How much do you hate Croatia and Serbia?
I can buy sweet cute girls there for cheap. 10/10 almost Moldova tier.
I don't hate Serbia but FUCK Croatia 2bh
I can't tell the difference between them
Serbs > Croats > Slovenes
Slovenia is the best you pastafaggot
Hatred is a waste of time and energy, in my opinion.
I don't hate Croatia or Croatian people.
I don't hate Serbia or Serbs either. They are, however, a very fun nation to observe and laugh at because of their degeneracy. And they REEEE very easily. Sort of like Pajeets.
wise words cevapcici
It's the opposite
Cheers, Strukle.
Croatia seems pretty sweet.
Gonna vacation there this summer.
Leftists are the only problem.
They are a problem for any country
True left is pretty much non-existent in the Balkans.
I don't think you have looked at our country recently,top kek.
I know nothing about Balkans BUT I'm a Barcelona fan so Rakitic = Croatia = Good.
Serbia I don't care
Why are there so many croatia serbia threads. Nobody gives a shit
Serbia is ok. Croats are bad but not as bad as Bosniaks or Albanians.
i don't hate balkanites, the real enemies of my country are in the west
Im just thankful we dont have any niggers here
As long as we all stay relatively white (looking at you srbija i bosna) im good
Must admit I haven't. Still, definitely wouldn't say there is a strong and influential left there. Don't tell me you're talking about Vucic? It may be true that he is trying to suck Europe's cock, but I'd never call him a leftist.
Who's an actual leftist? Ceda Jovanovic? Has he or his party actually ever done anything significant?
Sure you may have a "left" party, just like we had a social democratic party in charge a few years ago, but they're all criminals and in the Balkans ideology stays on paper and doesn't manifest into reality.
All that it manifests into is corruption and theft.
I heard on the grapevine you guys are gonna have a war again soon. How true?
Not true at all.
Too broke to go to war. We could throw firecrackers at each other for about 10 days and that would be it.
Unless you're offering to finance it, Aussie?
You get me every time.
He is pretty left by Serbian standards,but there was also the cuck who told Putin to build a gas station in Tusla because the EU told him too.
Noice. I'm out. You two can fight now kek
Nah we poor too. I'm actually jugoslav diaspora desu
I can't tell them apart. They're like a cross between gypsies and albanians and twice as filthy.
Well yes, anyone who isn't a fascist is left by Balkan standards, to tell you the truth.
That's why I'm saying, left isn't the problem here when there isn't true left in any of our countries.
in what game
Croatian living in Canada. Feels pretty dobro
based "in what game" poster
Was thinking about moving there, is it any good?
Jel neko primetio brdo shitpostova iz nase zemlje od jednom?
Wise Bosnianbro. Glad to see people like you.
Please don't get me started,all of your shithoels started because we where left.
>Bosnian retard shoots a Kraut so we can help liberate his shithole,we help
>Kraut lovers ask us to join us cause their overlords are starting to Magyarize them,we let
>We join with them again after a fucking un-provoked genocide,let them transfer industry because of "Muh Greater serbia",still get "Muh greater Serbiad"
I don't give a fuck what you do,i juts hate the cucks here literally calling you brothers and trying to suicide into union again.
Ja sam samo primjetio dijasporu kako otvara threadove o Balkanu.
Mada, istina je da u zadnje vrijeme nesto ne gotive vas Srbe ovdje. Samo vas zajebavaju ovi skandinavci i to.
i dont even think of you
Love both, hate the people though
Canada is over 90% white. Contrary to popular belief, most of this country hates rapefugees.
m-mnogo me pogadja sto me doslovni cuckovi "zajebavaju" na ovom vrlo bitnom sajtu ahhahah retard do retarda
Koji je tebi kurac?
Uopste ne pricamo o tome.
Vodimo normale razgovore na ovoj temi.
Opusti se.
>based "in what game "in what game" poster"
Where you at right now?
I was thinking about moving to Quebec
Serbia doesn't exist it's a myth faggot and even if it did exist
>we're full
So just fuck off ok?
This is an English-speaking board.
That's croats from bosnia
Do you actually think anybody from outside wants to live here
I hate the retarded nationalism. Not much else, as I don't have to live there.
Dodji u Kitchener brate!
I don't hate you at all! Because you guys are irrelevant like that
Jebo mater ludu pomfrit s cevapima jede...
Bar je Sarajevsko pivo tu, mada se pokvarilo u zadnje vrijeme.
