Fucking boomers.... they were the luckiest fucks.
>dad worked in a warehouse
>bought a nice house, car and took us on holiday every year
>mum didn't have to work and went to uni for free
>retired early and berates me for not doing the same
Fucking boomers.... they were the luckiest fucks.
>dad worked in a warehouse
>bought a nice house, car and took us on holiday every year
>mum didn't have to work and went to uni for free
>retired early and berates me for not doing the same
i dont hate them for being lucky, i hate them for telling me lies and bullshit but i guess it's a result of their luck that they became too stupid and weak
they arent capable of being honest, honesty is a quality that is earned through experiences of hardship.
when you get everything very easily in life, you kinda just start saying idiotic shit like "oh just study whatever ur interested in, the most important part is that ur happy"
An obviously retarded statement but boomers can afford to be so stupid because they have had easy jobs that pay well with little education.
Remember it was these fuckers who also enabled abdul and tyrone into society and continue to do so, while also allowing womens liberation. Then they shit memes like 'lol y u no own property at 18', 'lol were is ur car', 'lol just get a summer job and pay for uni xD', 'ur 22 and still SINGLE??!?', 'were is ur wife', 'why no family user? r u gay?'.
Fuck them may they all hang.
>didnt waste valuable time bitching and crying about their parents on mongolian pedophile basket weaving imageboards
boomers are the fuckin worse
In this day and age most of my salary goes towards rent and bills - there's so little room to maneuver and grow.
So yeah I'm blowing off steam, christmas dinner consisted of my parents asking exactly those things.
Okay Grandpa Jim, tell me more about how the modern demographic crises aren't your fault
>oh but user i think your lazy stop using your phone/computer/tablet etc so much!
>oh but user you need to work on your career
>just get a degree user its really easy and fun :')
>you need to be more like your father/grandfather user, he's a self made man
>user why are you such a cheapskake! enjoy yourself a bit more!
>We're going on a luxury cruise next year user, maybe if you work hard enough like us you'll have one yourself
>user look at all these beautiful girls, god why are you such a prude just ask one to be your wife I'm sure she's been so lonely all this time
>fucking russian commies are at it again
>>le vote labour everitim
Every generation of patriots raises 2 generations of fucking scum.
Parents are from communistic Poland. They knew it would be hard in America, and it is. They know only through hard work can success come about, and kill me if I'm not working hard as an Aerospace Engineer. Parents support me through every success and failure, but have high expectations.
Tough but hopefully prosperous end goal here.
I copped all that years ago from boomers I knew. They've tired of it now but I will never forgive. The only good boomer is a dead one. Nothing out of their mouths is worth hearing, they have no wisdom at all, I just treat them now like I would an idiot, just keep things light and not serious.
Every generation blames other generations for the world not being a utopia. No one ever accepts accountability for their shitty choices and lack of work ethic.
They are in incapable of serious thought, literally just an entire generation of "me, me, me!"
Was talking to my boomer uncle the other day. He went on and on in a smug tone about how superior he is to religious people and kept staring at me expectantly as if I was supposed to stand up and applaud. Should have decked that smug fucking cunt on the spot
>ITT: Lazy, entitled millenial scumbags who wish everything was handed to them on a silver platter and are too lazy to go out and achieve great things.
I never expected to find this kind of degeneracy on Sup Forums. Fuck off back to pleddit, entitled millenial brats.
seems like your typical Sup Forumstard
>be born
>country is in demographic decline
>"lol fucking milennial should have pulled yourself up by the bootstraps to look them in the eye and given them a firm handshake"
Then how about the boomers acknowledge (not even accept responsibility) that their myopic, gullible, hedonistic and altruistic lifestyles and choices lead to our current brave new world, that every generation from then on will just have to accept and move on. This is not hard to do, but what is insulting is that the majority of them blame this situation on us, while pointing to some of our inabilities or weaknesses as pathetic because they didn't have those!
Mind you this is a purely Western problem.
That's just thirteen year olds in le based bagan :DDD threads
>just b urself
>the conquest of Britain by Claudius
Hard times yes, but Claudius was a huge cuck, even by roman standards. He was cheated on by his first wife, and with the second he litterally let his wife's son become the heir for the empire instead of his own son. Then he was probably killed with pillows or blankets.
Mabye gen z will be the great men made from hard times since millennials are cucks. Don't deny it you beta cucks
I hear you and i agree.
But my father became a purchasing manager for a national company (subsidiary company for Nestle) with a high school diploma, he literally just started at a smaller company in the same biz and moved up. He had a porsche and a townhouse when he was 30.
That is just not realistic these days unless u become stock broker/investment banker (immaculate uni grades/resume/reference, 6 workdays/week) or pro athlete.