How far are they going to get?

Hundreds have started the march to Aleppo. I remember they said it was going to be 2500 people in total, maybe they are expectig to pick up more people along the way.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Crusade


Stop at Istanbul.

>Known as the ‘Civil March for Aleppo’, organisers say the group plans to pass through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.

please, please get bombed

What's the point of going to a place where we already bombed everybody into being peacefull or dead?
Those virtue signaling cucks should go into the "rebel" controlled territory, not to the one we and Assad forces already secured for them to take selfies.

Shouldn't it be the darkies that re doing this?

>group plans to pass through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece and Turkey.

All of them are going to get mugged before they even leave Serbia.

>He thinks Serbia is where they should be worried.

flag related.

Those women will be raped.

Alright guys taking all bets, where will the first rape happen?

Guaranteed 70% at the minimum of these feelgood fuckers give up when they reach the Austrian border.
Increasing amount of people will drop out as they stray further from civilized nations. 25% of them will give up long before Turkey.
4% will stop in Turkey.
1% of hippies actually make it to the destination and half of them get killed or kidnapped.
>They plan to cover around 20 kilometres per day.
What the fuck.
That's one slow ass pace to move.

Not to mention look at their clothes and the supplies they're carrying.
Not a single set of extra clothes, those bags are so small that they don't fit 3 large bottles of water, flimsy jackets etc..
Are they relying on donations on the way or something?
And They have kids with them.
Yeah scratch those percentages, 99% of these fucks will give up before they manage to hike through Austria.

Some user in the other thread said that if they walk 8 hours a day it would take them about 80 days.

They are going to give up.

>lets go back the way they came from

She probably though when it was over that she would get speaking jobs and have her own Ted talk and all that shit.

Wonder what she was thinking when she was being murdered.

Okay Germany, what's the fucking point of this?

There's a story that hundreds of years ago, a child led thousands of others on a crusade to the Holy Land, believing when he reached the sea the waters would part and they would cross. They were captured and sold as slaves.'s_Crusade

>People are struggling and we could do something to make their lives better.
>I've got it! We'll take a fucking walk!

Yup. No way they get any farther than Turkey. A society has to be excepetionally tolerant to tolerate social justice warriors. Such societies exist only in the west.

That pic is fake, right?


Google Pippa Bacca.

I bet you fuckers already alerted isis websites of this and are giving them updates of the group progress so they can make preparations to rape/kidnap/kill as many as they can.

It's real. People like tgis are brain dead

I hope they get mugged by some peaceful refugees on their way

Hopefully they make it all the way to hell

That's not very tolerant of you, Sweden.

What does Serbia have or what are they going to do?

And to add to that is was literally the first Muslim country she entered that it happened in

That's just silly.

so sad

They probably will, look at them, some don't appear to be carrying much which probably means instead of food and water they brought money. This is going to be pretty good.

You're right. Excuse me while I go lick the feet of a rapefug- I mean a New Swede - in penance

Google Pippa Bacca

belize is better

Jesus Christ. Hitch hiking in a fucking wedding dress. Gets to Turkey. Raped and murdered. No words are occurring to me.

You never visited serbia, didn't you?


they'll either be taken prisoner or they'll just shoot a missile at them. those that survive will be taken prisoner.

Please elaborate....

A march across land from Germany to the middle do we turn this into a Crusade?

Will they be sacking constan...errr Istanbul?

>join up along the route
>acquire arms in Serbia
>split off and take boats to Syria
Can't go wrong.

>The Trail of Cucks


It's an empty gesture. I'm sure most of them have no idea how long it will take or how hard it will be to walk that far. They've made the headlines and posted on twitter/fb, which means they have already accomplished their virtue signaling. They will give up in a matter of hours.


If they could make it to Syria (they won't), Bashar will absolutely try to take them alive. He could then negotiate the release of several thousand Westerners.

look at the disgust in that man's face

This will definitely stop the violence. Great work, guys!

Good Old days

Nope, barely knew it existed since about a year ago

I'm just gonna sit back, watch this, and laugh.


they gonna get raped and killed. i mean if they want to sacrifice themselves to wake people up, it's their choice.

