What is wrong with the Canadian members of our community?
What is wrong with the Canadian members of our community?
What is wrong? They are Canadians, that is the problem!
They were born
I find a ton of Australians shitposting here. Any thoughts on that?
you butthurt another country is competing for the title of worst shitposters?
i think Trudeau as prime minister is too much to handle
theres like three autistic canadian shitposters that ruin the reputation of the rest of us
LOL Says the Brazilian. Give me a fucking break. How many thousands of murders is Rio up to for 2016? Any news on cleaning up those favelas? Didn't think so. Brazil is one of the trashiest shitholes on this planet. I wouldn't talk, buddy.
I voted for Justin Trudeau
Be proud, Burger fag. Be proud. kek
You are right, Muhammed.
Well for one you're not a real community.
it's a vicious circle
It's chinks. The same reason why Australia is known for shitty posts, but to a lesser extent. When Sup Forums boomed in popularity in the last couple years thousands of little yellow virgins felt the need to ruin our board.
How do we save them? They are so cucked that when the Muslims come, they will be fucked ...
lol wtf? I'm whiter than you, you fucking Brazilian Ladyboy. :)
>Canada poster makes a well informed post that takes into account both sides of views and isn't bias
>this triggers the Sup Forumstards because everything they know is from watching infowars all day
>best response they can give is shitty threads like this and A FUCKING LEAF spam over and over again
>nothing is gained because the burger and other cuntries aren't on the same level of education so they simply can't interact with us, thus the name calling and butthurt to cover up there low IQs
Nuking them is the only solution
Seriously. They're almost as bad as the Australians and catholics.
Not zionist enough for the emu men among you. Not zionist enough for the Clappistani space farts and prison bars among you. Rome used leaves and fuck off rabbi
This actually does happen
Hasn't taken me long to find out how jealous all you faggots are. Pretty pathetic really. :)
Do we need chinks to declare themselves? Possibly a modified flag?
Stupid huge hairy brown assed violent favela monkeys and a fish language
>What is wrong with the Canadian members of our community?
They still think that Americans want to move to Canada even though it's no longer 2006.
It's really funny too because the hosing situation there is so fucked from the Chinese buying up property to hide/grow their commie money that even "wealthy" leftist American celebrities can't escape to the north anymore because they don't have anywhere near the real wealth of well-connected communists.
Same thing is happening in Aus.
Did we surrender to them? No. We burned down the pink house. Isis is scared of us. The germans were too. We have the lowest death rate per capita battles than anybody
They are just as "American" as the rest of us.
You're not white, nigger.
Must be u the fucking autism
Hey pol I'm a homoromantic bisexual whow is dating a black tgirls. You guys are such the cuckold lol
I get more of the cat than any of you non winners
Your birthing individual never loved you
Sorry for that, Chang Ling
You can tell. If they get really assblasted by the appearance of an American, they're either a non white or from Quebec. Chinks also love to use exclamation marks in their posts so watch out for that. And if they're being obvious, saying "Chinese aren't bad" or posting a pic of some Asian porn star is a dead giveaway.
its literally obamaleaf who is probably a poo in loo proxy.
It's ok fatty stay there and be our toilet. Millions of you have floated here illegally or emigrated to us since forever ago. Build wall. You pay for it. Your boipuccis will be grabbed. You are rapists
butthurts lol
They have to go back.
Shut up Faggot. You are supposed to be americas shiny non threatening top hat and nothing else. You are not allowed an opinion, don't make daddy Trump make you cucks the 51st state. Plus you pussies lost to a French fucking hockey team....jesus fucking christ if just bieber were dead he would be rolling over in his grave right now.
>being this butthurt over Sup Forums's autism
>It's ok fatty stay there and be our toilet. Millions of you have floated here illegally or emigrated to us since forever ago. Build wall. You pay for it. Your boipuccis will be grabbed. You are rapists
These are the sad, sad words of someone who knows the only chance of owning property is when their parents eventually pass away.
Because they're an unfunny version of you, at least with traditional austrailian shitposting it's more subtle, it can be a mystery trying to find out if you're legitimately retarded or not.
Canada's shitposting style on the other hand doesn't leave much to the imagination, right off the bat it's "HUUUUURRR DUUUUUURRR I'M FUCKING RETARDED ARE YOU LAUGHING YET!?".
Sup Forums is a well seasoned connoisseur of shitposting.... if every nation here were a chef, canada would be serving ramen noodles with melted kraft singles
>australian shitposting
fuck up leaf nigger
Alhamdulliah we are fighting the kuffar on their own crusader murtad board.
Homosexual is the ultimate redpill
Thanks for appreciating the vital part Australians play in the Sup Forums ecology.
Fuck you spider nigger
An allaHu akbar for yoh
Ur a fagit
Absolutely. They guilty of countless crimes, but not many notice since usually white collar. (like tax evasion) Also if a "Canadian" says they're a fiscal conservative and don't care about national identity, odds are it's a chink or Jew. If they say life in Toronto or Vancouver is better than living in the countryside, that's a 100% guaranteed non-white.
I've heard Australia has the same problems with chinamen laundering money and fucking over the housing market. Hopefully Trump drops a nuke on these yellow fuckers and Canada and Australia deport their chinks in the chaos of WWIII.
They are doing all that here as well but the ones we get are more middle-upper class rather than the mega rich ones you get. Although now we are experiencing a wave of the really rich ones. It is the governments fault. Hopefully Trump stalls their growth so we can take back our nations.
Typics nazis thinking Toronto is a bad place. Toronto is the best city in Canada with the most culture and least problems.
Get off pol and live a little
I hate the Chinese 1000x more than Jews or Blacks. It makes my blood boil just thinking about those soulless automatons.
Have sex with a few and you will tolerate them.
They get all sweaty and nervous when they're around too much people. A lot white people have autism and claustrophobia. There's a lot of weird fucking people in white towns. I've also seen a bunch of trannies for some reason.
no thanks..
Have you ever been to Canada? It is a soulless place. Every part of Canadian identity has been stripped away and majority of people adopt Sargon of Cuckad 'Neutrality' faggotry.
nice proxy burgerpal
I want to go one day mainly becasue I know the girls will be easy! They will go wet for an alpha Aussie when all their men are pussies.
This. It is easy to tell, but also Indians. They are probably the most assblasted flag on this site, and that reflects in Canada's posting. They always post interracial and bro-tier garbage.
I feel bad for white Canadians, they're alright, but get drowned out.
t. Sanjay Chandrakasangarajesh
No, I get called A FUCKING LEAF plenty of times, and I'm a hohol with green eyes and blond hair.
The Trudeau government hired professional shitposters. Notice Trudeau assumed office in November 2015 and the "average" Canadian poster went to shit in early 2016.
Becasue it's current year!