The vast majority of geneticists, anthropologists and biologists agree that race is not a scientific concept and is merely a social construction.
Why is Sup Forums so against science? Your belief in race has no scientific basis.
The vast majority of geneticists, anthropologists and biologists agree that race is not a scientific concept and is merely a social construction.
Why is Sup Forums so against science? Your belief in race has no scientific basis.
Forensics disagrees.
what led you to create this thread, OP?
>the majority of...
atleast show proof to back up your claim
If you think that these 4 women don't look exactly the same then you are a racist, blinded by the racist constructs of white dominated society.
>The vast majority of geneticists, anthropologists and biologists
want to keep their jobs and don't want to get fired for saying something the left would murder them over.
>race is a social construct
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1 in 5 biological anthropologists in the United States think race is a useful concept.
4 in 5 Russian and Chinese biological anthropologists believe the same.
Clearly there is no ideological component to your (((consensus))) that completely ignores genetics and instead engages in semantics to obscure the point.
When racialists say "race is real" they mean that there are genetic differences between human populations that are statistically relevant.
When anti-racialists say "race is a social construct" they try and blur the line between race and ethnic group or dismiss the concept of "race" entirely and say bullshit like "There's more genetic difference between races then between races, so therefore race ain't real" even though that makes no sense and has nothing to do with the core point.
differences WITHIN races then between*
I would have believed "vast majority of scientists", since most people simply are retards, but "vast majority of geneticists and biologists" I do not, because they actually need to know the reality or be utterly insane masters of double think. The simple reality of racial differences is bound to get through to you if you bother to put in the most rudimentary study of the subject. It's easy to call it unscientific until you actually do any science. Afterwards it's just a politically incorrect fact.
can you elaborate on that? people will often bring that up in discussion and i find that point utterly banal. It's like saying we share 70% of genes with a banana, it's almost an empty platitude really.
>race is a social construct
OY VEY goyim it's okay to mate with the shvartzas!!! OY VEY
The moment someone "socially constructs" someone with green skin maybe I'll believe you.
>race has no scientific basis.
gtfo Shlomo. skin color is not like paint that is applied as an afterthought over identical model humans.
"The vast majority"
I don't believe that at all.
>We share 99.9 percent of genes with blacks
>Therefore, we are the same
How about
>We share 99.9 percent of our genes with blacks
>Therefore .1 percent of our genes make a big difference
Why isnt this more valid than the other?
Science is a social construction. Science is literally and unironically a human developed methodology, and even then nobody can fucking demarcate science from not-science.
>The vast majority of geneticists, anthropologists and biologists agree that race is not a scientific concept and is merely a social construction.
Except that's a completely, utterly, 100% false statement. If anything, this post is useful for demonstrating the bold-faced lies of the Leftist ideologues who cannot accept that hierarchy is inherent in human genetics.
That's because saying races exist is a good way to get a visit from the liberal terror squad.
Obviously that small amount makes a huge difference considering we also share 99% of our genes with chimpanzees
I wonder who funded their research
I don't know what he got, but just a simple note.
The amount of differences, between single race people don't matter. What is important is that you can identify persons race just by DNA. And there's a lot of works, where you can pinpoint sometimes even ethnicities or markers for regions.
That's a further proof for evolution and that certain traits survive in certain regions. Extrapolate that for tens of thousands of years and you have yourself a race. Remember, people had no contact with each other 500 years ago. And current levels of mixing is like 50 years ago.
What is science, op? How can you conclude something based on science?
if race is a social construct, so are phylum, genera, kingdoms, etc. there are observable differences of physiognomy, behavior, intelligence, appearance between races, and so there's as much of a reason to draw a distinction between races as there is to draw one between a dog and a cat.
the truth is that there are different species that are far more similar to each other than human races are to each other. it'd be fair to say that there are several human species, or at the bare minimum, sub-species.
this is false, google lewonkin's fallacy
this is the most widely perpetuated brainwashing lie about race among reasonably "educated" people in the west
takes less than 5 minutes to debunk
There are people who claim this, such as you can find in this blog:
The fallacy is their claim is actually pointed out by several people in the comments section. There are countries where people have mixes of various haplogroups, yet those people are considered white, so those haplogroups must be roped into the "white" category, too, is their logic. Except they're ignoring the fact that even in white countries there are populations of non-white people.