>German TV

>Liberal logic

Right after the Swamp is drained.

Can we meme some of our favourite Hollywood celebs to join this brave band of SJWs...but not until they have to walk through the actual dangourous bits.
I'm thinking
George Clooney
Angelina Jolie
Leonardo De Caprio

I think we could really put a shit load of pressure on them via a social media blitz


And I almost forgot Bono
And cunt Geldof
Leave those two fuckers until the last leg

He looks like one of those Russian face people shop on everything/

5km a day

>The trail of Years

I like how well organized leftists are all the time
>Where shall we sleep?
We will try to find camping grounds or hostels on the way and inform you about them.
We are contacting organizations to arrange private hosts, or gyms, but in extreme case you have to be able to sleep with your equipment “wild”. So remember that in the end sleeping has to be organized by every marcher independently.

>What about food?
We cannot provide food for you. We cannot organize catering. But we will point out shopping facilities on the way. Please be aware that you need to be responsible and prepare food for yourself. We are working on facilities to provide you with hot water on the way.

Where to Chinese Aryans come from?

This, kek wills it.

yeah lol why the FUCK are Germans and not the "refugees" going back to Syria? Doucheland is proving itself to be an even bigger failure every day, I hope the ones who aren't cucked beyond repair do something soon I wanna see this shit pop off in a big way.

I'm thinking of becoming a refugee in Germany. Your woman are complete fucking airheads.

>All these peace marches
I swear to god the white race must have a mental illness that makes them mindlessly virtue seeking,


How the fuck do I never see female/child refugees???

He's named Kant. Moral philosophy was a mistake.

I am a muslim and I must admit you white people are very weird, why the heck do you care about middle eastern issues so much like fuck off that would really help things out. You being the hero is what caused all this in the first place you fucking lunatics.

Gl getting an actor to do anything more than be a commercial prop

The driver of the BMW was charged with murder, BTW.



Most of them were left in Syria..their courageous men folk fled to Europe.
So not only did you take in an unknown number of ISIS but the rest of your "refugees" are about as low a life form you could wish to have in your country.

this, our Irish /pal/ is right. Every single refugees entering, refugees in Europe, refugees celebrating by raping and killing video I've seen are all military age men. I'm starting to think there are no women or children refugees, and if there are, there must not be many.

So they should go back to protect women? Worthless women? White men are really crazy.

Most of them aren't from Syria. There's more migrants than Syrians for a start.

So your a Muslim you say! Never would have guessed

sounds like bahamas needs some democracy

No, they should just go back. Period.

Well I live in Germany and I only see packs of men with the occasional family but these families are all with newborn babies. I never see women on their own.

Because the men raped and killed them.

She probably thought it was cultural enrichment and that she should accept it, I bet women like her even enjoy being raped by muslims.

>camping grounds
kek winter is far from over they'll freeze.

Buses, bombs, and turbans - Oh my!


I wait for "we were attacked by right wing death squads and had to come home".

lol in Germany jobless murderous refugees are given better winter quarters than retard leftists going on a peace/fuck my ass march. Can't make this shit up.

They won't even get out of Germany without one rape.

>Local ghost leads thousands to their demise
Who said this nigger is friendly? Literally evil incarnate.


Serbs hate all non-Serbs to near genocidal levels.

poor germans, we skull fucked them so hard in ww2 that it made them and their children retarded.


It's a mass red-pilling. Both themselves and the public since they got the media involved.


I hope for your sake my German pal that shit gets sorted out. I hope Merkel gets shot, or at least imprisoned for the rest of her life. Next month we find out if our glorious king will stand by his word and stop the invasion of five shoot mexican shitskins. I don't see how hard it could be; I mean, all the spic jobs are filled up, the ones we are getting now are just the mexinigger types who learned thanks to Kang Obama if you have kids here you get welfare and you can just eat and reproduce worthless offspring all day on everyone's dime. MAGA

Tell me more. Just found out over Christmas that my great grandma was fullon serb.

Because "refugees" aren't syrian.

As soon as they leave schengen area, they will realize they are a large crowd trying to cross a border without visas. That day, some of them will become adults and understand how the world works.

Most likely, in 5 days they will turn into a "three people walking around" situation.