing was doing something wrong in his case

Based man. The west has embraced cultural-Marxism and "tolerance" as their religion. That's why they're dying.

I hereby appreciate Poland

>store called "Red is bad"
Poland is really interesting

Not referring to the ruling party, while i would never vote on 'em, i prefer them over the previous cucks.
I'm referring to what's going ( was going on ) in our Parliament lately

It's not really nationalist, more like patriotic

I visited the Old City too, took pic related, a just maried couple passed through my pic completly randomly, i really like this pic

Hussars, Golabki, Chopin, no Middle Eastern migrant bullshit policy, The Witcher, Krakow, healthy employment rate

I love Poland.



thread theme: Chopin

good one faggot


>tfw I will have to become plumber and immigrate to Poland when shit hits the fan.

I don't think we need more plumbers here

Fuck off Ahmed, we're full

Brits in 2100 may emigrate to Poland as refugees from Britstan.

I love poland, and I will never forget all they have done for us. FUCK john Kerry

my waifu

They are usually pretty good. Lately some Jozzzevs have been doing hur.dur murica though in failed attempts to be witty

my other waifu

I like Poland. They used this sign at a soccer game.

>soccer game

Wow so uncucked!
Were they bashed by western medias after that?

>tfw I made this thread yesterday and got no replies


Christmas mate. We spend them with family not on Sup Forums.
I think

Haha,so religious
Did you have a carp for dinner on this Cristmas?

Fuck off, they are not going back. Once you take bydło, you keep bydło forever.

Yep i did but i hate fish. Why am i getting that feeling you're trolling subtly?

have you suffered from "Paris syndrom"?

Get that dirty dot from Poland. We need 0 muslims. There are too many kebabs already.


you know what is the funniest part here?
That our president also wears t-shirts from this store, and I am not even making this up.

>Why am i getting that feeling you're trolling subtly?
Nah but carps in the bathtub are funny and cute

This is nothing.

Probably learnt you have carp on christmas like i just did now, pretty weird.

Might just be seeing if you are stereotyped that way.

Seriously though, carp?

Could they possibly be more based?

>tfw your country will never have a that much based president

nuke me pls


It is a habit from old times - carp is a fucking cheap fish (and you know how it was during communism)... luckily times are changing and I did have a cod this time



Like said. It's tradition, and it's not like we're only eating fish anyway

western medias don't talk about Poland at all, except some years ago when they became officially a Christian country or something like this, some of them bashed a little bit with "muh racism muh antisemitism"

Top stuff, you'd get arrested if you pulled this shit in Canada. Keep the good work.



pope time!




leftists got much butthurt after that





who the fuck would've aprecciate third world country? we're dying on the streets here, when you finish your education you're basically jobless, and in Cracow you must chew air before breathing
poland should be wiped out from the maps

It's funny and cute until you have to figure out a way to kill it without traumatising the kids.

My dad didn't manage that and now my sister is a vegetarian.

Where are her boobs at? I not understand poland.

Underrated kek

she's like 10 y/o

My wife is of polish descent. (2nd gen American) Aryan, redpilled, makes dank food, earns more take home pay than me. (I make double what she does if you factor in benefits)

Married for four years, no fights, wife isnt an idiot with credit, no debt other than mortgage that were making double payments on.

Her family is goofy as fuck and I see where the old how many poles does it take to do x comes from but their very genuine people and do not try to pretend to be something they are not.

Poles are pretty alright. Poland and Switzerland are the only two European countries id even consider visiting atm.

also Belvedere is the best vodka. Belvedere unfiltered is pure fucking nectar.

They also have no future

He was a truly great man


Good, I'm glad that parasitic shitskin found Poland to be "racist." Hopefully it will never return.


Only a matter of time, government doesn't help them with childcare so they can't do many children because muh poverty, times will change in good for Poland

today I saw a shitkin with a bandage on his head and broken arm. I was constantly staring at him with angry look, he sure as hell noticed that. Felt good.

Are you that pole on Sup Forums who loves Evangelion?

>who the fuck would've aprecciate third world country? we're dying on the streets here, when you finish your education you're basically jobless, and in Cracow you must chew air before breathing
then I wonder why Poland is Envy of Europe.

Well done mate.

>My dad didn't manage that and now my sister is a vegetarian


make gdansk danzig again