Syria General /sg/ For Souria Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Soldier met family after 5 years

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Mosul Dec26
>Idlib Dec24
>Al Bab Dec22
>Aleppo Dec22
>Palmyra Dec18
>E Ghouta Nov29
>Latakia Nov25
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 29

Developments Dec 26th
>RuMod:Mass graves of tortured civilians found in Aleppo
>SAA repelled a major ISIS offensive on the Kuweires Airbase
>Govt forces ready to launch advance in southern aleppo
>SAA repelled ISIS attack west Palmyra
>Nursa arrests rebel fighters returning to Idlib from Al-Bab front
>Turkey asks US-led coalition for air support in al-Bab, meanwhile RuAF helps them
>SA advances in rural Damascus after jihadists refuse to surrender
>Jihadi dad who turned his young daughter into a suicide bomber is dead
>Iraqi forces storm al-Qud’s neighborhood in Eastern Mosul

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw's_Crusade

first for Zahreddine

>RuMod:Mass graves of tortured civilians found in Aleppo

Reminder that Jews are white, based and the real master race.

G-d's chosen people will always win in the end.

Allah, Souria, Asma!

First for Syrian President Bashar Hafez al-Assad.

daily reminder that """"moderate rebels"""" is the biggest meme of the 10's


Victory to Kurds!

Islam is a religion of peace! Bigots BTFO

Based Druze Beast

gib land.

Look at all this shit, it looks like the rebels in East Aleppo had no shortage of ammo at all.

They had shortage of not being BTFO
Serves them well, jihadi cunts

requires music^tfw

They all just retreated after their positions were bombed, many surrendered and many were evactuated.

He truly is based. Imagine the carnage he would unleash if he weren't stuck in the middle of a sea of jihadists

>We are capable of expanding towards Al-Haydariyya, Intharat and Al-Sakhour whether the donkeys and traitors accept it or refuse it
What did he mean by this?

yo lads this just in...

>Hundreds of activists set off from Berlin on Monday on a three and a half month march to Aleppo to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Syria.

goodnight /sg/

They were taking Russian nationals out of the line and bugging the shit out of them, their families, their luggage, and the planes at Cancun airport.

Fucking annoying shit.


>this Russian nigga looks like a young big Putin with a slavver forehead and is built like a brick shit house
>Ivan says he came to airport in wheelchair when he walked onto the plane like a US Marshall
>US Marshall is sitting right behind him
>some slav security with clearance is packing heat and pretending to look like a retard in the back of the plane
>big nig slav said thank you to the bathroom and is confus

What fresh hell did I walk into?

who can afford to skip work for months

What happened to thousands as early reported?
Will it be dozens tomorrow?
Maybe they just promise a couple will arrive?

I imagine that's why he's so based, talented commander, commited, compassionate ( and probably one of the best defensive planner in the world.

I for one am surprised that people are actually doing this and this whole march for aleppo thing isn't a quite elaborate troll

>biji aleppo
That's what he meant by that.

Russian military police in Aleppo.

reality will hit soon enough

This is an important step for Europe to realize the horrors that are affecting the poor innocent freedom fighters there and stop complaining about taking more of them in.

For Europe to prosper and get rid of her sins of the past, we have to open our borders and show our humanity, and if neccesary use force to defeat the hate and prejudice that is still remaining in some member states.

Heil Merkel

I will bake you

antifa scum
they never had any work in the first place

You can only post on /sg/ if you are >90 IQ
Whoa not so fast roaches!

here's that (You) you have been looking for


ottoman rapebabies confirmed


>There's a jew who is so high on something he is blinking like hey Arnold's cousin
>the Pakistanis are literally sweating next to retarded fat hipster slav who is eyeing them like fresh prey and pussy all thrown into 1
>girl and jew panic about plane and their whole row cries and prays before she vomits into her drink menu
>they ask the flight attendant about next of Kin and safety before literally browsing twitter spirituality memes
>another Marshall with hipster vest and wear but hard as fuck face, maybe Russian Idk
>every person of color is quiet and has not moved since the beginning of the flight
>big rus stalks people into the bathroom every 2 or 3 people to check out the terrorist or fiber content of what was dropped
>his thanking of toilet is actually him warning toilet not to fuck with him in all probability

I like this flight. It's so quiet and tense but comfy


how tolerant

What pakis? Ps post qt girls ITL

I have kek'd. And now ive check'd

that's not how a good stoning is supposed to work... also why the fuck did these animals throw him from the building first

Because Koran says you have to throw a faggot of a tall building first & stone him later.
Buttsexloving faggot got what he deserved if you ask me.

This was a VERY funny post. GJ

I'm sure the trial was fair.

>tfw when you will never be Aryan

Can't overdox myself other than naming all possible armed security and all the US Marshalls, sorry Finn bro.

