Pol is afraid of her. Admit it

Pol is afraid of her. Admit it.

Other urls found in this thread:


hol up

*Smacks lips profusely*


looks like she has stubs for legs

imagine that thing crawling toward you, only stubs for hands and legs in the soft glow of the christmas lights moaning like a demon

she's right, it's terrifying

Hard wood floors. Celebrate "Christmas". Non criminal.

Don't care

If you thought they were terrifying checked these guys out


*Takes hit off dat crack pipe/sips da purple drank*


>stolen from haiti

also shouldnt this bitch hate clinton if she was really haitian?

Fake news



holy shit that poor boy does not want anything to do with that

Damn, I feel bad for that dog.

B-but Sup Forums said Trump is an israeli shill!

>AKA legal

She wishes she was Trumps worst nightmare. She's just starved for attention. Sad!

> Implying nigger women aren't the easiest target group to brainwash

Check 2016 election demographics.

>implying trump doesnt love jews and his daughter isnt a jew

This picture is so perfect that i can't even think of a proper response to it.

It just perfect in its perfection of showing how fucking insane some people are

The white dog looks sad and the black dog has the "I've seen some shit" face all pets seems to have in the with liberal owner pics

I think he's just autistic

>implying stormtards actually hate people who celebrate the jewish tradition and not just people who are ethnically jewish

Fake Jew

well what is easier to wash, a comforter or a napkin?

>Kid with crossed eyes


We wuz kikes n shit?

Obama could have shit on the graves of soldiers on live TV and he still would have gotten 90% of the google vote in 2012

is the dad holding a turtle?

Well. Look at this niggajew! The ultimate in cheapness!

Which ones are the downies?

my dick is hard

>infront of a paganism tree
i bet she worships a dead schlomo on a stick

Can we find them and send them all anthrax laced Christmas cards?

Sometimes I wonder if jews are really plotting our demise or they are just utterly retarded and believe their own bullshit.


Doesn't Trump suck Israel's dick?

Didn't Clinton absolutely fucked over Haiti?

>Virtue signalling, the family.


>three have down syndrome
holy shit who would do this

I am convinced that weak dads cause this shit. Just look at those parents/grandparents


This looks like a special ed class

>trump's worst nightmare
but he loves jews

Don't you mean which ones aren't?

wud da fuk is habbening here

Wait a minute.

Are American christmases political? I saw a lot of people showing off their MAGA gear at xmas dinner too.

What's the fucking point, just wear normal red reindeer sweaters and be jolly.

Why the fuck do liberals think Trump hates Blacks and Jews? He's literally never said anything against them.

I've never seen anybody make Christmas political in my family

Not even hiding the virtue signaling, but actively advertising it. Or hes(?) a fag looking to fuck.

It's like any large family gathering, politics can enter the conversation quite easily. For the record, none of my family Christmases or Thanksgivings have ever had political discussion, not even this year.

lol bunch of tards don't look like they have 2 braincells to rub together

Her mere existence enrages Sup Forums.

>some of us


>Black Haitian
>Christmas Tree


So you be sayin...

*lights Kwanzaa candles with blunt*

if that creepy thing was sitting under my christmas tree in the dark fuck yes I would be afraid.

Yeah, I dare her to tell the Jews she is Jewish, see how that goes.



>Force feeding your children propogonda

How can you be jewish if you're adopted? I thought you needed to be born a jew. What the fuck?

I'm just more sad that she's going to produce more human trash my descendants will have to wipe off the face of the earth.

>my boyfriend's son


That's a woman, not a man, dapper or otherwise.

>my boyfriend's son


I kinda want a bad hombre shirt

You are correct society is crumbling due to weak fathers. Women have destroyed masculinity and replaced it with mental illness by creating to many single parent homes or worse yet same sex homes.

Jesus fucking christ.. I do not know the correct words to describe how disgusted I am.


I can only imagine how he got their grandparents to wear those.

>"Grandpa I got you this shirt, it says bad hombre!"
>"Oh wow, haha, bad hombre! I was a troublemaker during my elementary school days too haha!"

>"Grandma, wear this"
>"What's that symbol mean honey?"
>"It's for girl power grandma!"
>"Oh that's nice dear, sure!"

>three have down syndrome
>only three

That's exactly why I'm not going to shackle myself down to a white woman. Her husband not being into Hillary Jong Un was potentially going to end their marriage because she's a loony cunt just like her hero. This is pretty much all white women too, I see it in my relatives and my friends.


> well what is easier to wash, a comforter or a napkin?

You usually throw away the latter.

Only military-googles MAY have cared about that. All the rest the system and all its institutions, even if said system supports them.
> dum dim dum dum

You have to go back

>Trump had a black gf
>Trump's immediate family is Jewish
>Trump is pro immigration

Trump is a left leaning conservative. How are people so deluded?

Pence is a true conservative with traditionalist values. I almost wish that Trump hands him the position.

hate the system**

Is that a hilloli book? Looks like kid is grabbing his dick..

add uneducated to that

I kekd


Looks like more people they can easily control with their bread and circuses. The government loves these kinds of people. Worst nightmare? top kek

I think the three in the front but they all look pretty retarded.

So the fact that I had a swedish gf once means there's no way I dislike most Swedes?


>using and android phone

Back of the oven.

Of course he has that typical liberal doucher haircut and those fucking retarded gages.


What's the point? That's just a
woman wearing a tie.

Black people literally cannot be Jewish

It's almost as if their life is just one huge SJW meme.

>adopted from haiti
she should know that hillary stole hundreds of millions of dollars from haiti in the form of donations to the clinton foundation and people there kept dying there due to lack of clean water and sanitation. she has blood of haitians on her hands and former president of haiti spoke out against her. haitians keep protesting against the clintons. so yeah, she's fucking retarded.

No, but it does make it seem highly unlikely that you'd have a racial prejudice against Swedes after being in a romantic relationship with one.

Why is she at a Christmas tree then?

Theyre trying to intimidate mike pence too

A nig nog nog nigs, scary

Dude I fucked a cannuck bird for while at uni, and I'd glass leafland in a heartbeat