How many children do you plan on having to save the white race, Sup Forums?
How many children do you plan on having to save the white race, Sup Forums?
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0 until the problem is being fixed.
Someone add numbers
i am the one destroying the white race.
my 20 kids will not be created to save the white race but to destroy it
At least two, hopefully three if it's doable.
the white race is done for
good job fat boy!
Women are disgusting, stupid as fuck, gold digging whores. No exceptions.
Also, none of the girls in the pic are his daughters. Cuck.
Having children won't save the white race. Only bullets can do that and it's not going to happen. So long, white boys.
Pending I marry my girlfriend, which I plan on, I'd like to have 3. She's on the fence about it, and only wants two.
i have nothing to offer a woman and my genes are shit, so none
I'm going to have children with every non-white race to hasten its destruction.
At least a dozen. Got number 5 coming soon.
Already got one and have another one that was blessed by Kek on the way. My wife and I intend on having at least four.
>Acting like she has a choice
Just don't pull out
Hopefully ill be married by next years christmas. I plan on having 5 kids. Ill be moving elsewhere tho.
Any children I have would be a strain on the white race.
So on that note:
Hundreds. Gotta spread the good genes.
Those quads will give you healthy and strong children. PRAISE KEK.
Mashallah brother
I would like to have a lot of sons. Hopefully I will have next to no daughters or my wife will agree to abort them.
you can see the quality of his semen decreasing over time
There is no need to project your insecurities on women senpai.
>not wanting daughters
Are you gay?
Daughters are great
Unless I accidentally get someone pregnant until marriage laws are fixed, and western women smarten up, it's just me and my money.
Good Goy.
I work with a guy who has 7 daughters with an 8th on the way. No sons. Don't even know the chances of that happening DESU.
>they're all white
There is hope lads.
Honestly in my heart I want 7, I could afford 5 easily, but my future wife only wants 3. Should I find a new waifu, Sup Forums? I'm still young.
The younger one lost at the genetic lottery... Her older sisters are gorgeous.
Fuck off Ahmed.
>have white children
>white race becomes doomed anyway
>brought children into degenerated world
Thanks Sup Forums!
Having children is the only thing that can continue the white race you fucking idiot.
I have one half black daughter
Right now I have 3, I plan on 6.
>my future wife only wants
Who cares what a cunt wants? You put babies in her until you've got enough out of her.
Stop fucking white women, you dirty nigger.
Prove me wrong Sup Forums
1 6 5 4 3 2
I'm just not attractive enough to attract any women
Even my mother has stopped pestering me about grandkids
Can't I just kill brown children instead?
This, until you start war and kick all shitskins from white countries there is no reason to have white children.
You first, Chang.
Yes goy, the vaginal jew is good.
Guys, my sister (at least 12 generations white) is race mixing with a fullblood Chinese guy. Already one kid and another one is in progress.
Is this bad?
threadly reminder that if you aren't planning on having children you should devote your life to the white race in another way
How old are you? Just curious.
I dont give a fuck about any races only myself and my offspring. 5 children like my parents.
With any luck they'll get the Chinese IQ genes
Nice to see all the demotivated faggots in this thread
They are literally worthless.
>Don't pass on your Y chromosome
>Less likely to support you when you are older
>Don't carry on your family name
>People expect you to faun over them and be protective of them
>You can't sell them to some rich guy to marry
>People look down on having sex with them
Yeah I would rather just have like 6 sons who can become successful, make a name for themselves, and make my family name one to look up to. What are my daughters doing to do waste 60k getting a degree in psychology and get married three years later and quit their job?
How do you manage it? I only have one and it's taking all my energy and my wife's energy.
>red hair
I'm white
I have 3 sons. Ages 15-22. Masculine. They listen to heavy metal and either have tattoos or are trying to get some. They laugh at the pussies all around them. Young vikings.
>You can't sell them to some rich guy to marry
Yeah huh, it's called bride price and any honorable man pays it.
>People look down on having sex with them
So? Who cares what they think? Being daddy's little cum dump is what daughters are for.
Zero because that means I'd have to work longer hours and possibly carry another job.
Not happening.
