Is hookup culture wrong?
Hookup Culture
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But it doesn't matter, because it's not going anywhere.
>41 years old
Time to give up gramps
Obviously a joke account if you read it
>Those are 2 measurements
holy shit I lost hard
doubling down on irony is the only tactic available to him. he has to be the 'funny guy'. probably works too
holy sevens speaks the truth
It's degeneracy of the foulest sort, it genuinely rivals drug abuse in terms of societal impact.
You better believe that it is
I dont know what she means. She means hell?
Sexual liberation was wrong. Hookup culture is just a product of that.
Would any of you object to hooking up with a hot woman? Assuming you are both single and you are in an emotional stable state where you could do it casually enough to not fall for her within the first 30 seconds of interaction with her.
If yes, why?
I would object, because I have principles, and one of those principles is that I won't be mastered by my basest desires.
no, only sexually frustrated guys and religion cucks think it is. If you don't like it just don't participate in it.
What a very moral, forthright and principled statement to make, you pathetic cuck.
I see so instead of mastering you base desire by understanding it, honing it, learning how it works, you will deprive your body of the experience as a whole?
Or do you engage in frequent sexual interaction with the sex of your choice but only after getting into a relationship?
OR is your libido very low, and you see no desire to have sex that often? No wrong answers.
Yes. Because I do not want to lose my soul. And also because I hate you people, and I refuse to give you anything of myself.
Women have more sex than you. Including the women you are with. That means you are the cuck.
Once again. The man who sleeps with the woman is the cuck. The man who refuses is simply a man.
So you think you would "lose your soul" to a sexual encounter? Wouldn't that make your soul very weak, very vulnerable? Do you not trust that your soul would be able to endure hardship?
Also you don't have to give ME anything. Sex, or a relationship, of ANY kind, imply you giving away something of yourself. First and foremost trust. Again, no wrong answers.
sure, i was just using the word as a common insult, not in its original sense
Yes. I would be promoting the kind of values and culture that results in depression, loneliness, isolation and troubled youths as the number of single mothers becomes exceedingly high through the degeneracy that is the hook-up culture.
imo yes
creates degeneracy and broken homes
idc tho
You can hook up and give in to your desires like an animal. Some may see nothing wrong with it and physically there really isn't anything wrong with it. But psychologically it leaves both partners empty. This is especially true for women who at their most base emotion, desire a man to secure offspring with. By ignoring our true nature to reproduce we damage society.
A soul is the most fragile thing in the world, where sin is concerned. It can endure any hardship or degenerate influence and remain pure, and yet the slightest of sins will infect every piece of it, and what seemed a speck in the moment will become the thing itself, so in the end there is no soul at all. There is only death.
You are the child of Satan. You are his tool and he has no existence outside of you. If I give myself to sin, I cede my autonomy to you, and I give you the victory that he desires. I refuse to do this. I would rather be alone and miserable here and now, and keep myself, than give up everything that I am for the momentary pleasures of a world that hates me and is hateful in it's own turn.
Of course I desire a real relationship, but somethings are just not meant to be. I will not take a farce, and this is what you suggest.
The "honing it" guy is right. At some point when a boy who loves tits becomes a man, he realizes that just like in every other area of life, if it's something you want you should understand it.
I would guess that an ascetic like you has many other deficits, including "haha sex is for the weak lol".
Did you not have a father?
One of the important messages a father relays to his son as part of Western tradition is that if you want to fuck, find yourself a smoking hot girl and own/marry the shit out of her exclusively. This is a technology. An ancient teaching. You want sex? There is honestly no comparison, to the frequency, the intensity -- if you want a girl who will try anything you want to do, you don't go looking for loose trash, degenerates, failures. "Hookup culture", what a joke, I've had awkward/drunken sex with girls I've barely met, so lets be honest. This is the fantasy of naive boys. Oh, you want to drive all the time, so you use Uber? What you want is to own a car.
>ITT: ugly anons salty because they don't get any matches
>dem holy trips
So where do you see the fault of this? Do you think it lies in the medias portrayal of female emancipation? For example, Sex and the City or Ally McBeal were forerunners in making hooking up a female thing as well. Prior to that, bachelor's or young men would do it with women who were "sleezy" or "slutty" enough. However, now women also "hook up" with men and it seems to be seen as evening the playing field.
One the one hand it is not inherently bad to give into your sexual desires, but on the other hand, should it not be with someone you can trust and rely on? Especially more so when you potentially will bring offspring into the world.
Essentially our true nature was the way of the hookup. Men and women would copulate freely and impregnate many women. The more the better, to sustain the tribe. Eventually religions took their foothold in this equation and created sanctity of marriage, and monogamy. Monogamy is, according to some, not inherently our nature.
So what are we betraying? Nature, or our social codes?
See, kids, this is what we call a bulverism.
Only if they think they deserve 'a nice guy' after riding the dick carousel
4 inches and he acts like he's hot shit? My dick is bigger FFS.
Also, I think my Tinder is broken, because only one girl liked my profile but my message probably got hidden by the ungodly amount of messages she received.