Our pilot looks like Bashar al Assad and he was flirting with the waitress when his fucking face lit up like the barrel bomb genocide smile.

>pic related
>Russian hackers post itt to confirm
>pls gib money and don't kill me for dox will go to Damascus for free and fight

Hey guys, our favourite band reformed and came out with a new album!

>tfw you can't decide who do you want dead more, the faggot or ISIS
I think it says that at least 3 wittnesses must see the crime and ISIS is pretty stricts with their book, so ironically it probably was fair.

i hope you get stabbed cunt
This is sure to become one the hottest jams of /sg/: winter edition

Yup. Ali, Ali and Ali just happened to walk in on Ali and Ali having buttsex. So after Ali and Ali was given a defense lawyer, Ali, Ali and Ali went before a Jury as witnesses. Than the jury decided that Ali and Ali had to be thrown off a roof and just to make sure they were dead, their corpses had to be stoned afterwards by random civilians.

I'm fairly ignorant of Islam. Would a non-shia name his kid Ali? And by that same token, would a person name their kid after a king or a caliph (ie Abu Bakr) if there wasn't implicit commendation of that person's actions on the part of the parents?

its not in the quran i thing the nephew of mohammed said that this would be the best thing to do or the right thing to do's_Crusade

kek rami has evolved

Anyway I had some keks, thanks, have a rare Asthma
I'm no expert on goatfucking books sorry

200 kilometers boys

np with that attitude you could be an moderate muslim


What is the difference between "ez" and "al" in arabic?
>Deir ez-Zor
>Deir Al-Zor

they both mean the same thing but depending on the sound of the next word it can be "al" "ez" or "ad"

or "allahu netanyahu"
what kind of attitude?
did I offend you somehow?

And that thing being of correct?

Fresh footage of SAA clearing the Damascus pockets (russian helicopters visible)

>RuMod:Mass graves of tortured civilians found in Aleppo
Which side did it? Also proofs?

usually the prefix is just "al" but if the next word starts with the Z sound it will be "ez" and if the next word starts with a D sound it will be "ad"
example ad-Dumayr


How will this get spun if it gets reported on at all on Western news?

quick question, hezbollah, good guy or what?

yeah Hezbollah fights on the side of SAA



can someone give me a quick crash course on them? why do they have Christians fighting on their side?

They're bery tolerant :DD

Hezbollah fight against al-Qaeda who are massacring christian all over Syria.
After Aleppo was liberated with the help of Hezbollah, the Christians of Aleppo celebrated for the first time in 5 years because al-Qaeda banned christmas
Hezbollah fights for Christians

That was me lol

yeah there seems to be a lot of shit in the quran that if it was read by a sane 21st century person it wouldnt be too bad, but the centuries of accumulated tradition made islam into what it is today

and what do other lebanese people think of them?

I knew a Lebanese guy IRL who told me that Hezbollah fights ISIS and al-Qaeda militants who try to attack Hezbollah.
He also said that Hezbollah could take over all of Lebanon if they wanted, but choose not to

a:dont talk about it or b blame it on Assad, obviously

Assad dun did it, I see it with my own iPhone

sorry. ISIS and al-Qaeda militants who try to attack LEBANON.*

they can for sure, do you know why they arent acting on it?

imo its because they cant destabalize themselves right now since they need unity to fight other fights, like isis

Why not?

Also, where do you guys think pic related is hiding?

>Hezbollah could take over all of Lebanon if they wanted, but choose not to

Typical lebbo dumb cunt.

Forgot pic lmao

theyre on a terror list, if they took over a country, they would instantly become fair game for everyone around (Israel pretty much)

In a cave that reeks of goat pussy.


>all assad's fault
>he shouldnt have started the war
>he gassed his own people!

they're alright
t. leb

fuck off dog cunt, i'll get round to it later

>implying he's not as dead as Bin Laden in 2003

>how can a caliph be real if islamic state isnt islamic


At least I don't fuck dogs, cunt.

Now stop shitposting and get back to cooking my falafel, monobrow.

i dont even like falafel

That's cause your mum doesn't know how to cook it cause she's a stupid french rape baby.

Fuck you cunt.

You do have some serious immigration problems, don't you?
In Tel Aviv
You seem to forget that Kataib Hezbollah is not the same as Harakat al-Nujaba.
Basically the second one is a franchisee of the original lebanese, it originates from Iraq and is trained & equipped by Iran.
Also lebanese Hezbollah is doing fine on political ground and it would be foolish for them to engage in any military developments with the country that hosts them as parliament members.

/ag/ NOW???

i was looking in some isis footage fron afghanistan.
They overrun an outpost and plunder it and in some frame they fucking looted an ape! Srsly the war booty is an fucking ape.
Poor bastard

Liwa al Quds: Battle for Western Aleppo has begun