*sips tea*

*sips tea*

Is it because atheists are fucking retarded?

Why the fuck do christfags celebrate Yule?

>ROT id


wtf i hate celebrating Christmas now

But atheists don't celebrate Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth.

>implying December 25th is even relevant in Christian/Catholic theology

>forgetting that 94% of Americans celebrate it, proving that its just another stock increase for the corporations sucking peoples wallets dry.

I'm an atheist but culturally a Roman Catholic. I see a lot of value in religion and go to church regularly but I am too intelligent to believe in God.

Everything about Christmas celebrations screams European pagan festival. It's related to the birth of Christ by the flimsiest of excuses.

Both questions are very valid.


This is true. Why refuse gifts and not go to parties?

It's just habit. I mean for fucks sake who really celebrates Christmas as the birth of Christ? It's more of an excuse to get together and share a good night with family.

I haven't had a decent Christmas since my grandmother passed. Doesn't mean I hate my family; it just means that we're all just too busy trying to make ends meet.

I'm an atheist but I don't get why we have to slam Christianity all the time. There's much worse out there.

To be fair
- christmas in the us is barely religious
- It in general doesn't exclude "disbelievers"

But you got a point, it is a bit hypocritical

Everyone celebrates it. Regardless of whither or not they're actually christian. Its a big part of the culture in many white countries.


If only we believed in obvious falsehoods written about a 2000 year old carpenter our parents indoctrinated is to believe in, then we'd be smart

So you believe the evolution fairy tale, right?

In the north we celebrate Yule, not Christmas. Christianity tried to hijack the event but failed.

you're literally partaking in the winter solstice celebration. A pagan rite from the nordic, germanic and celtic peoples from long before abrahamic religion.
Jesus was born in like march.

>to intelligent

Non Christians celebrating Christmas is cultural appropriation. So triggered.

People have an innate desire to reproduce, so sex feels good.

People have an innate desire to worship God, so they celebrate Christmas.

>Non pagan celebrating the Winter Solstice
>Non pagan bringing a tree inside

I don't even know how christians delude themselves into celebrating yule


Same way leftists think that mass immigration works just fine for us; complete and total disregard for reality, along with a hefty dose of self deception, swallowed down with indoctrination and faith.

What about aztecs? They are supposed to do human sacrifices around this time so that the sun comes back.

>People have an innate desire to worship God, so they celebrate Christmas.
More like, people have an innate desire to get warm and comfy when it's cold and socially bond over food, so they invent traditions that give them an excuse to do so.

Most azteks are fuckin dead dude. Something something disease.

the Allfather endures

But I enjoy having sex though

1.5 million people still speak Nahuatl which is what the Aztecs spoke.

Funny how they still take the day off and expect presents.

I never buy presents for atheists on Christmas and they get bitchy about it.

Christendom appropriated many things which it found good. Atheists don't give up Christmas because they like much of it. Christians didn't give up all pagan celebrations, because they found many of them good. Only Puritans denounce such things as additions to the faith.

The origins of Christmas are pagan; but Christmas is not pagan. Likewise, the origins of European literature were pagan, but while Europe was Christian, its literature was Christian.

I don't know where atheists find this bizarre idea that Christianity claims to have invented everything good

Christmas is 100% pagan. An attempt to annex a pagan religious event that backfired and spread.

Who fucking cares? I cant believe people actually manage to argue in this thread

>*sips tea*

Oh boy,another episode of "OP posts a picture of some faggot saying something while he smugly waits for Sup Forums to get 'btfo'"

Paganism literally makes up 100% of European culture and cuckstianity had no influence on it christfag, Xmas is yule celebration idiot. literally no one celebrates it for a wizard