The whitest
sorry user but tattoos are for degenerates, faggots and drug users
how did you fail them as a father?
100. I would like to make like 100 goodlooking girls pregnant.
It's all about the numbers now, boyz. Not families.
>They listen to heavy metal and either have tattoos or are trying to get some
haha these are good things now?
> coming from a faggot that cannot afford a toothbrush nevermind a trampstamp..
I want to have kids but the state of the world, in terms of marriage laws and etc, is fucken shit and I don't know what kind of woman I should have kids with.
Got full screencap?
3 or 4 depending on how my wife feels about it
>young vikings
>t. 60% brown man
Get your mixed spawn out of my sight you fucking mutt
Hopefully I can top my parents, but only if Trump and Pence can do what they say they want to do.
So atleast 5
>Implying anyone wants to be with me
The more you have the easier it gets
0, i have brown hair and green eyes
Got 2 now. Thinking about trying for a 3rd (hopefully a boy)
>how my wife feels about it
Why would that matter?
I think 3's a good number, maybe 4
I think my family has done its part for the white race though
This, strong somaliviking warriors.
it's better than mixing with a nigger, but worse because it's racemixing
Holy fuck can you imagine how hot it would be if all 4 but the youngest one got blacked? Damn that would be hot.
2 but I'm not white.
So much this.
3 but i'm white.
Switch 4 and 5, but otherwise on point.
1 is wife tier
2 is JUST
>all 4 but the youngest one
You might as well go full degenerate and imagine the little girl getting blacked because that's where we as a society are headed.
He doesn't just want your shekels, he wants...(pic related)
I am a typical Sup Forumstard
White, male, under 35
Due to my online porn addiction, I have chronic erectile dysfunction and no woman wants anything to do with me.
I will never have kids. So I spend my time on Sup Forums complaining about the death of the white race, when I'm not fapping to porn.
it'd be way hotter if only the youngest one got blacked
My gf is an afghani-canadian. We're both bisexual as well and let each other indulge in same sex hookups but we're loyal to eachother
It actually gets easier if you spread it over time (give or take, 2 years between kids max)
As someone said, by that point your kids will be helping you if you're a good parent and make them work for their stuff.
If you make your kids do chores around the house, you could easily run a home without shut tumbling down hill quick; if they all get part time jobs at 16 (the legal age in which you are able to work with working papers) then they can start paying their own shit rather than asking you.
The key is to not spoil them; the moment they lose the meaning of putting effort into something in order to achieve an outcome they want, is the moment they will refuse to listen to you and act like spoiled little shits
>Wanting to fuck your children
What a degenerate you must be
Racist pedo.
gross, have some deceny.
I just thought it would be hot for the 3 older sisters and the milf to star in a BBC gangbang orgy
>blacked shilling
No surprise there.
Three would be good for me.
As much as I can financially handle but unfortunately I can't find a partner. Women here rather have a black or arab partner.
Wife wants 2 , I'd like 3 or 4 , but reality says 2 to give them the upbringing and monetary help getting into University to be successful.
Currently have 1 boy.
Current count : Boy :1
pic insanely unrelated, gingers are terrible
>permenantly tainting your skin just to make it look perty
tattoos are for faggots who feel like they have something to prove
T. Muhammad
2 for sure
3 would be perfect
Yes, you need to be German to recreate Bruce Lee's genetic profile.
Not Counter Genociding the other races while also producing pure offspring
You are the very mentality that is dooming our race, nigger. Stop being such a fucking leaf and work on saving it; It doesn't matter if what you do is "only just a piss in the ocean," but rather that others will see you pissing and will join you.
All it takes is just one cattle to change the direction of a herd, yet none of them go for it because nobody else is. Think for yourself for a change
All you you need to do is stop all immigration and everything will work itself out.
I'm 32 and a social retard. I think my chances at kids are pretty slim, unless I stupidly fuck some desperate bitch hitting the wall and can't ride the cock carousel anymore, but I'd rather be dead.
If by some miracle I land a white girl in her early 20s before I'm 35, then I'll pump as many as I can into her. If not, oh well, suicide at 50 it is.