Ja sam veoma opusten
Ali u Srbiji je leftizam bio normalan dok sve ovo pizdarije nisu krenule.
pusi kurac govno ruzno sa incestnog ostrva
They should unite under one banner and make balkan great again
My friend beat the shit out of a Brazilian tourist a few years ago.
Opala, mogo bi haha !
Go shoot out of an AK, the rival favela gang is trying to break into your home Ronaldo.
Ces deux nationalités nous ont donner Andreja...je les adorent...
Newfoundland, black people are a very rare sight. Ontario is a cucked mini-U.S and Quebec is a cucked mini-France, so both of them would be more welcoming. Ontario is getting buttfucked right now so I recommend Quebec.
top kek
Jesmo go kurac u svemu, al sto se psovki tice Balkancima se svi mogu samo saget.
Ja sam Srbin iz RSK tho ;)
We'll get along i was only 5 during Oluja so nbd senpai
kek. Thanks for the attention.
>This is an English-speaking board.
read the rules fag (as in british)
Anyway to Serbs of all nations
stop wasting time fighting on Sup Forums and focus your attention to our countries guys
we can take the entire system down if we put our minds to it
Sta fali lol. Ja volim sto vise hrane da mesam.
Cudno mi samo sto nije stavio nista al jbg kaze voli da oseti meso.
Nema problema brate ;)
Svi smo mi balkanci hehe
Da nema dijaspore jeli bi korijenje
I like both. I do hate the numerous serbian immigranta in Slovenia, because there's too many of them, but I don't dislike Serbs as a nation at all and they helped to protect us from Turks and greedy Italians in the past. Croats are objectively our best neighbours, given tjey never occupied us. They could let us have a corridor to international waters though. Also Kajkavian Croats are Slovenes.
Ma to ovdje niko tako ne jede. Cevapi se jedu s lukom i eventualno kajmakom i to je to.
Al eto, neka ga.
al ste samo vi youtube.com
I hope you're being ironic. That's a fucking tranny that should be gassed.
Jebo mamo je sam li ja jedini Srbin koji nemam nikakve veze sa dijasporama?
Cemu to? Ja bio, vratio se, bio, vratio se opet. Nema potrebe za dramom.
No, faggot. I will not speak your consonant-filled tongue. Kill yourself.
no, the slovenes are alpine Croats
Fuck off you twat
>I hope you're being ironic. That's a fucking tranny that should be gassed.
>because of their degeneracy
Says the user of the country in which they shit on the streets
Ni ja necu da pricam vas primitivni jezik za retarde. JEDAN GLAS JEDAN SIMBOL picketino ridjokosa
Savrseno pismo i jedinstven sistem u svetu.
Yes, you got me. I'm a Pajeet.
>prvi dan na poslu
>prvi kolega kojega upoznam je srbin iz nisa
>ne prestaje pricati o tome kako je amerika zlo i kako mladic nije ucinio nista
>nakon pola satnog razgovora slozimo se da su muslimani zlo i da bosnu treba podijeliti
Sve u svemu oke
Odjebi pedercino, napusti ovaj thread u miru
i like croatia and serbia. when the croatian soccer club plays the serbian soccer club in wisconsin it's always a fantastic game. the old timers yelling at each other in their native tongue puts a distinct spark of energy throughout the room.
serbia needs to do it's job though and put an end to romania, terrible failed shitty experiment of a country.
Why do you hate Romania so much?
And Bulgaria. Don't forget the Bulgars
Stop selling them tanks then and start selling them toilets?
Not to mention they are our friends top kek
I love croatia and serbia.
Croatian girls are sweet peas. Get them ready for me when I come. Hot lingerie and stuff. And good food.
Then I will bless your country k?
I only dislike serbia. Their Russian cocksucking makes us enemies.
God the Bulgars
>disliking whole nation because of corrupt government that every country has
Classic mongol(oid).
too many (((gypsies)))
Fuck off and keep crying, bitch. You faggots, who are basically all subhumans, have fought wars over negligible differences and have held yourselves back technologically and economically for years.
You are losers. No one wants to look at your eyesore languages either, guttural fucks.
Your language is grotesque and I feel sorry for you that it is your native tongue. Enjoy being the Angloshere's cuck well into the next century and the one after that. Fucker.
Good, now let us talk our slavic language you bellend
Wow a Finn that hates Russia, I thought this was pretty rare on here because all the Finns I've seen cocksuck Russia to death on here.
I'm not saying be America's friend or EU's but goddamn when I see a Finnish flag praising Russia it's like ultimate cuckdom, they fucking invaded your country and bombed your capital for fuck's sake.