Why do people tend to take sides on pic related? They're both fucking scum of the earth and should be eradicated from history.
Why do people tend to take sides on pic related...
Jews are the cause of Muslim immigration. We need a holocaust.
I think Israel is worse in some regards. If Jews and the USA hadn't decided to create a new country, then the Middle East would probably be much more stable today.
Half of Israel's contribution to science and technology is more than the entirety of Arab countries combined
Agreed, glass the entire place and turn it into a fucking parking lot.
One is our eternal enemy.
The other is goat-fuckers who are a manageable annoyance.
We need a real one this time
Kikes are harder to deal with, they can actually look like Europeans but have their own tribal objective subverting whites and the west into degeneracy and turning it brown,black and yellow.
The other can easily be dispersed of.
How about we kick ALL jews and muslims out of the western hemisphere and then ignore them for the next 1000 years?
>Implying the lack of Israel would change the 5000 year long continuous violence between tribes who hate each other just as much as they hate Jews
Top Kek
I tend to take the side of peace for both parties
Sure, it was totally Israel's fault that the Turks went on a genocidal campaign against the Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians. The ME was so stable and peaceful before Israel.
how mayn muslims are there in trinidad and tobago?
Jews and the USA? I think you mean Jews and Great Britain, but really only Jews because Britain only made the Balfour declaration due to Rothschild's leverage over the British government
Israel is a necessary lightning rod. If Israel should fall, the cascading effects of extremists that would have been kept busy there setting their sights on us and the general Muslim morale boost would be devastating.
You speak words of truth.
There's controversy irl, but nothing like here on Sup Forums. A lot of people think the entire middle East should be nuked
I just hope that Israel will nuke all muslims one day.
Pol likes to suck jewish cock like Trump
The side a person takes on this issue all depends on what their political party DEMANDS the proper virtue-signaling be. You'd think liberals would be the first to defend the minority that is the jews, likewise you'd also think that the right would self-police when it comes to leftist like double standards on Israel, specifically the fact that they are paying for a welfare state. It's all about what's trendy and why places like America are finished I'm sad to say.
We are the jew and israel is the nazi
Truly the best timeline
Oy Getvalt!
>get Israel to colonize Muslim territory
Donald Trump is right
it's called cuckchan for a reason
I support the third option