All girls were dressed like this. I saw many 15-16 girls with their families with tattoos on their legs and arms.
What went wrong with the upper middle class? why are they so easy to manipulate?
All girls were dressed like this. I saw many 15-16 girls with their families with tattoos on their legs and arms.
What went wrong with the upper middle class? why are they so easy to manipulate?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What went wrong with the upper middle class?
Tons of money, tons of free time, nothing to do but degeneracy.
But you're in Brazil my friend.
Parents "let them be", instead of raising them.
how can someone find this shit normal?
ironically our extreme wealth is also our downfall
The upper middle class in Brazil is more degenerate than the average french. And they have lots of money even if we compare to european standards.
I've known many guys in their 20s who spend ~8k dollars in a single night at the club.
There was a girl exactly like this. Her face was screaming "I'm the 99%! down with the 1%. Occupy Wall Street! Tax the Rich!" and yet she was with her mother and father shopping in very expensive stores.
>Tax the Rich
>Good goy, exactly like I told you
The middle class believed this idea that they could join the 1% if they listened to what they said.
I've spent $8k in one night at the club in vegas. It's overrated
But you have to keep in mind 8k USD in Brazil is a LOT of money plus they were not in a casino with prostitutes but in a regular club.
"Oh they will learn from life... don't worry"
>Tons of money, tons of free time, nothing to do but degeneracy.
this, also, too much stupidity, almost all rich middle class i know don't even bother to much with schools/univ, because.. they are rich and a bunch of losers will always work for them.
Most brazilians on Sup Forums are probably middle class or rich famalam
Thats nice.
Yeah but that's like half a kilo of cocaine? You shouldn't compare your lifestyle to a drug traffickers.
you mad?
>tfw I work in one of those stores
>tfw ephebo
that's not my lifestyle plus they were rich kids not drug dealers
Brazil is so degenerate I'm thinking about moving to some eastern europe poor country, buy a house in the middle of nowhere without electricity and wait for the apocalypse.
Most rich people I've known think being pretentious and arrogant makes you classy.
Private schooling relieves them of social cucking but they're still braindead cuckservatives.
don't prepare for the apocalypse just act like it's already here
Why does the average Sup Forumstard sound like a fucking autistic social reject? Am I on r9k? lmfao
Upper middle-class guy here. It is sad how we fucking behave these days, not only because it is damaging to ourself but most of the classes beneath us look up to us for guidance, they try to mimic our behavior so that their children might enter into our class. The point is that our degenerate behavior have a trickle down effect which will spread the rot to the society
Chad likes that
Good advice. Hopefully I'll find a way of storing food without a refrigerator. Wish me luck.
Absolutely haram! Islam is the only thing that's going to save the west! How dare they??? Inshallah, brother! Stay strong!
>downfall of western civilization
>b-but r9k
fuck off
The way girls dress in the US has nothing to do with class. It's more to do with ideology. Some dress conservatively, some don't.
Every time I go to the mall it's filled with niggers who aren't even shopping. They walk about one step a minute, clog the walkways, scream and chimp out constantly, and if you walk around them they're like "*LIPSMACK* SCUUSE YOU"
Like 6 malls had major chimp outs just an hour or so ago.
>eastern europe poor country
You know these countries are the same as brasil right?
>no white brazilian friend
it's not, but it's pretty hot
Short answer: Jews
Long answer: Jews
Impossible. But don't worry I'm not going to spread degeneracy there. I just want a good place to spend my last days
This is why people don't go to malls anymore.
So much potential wasted. She's got 2-3 years most left, until she becomes ugly, neurotic and dumb.
In Brazil the streets are so violent the only option the rich and middle class have left is shopping mall.
And as opposite to the United States everything there is 5x more expensive.
This guy has the answer
Issue related?
I come from a very rich family. My father is from Denmark and my mom from Brazil. I've been living in Denmark for the past 8 years and recently came back for the holidays. I am disgusted by everything I see. All of the people that I used to call friends, are nothing but self hating white liberals who deserve to die. Brazil is going to shit and we need a strong leader
>the idea that "the global agenda" is leftist or communist or somehow related to the neo-Marxism of the Frankfurt school is misguided
user, do you actually think brasil is not a shithole?
Your question is ambiguous.
It isn't it's a yes no question.
Salt your meats. That's common knowledge.
It's unbelieveble how richfags think that emulating american sjw bullshit would ever work here.
its a big place moron, some is a shithole, some isnt
>no religion
>no moral leaders
>no values
= degeneracy
This world is dead.
always been like that dude, look back into our history, rich peoples always been degenerates
lol anyone who isnt retarded knows the federal reserve is the direct cause of all world problems and wars right now.
the main reason i dont come on this shit site is because of all the "red pilled" people who are still stupid to the fact that their precious hitler was in on this scheme and was paid to start the nazi movement by the rich industrialist. wake up fuckers.
What sort of savage you have to be to destroy the ceiling? Even monkey wouldn't do that.
I believe western society will recover but it will take hundreds of years. In the meantime I want a place to hide from this degeneracy.
8k usd is a lot here as well, I bought a used luxury car with that last month.
who said cultural marxism is not a direct result of world banking?
>I believe western society will recover
LOL dude.. in what dream you live?? LGBT is a thing, and will degenerate even more.. the whole society if fucked up, accept it
You know how much a chinese car plastic (Not kidding, chinese) cost in Brazil?
25k USD. 36% of the total price is tax.
It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. It will eventually recover but it will take hundreds of year. Sure if the world is not destroyed before.
>complain about shitskins covering their women
>complain about beautiful white women showing their beautiful bodies
lol what do you think ivanka and tiffany did
They're too socially isolated from the rest of society. It's like they mentally regress back to being kids after living in the suburbs and working in an office with few number of people for a few decades.
Piece of shit foam ceiling rots and falls, frog
''It is a sign of the unnatural
to waste time on what concerns the body,
as on much exercise, on much eating, on much drinking,
on much defecating, copulating.
However these may be done in passing;
but let all the attention be concerning the mind.''
- Epictetus
lol why is it so high though? Is it the socialist governments fault?
One is repression, often without choice
The other is embracing degeneracy.
You know there is a middle ground between repression and degeneracy right? Wholesomeness and modesty are choices.
Now you have to spend twice as much in repairs. RIP.
We have state capitalism, 50% of brazilian middle class work for the government and the other 50% are industrialists who need government contracts.
They don't mind paying 40k USD for a average janapese car because it doesn't affect them directly paying that much.
>It will eventually recover
The damage is done already, the truth is adapt or ..
It's an 05 Lexus rx330 with only 110,000 km, hopefully it won't be too bad.
>110,000 km
Almost impossible
Well maybe if pretty white girls didn't show off their beautiful bodies so much shitskins wouldn't want to fuck them so bad.