Maybe hate is a strong word.
Where did the women hate come from
Mostly from psychologically depressed individuals who are unable to get laid and deduct that women are whores and these men mostly lean conservative-reactionary side.
Why should I like someone who despises me?
>uncanny valley
Don't waste my time with an ad hominem, attack arguments
/r9k/ I imagine
I can see people getting tired of how easily led women are but, why get mad at an inherent trait in most of them?
Liberals trying to spread false ideologies here
They attempt to spread woman-hate to serve their own agenda. They want to try and plant sexism where it doesn't exist so they can attempt to justify their own lies.
>be me
>had 2 girlfriends in all life(21 years old)
>doesn't believe women are all whores
>lean conservative-reactionary side
Honestly, I feel contempt for most of them and I think it's ridiculous that we are supposed to look at them at "equals" whatever that means.
If it were up to them, Hillary would be President.
Women are the niggers of gender
It came from women having undue influence in society. While continuing to be too emotional, too irrational, too hateful, too selfish, too greedy, and too malleable to contribute.
>b-b-but u must be le virgin
Women really are those things. I pity you if you have not realized it yet.
Silly conflation.
Women are whores. This has been displayed through statistics, self-reporting, and countless anecdotes from pretty much every man (and most women when they're being honest.)
Most men aren't unable to get laid, even if they think they are. Really their problem is that they don't want what the whores are offering, which is a quick run down a warm hole that's been used and abused so many times by so many guys it's a surprise it's not three miles wide. They also don't want to be the loser who's girlfriend is constantly wishing she had something better, and most men know that's their fate. Especially when their girl has been with so many other dudes, she will invariably not be satisfied with her current man, and her gaze, heart, and eventually her body, will stray.
Some are unable to get laid, but this really doesn't have much to do with their reasoning. It helps put them in the emotional space where they can accept the reasoning, and it gives them a birds-eye view of the whole society, but it doesn't directly lead to conservatism or soft-misogyny. The countless numale beta-cucks are the refutation of that point.
Why do so many men hate women? Because most women are hateful and the ones who aren't are worse for two reasons:
1) They defend and protect those who are
2) They still have that distinctly feminine trait of hating any man who does not fit within their accepted bounds of what a man should be.
Divide and conquer.
Also from [spoiler] faggots
It's a reddit jew meme to divide White men and women and undermine the family and White birth rates
Cmon man you don't think some semi-intelligent chads realize women as a whole are stupid as fuck?
Women are rightly hated for their actions
there isn't a drop of class or loyalty between them anymore
Most /r9k/cucks are actually liberals or left leaning
>Where did the women hate come from
It's not so much hate as it is frustration. Women have a way of destroying themselves and their culture through sheer stupidity. We are just "tired" of it.
Back to your containment board ugly virgin
>ad hominem,
That your new favorite word? Quit being such a pussy. (oops)
Inb4 u mad fat girl herp
>Where did the women hate come from
beta males
women are hypergamous and inferior to men - so they can't make men happy
they also love money too much - fucking a woman is nice - knowing you're paying for it takes the edge off the joy
Hate is a strong word, and I would use something less severe for women in general.
I think most of us don't hate women, but hate modern women. Whores basically.
I was going to right an essay but I want to jack off in my house full of money I saved by not having a girlfriend.
>In Birds of Paradise it’s always the bright, glittering, fluttering, posing male that grabs our attention whereas the female plumage is typically drab to blend in with their environment.
(Women have a natural tendency to lean towards herd mentality, equality, comfort and sameness)
>The males do the showing-off and females do the choosing. Females demanded more and more of their mates, egging them on to greater evolutionary heights of rainbow colour, impossibly proportioned ornaments and razzle-dazzle displays.
(Men innovate, explore, invent, take risk and hereby build civilisation just to increase their
chances of reproduction)
>A long-term field study in the 1980s found that female Lawes's Parotias visited displaying males up to six weeks before and up to six weeks after mating. Extreme female choice indeed.
(Men's expendability leads to female hypergamy as women realise they have the upper hand and so
lure multiple men with sexual intimacy each time with the sole purpose of increasing the amount of
resources they can extract from them before their fertility runs out)
>When a female with such a preference chooses a male with a showy trait, their offspring inherit both the showy trait and the preference, reinforcing the pattern.
(Women continually breed with r-selected, low IQ, highly attractive males reproducing the pattern
of low-investment, low-commitment sexual behaviour onto the next generation)
>butthurt roastie detected
>That pic
And yet they learn nothing. They deserve to die alone.
the jews infected women with feminism
this is the natural backlash
they dont deserve the right to vote. everything they have is because of man.
>Many male birds-of-paradise will never get the chance to mate. This is why female choice is so powerful. Individual choices by females tend to converge on a handful of males—the ones perceived to be the most attractive.
(Men who try to break free from this cycle of exploitation begin uncovering too much information
about female behaviour and other politically inconvenient truths which will only increase their
distance from societal norms which will decrease their chances of reproduction even further.)
>As a consequence, those few males father most of the offspring.
(80% of women are taken by 20% of men)
>Ancient Greece gave us Plato
>Modern Greece gives us this dumbfuck.
What does this cunts shirt say?
Toastie roastie detected.
You have to leave
Ugly autistic omega male sperg. Your sexual frustration is not Sup Forums related. Try to find a woman your league or even better just kill yourself genetic failure
I only date Republicans
they are irrational and emotional and self centered
You're a cretin.
Woman hate comes from other women.
You know the Germans raped the shit out of your Grandmother in ww2 don't you?
I don't think anyone on here actually hates women
>Reddit frog
Nobody will ever love you you hideous worthless freak just kill yourself
This right here is what I was talking about.
These women are turned on by hurting the men they "love". Their only pleasure comes from destroying the very men who give them everything.
It doesn't matter how much you love a woman, how much you give her, how much you work... she will most likely stab you in the back. She will fuck your enemy and give him her heart, and if the opportunity arose, she would help him destroy you.
You can't even really hate them for it, because it's in their nature. It's just what they are. The worst part is: they will win anyway. They will always get their way, have their cake and eat it too. All this shit about the "wall" and "don't worry, they'll get theirs!" dumbasses don't know how women work. Women would spend a night with Chad and the rest of their lives alone and still consider it a worthy trade.
You know most americans are niggers and their opinion is irrelevant?
>because it's in their nature.
Since Eve fucked around with that snake....
Women have been ruined by modern culture, if you don't see it you don't understand women.
Sup Forums is a containment board. Notice it isn't actually about politics but the "politically incorrect". Outspoken misogynists aren't new.
Wanna borrow some money? I could spare 5 bucks. (It might help your country out).