Its time we come to grips with ourselves Sup Forums...

Its time we come to grips with ourselves Sup Forums. A great nuisance plagues our good board pillaging and burning decent threads wherever they go. I am of course referring to the posters from down under who think that their constant shitposting and "cheeky bantz" somehow contribute something to this community when in reality they just dilute it with their watery brand of upside-down fecal dispensation. Its time we discussed a final solution for the Aussies. Its time finally got serious about the Day of the Emu.

I like Aussies.

No the day of the rake must come first




You snowapes are a cancer on this board, not only is Austrailia more white and less cucked than your shithole of a country they're also funnier than you. I genuinely enjoy the Austrailians, remove (((leaf))) when?

This picture has the most condensed Canadian butthurt I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Leafs even get mad in a way that is embarrassing for both the reader and the poster.


no, obamaleaf ALONE makes your nation deaerve nukes fuck forever.




yall just mad that we got good weed and arent cucks like you


jealous leaf

all the shitposting is really (((them))) trying to tarnish our based country. dont fall for the proxy jew

>not cucks

>share the country with obamaleaf

naw. seriously that one pajeet is reason enough to ip range ban you syrup fuckers.

>Implying Canadians are not equally bad shitposters

i believe you.

>australians and canadians fight for top shitposter early 2016
>completely lose and now universally hated on Sup Forums @canadians

We have NEVER shitposted. Not. Once. You just don't get our communication style.


Canada is without a doubt unequivocally the breeding ground for the worst species of sub human filth to ever grace the surface of this gay earth. Our problem then evolves further in that many of there young are anime watching degenerates who flock to this board likes flys on a freshly laid dog turd. They are ALWAYS reactionaries hence why they are always posting the cuck threads and shill threads. In conclusion, there needs to be serious consideration on some form of nuclear action against this hellhole of a place. Thank you for your time.

A canadian drew that

Que bueno pá

>tfw your country has easily become the shitposting leader of the world

Australians BTFO YET AGAIN


nah, it was me half an hour ago.
I really wanted to post this pic, but I had to make it -somewhat- relevant.

I meant the original comic

Day of the food when?

The madman has done it again!