It's the same as looking at America and saying, "They're 56% white and 12% black, so if you call them white, you're calling black people white, too."
Sup Forums Sup Forums Post of the Week.
>race is a social construct
>makes people collectively hallucinate different skincolours and physical attributes
>race not related to genetics
>still black people breed black people
>still you can tell the origin of the person by their DNA
as a libtard myself im not sure whats worse, science being that much instrumentalized for political agendas, or people actually falling for that shit
>vast majority
That's a filthy lie. Race is controversial. About half of geneticists regard race as biologically valid. More forensic anthropologists feel the same. Blood analysts are more likely to see it as socially constructed.
From everything I've learned in college, race is biologically valid, depending on how you frame it.
Go back to Canada
>The vast majority of geneticists, anthropologists and biologists agree that race is not a scientific concept and is merely a social construction.
Yes, and they use race in their works "just as an easy, superficial classification tool to speed up the process" and obviously "this should be taken pinch of salt, since uses race as a factor" and blah blah blah... Race is used A LOT in those sciences, they simply are not brave enough to admit it because holocaust, apartheid and US race segregation passed the idea that using the term "race" automatically makes you a nazi, a british (lol, joking), or a kkk member.
PhD anthropology here
By law, ethics and our occupation we are required to say that.
In our private notes, we call blacks Unwashed Savages and so on.
Hmm, sickle cell anemia must be a social construct too.
Fuck off with your inferior genes
SJWs now think it's racist to say that race doesn't exist and that you don't see race.
If you believe in evolution, then you must believe in biodiversity. If biodiversity exists not only in finches in the Galapagos, but all species of plant and animal, why are humans the exception to this?
Except the first and foremost Nobel prize winning geneticist.
"He says that he is “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”, and I know that this “hot potato” is going to be difficult to address. His hope is that everyone is equal, but he counters that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”."
Was Hitler a KANG?
Science has been compromised by a political agenda. Be more careful about who you place your trust in
Jesus the picture and everything just screams smug liberal brainwashee.
Stick around and you might learn something unless you're too smart to formulate your own opinion when presented with facts
Oh yeah, genetic differences between humans form the basis for the whole concept of "race". That's the consensus that you will find. It may be worded as ethnicity, but experiments will control for it.
The thing that triggers Sup Forums is that scientists can't show there to be a basis for including race in politics in a way that conforms to their edgy worldview.
Not to worry, Sup Forums, anti-intellectualism is always here to tell you who the real degenerates are.
That's like when we just decided that pluto is not a planet. It's about semantics, but it doesn't change anything in reality. Racial differences still do exist and no sane scientist is going to deny that.
>implying that people agreeing to something within their field is grounds to force people they dont know to change their perspective
This is why nobody takes science worshippers seriously. You might as well go find a statue of Sheldon Cooper and bow down to it.
it's a cultural thing, mostly... what people call race may or may not have ancestral / genetic meaning, but more important is the idea that it groups people together mostly along cultural (language, music, food, work) lines...
people get butthurt when you deny that, because globalism is all about steamrollering cultural identity into this sort of massive, amorphous goo of humanity. people don't know how to articulate that, so race is a convenient, if inaccurate stand-in concept, which is wholeheartedly encouraged by "leftist" media, as it gives a convenient way to scapegoat the poor as being backwards... congrats for buying into that, btw.
i mean, it makes sense from a purely numbers standpoint, but you can see how people will buck...
Incorrect, b8, and sage
What? Science now is a dogma?
See the aborigines, there is something wrong if them
See my people, most descend from portuguese but act like a white monkey (degenerate) or in a ((((greed way))))
>inb4: It's a cultural problem, dumbass
Maybe, but what gives identity to a society is what kind of culture they sdopt and assimilate