I have sex with someone I want a relationship with, but only after a few dates. I value it as very intimate and a bonding experience, and I think my libido is very average.
I'm not an ascetic by any means. I just don't take sex as lightly as you seem to. I like to actually know and connect with the person I'm going to have sex with.
If you're doing it just to satisfy some urges, that's base, and that's letting your lust rule you.
It's just feminine arguing
Don't address anything said, just use social shaming to win
Social shaming on a fucking anonymous board.
I believe in Fatima, but is it too much to ask for God to show everyone where they are going in the afterlife in the current moment? My Dad said he read in the medjugore predications that actually this will happen within our life time, feelsgoodman if its true
I see what you are saying, but in your religion, which I assume is Christianity, is sin not also forgiven? To sin, is human. We have been doing it since the dawn of man's creation by god. Jesus died to absolve the sins of man. It did not seem to work out.
I am the child of Satan, you say, based on what reasoning? I am his "tool" because I am attempting you to rethink things? There is no whole truth. There are many little truths, but none of them create one whole truth. If you do not question your beliefs, you are not using all god has given you.
>Men and women would copulate freely and impregnate many women.
Why do people think stone-age man was any happier with sharing his woman than modern man is?
Fucking idiotic.
You realize he is joking right
Fair enough. I find that sex is like food. If you eat some every once in a while, you will feel full and satisfied. But you should have good food.
Is he? Fuck, I'm getting too grumpy for this shit.
That's nice and true to an extent but Fatima said some "ehh" things, Some marian apparitions are real they are but read everything she said, all of it, she said something likei fyou don't trust in Mary to forgive you of your sins as swell as Jesus Christ then you are going to hell, something to that effect. Please be careful about what apparitions will say. I am Catholic btw
> I just don't take sex as lightly as you seem to. I like to actually know and connect with the person I'm going to have sex with.
I don't think you read my post at all, leaf.
day of the rake, soon
He probably was not, but tribal communities could have used different excuses to take advantage of women, who had very simple rules at the time. One man having many women is common today and known as polygamy. Now imagine that idea, but in a very small group of people, 30-40 maximum. The chance of one man liking another man's "wife" would be pretty high if she is the only woman you find attractive in that microcosm of a community. Cuckolding would be very common, but I agree no one would be happy with it. I simplified it for the argument, but many children had to be born, as many died.
And just like food, to overindulge is to give into base desires. Additionally, those who eat everything put before them will lack discipline - it's the same with any base desire. They are core parts of us, and must be satisfied, but in moderation!
Some people know fuck all about nature. No male animal is cool with sharing females.
Granted, sometimes they have no choice due to being smaller and weaker than the female and thus living under her rule, or being fucking insect sex slaves, but there ya go
Totally agree. Moderation is the key.
I did, and it was a little unclear. You're suggesting that people who want sex all the time should marry a good girl? I don't dispute that. I'm saying that having sex with random people simply to satisfy that urge is base.
Is HPV wrong?
Is HSV wrong?
Is OP retarded?
so do we say those "Ehh" apparitions are the devil trying to confuse us? thats the only logical explanation I can think ok
Why should he do this? he tells you that you are going to Heaven, and you think you no longer need him. He tells you you are going to Hell, and you will despair and fight against him rather than turn yourself around. If you have no will to change now, when you know the consequences well enough, why would you have the will to change then?
Do you think God is an imbecile? He cannot see when a man thinks he can sin and "be forgiven later"? Then the man does not want forgiveness at all, he just wants to avoid the consequences.
Leading others down the path of sin (which is what you are doing in this thread) is the same as leading a blind man off a cliff. You murder the soul. It would be better for you if you had simply killed the man. At least then he might remain in good standing with the Lord, and might appeal on your behalf when the day of Judgement comes. However, because you have destroyed the man, he cannot stand for you, but will be condemned along with you.
God never asked me to question. He simply asked me to obey. In any case, there is very little value in questioning whether a sin is a sin, or if the wages of sin are not death. Scripture is clear: sexual misbehavior is a mortal sin, and without immediate and permanent abstinence, all hope is lost. Even then, salvation is no guarantee, but without the repentance here and now, damnation is assured.
I don't promote degenerate values and have no interest in sex with someone I don't give a fuck about.
>I'm 6 foot and 4 inches
>Those are two measurements
Literally lost it there, 7/10
>but tribal communities could have used different excuses to take advantage of women, who had very simple rules at the time.
Mongol tribes had a simple rule
If there's adultery, kill the fuckers
>he has no existance outside of you
Are you sure? YOu do realize that people in the middle ages were literally thought to be witches and satanists if they doubted Satan's existence because it was believed it gave the devil more power over people, making them less expecting and so more vunerable. I don't have enough to judge you but this does worry me because the Devil certainly is his own person outside of anyone else, he's not just a voice in your head, he's an actual person.
You also speak about the power of sin. Sin has a corrupting influence but it's nothing a priest can't fix, emphasizing the power of sin and lacking emphasis on the Power of christ who put our sins to death and out former selves, in whom we have victory, all the apostles focused on this more than anything else. We all know sin has a powerful influence over certain people, but it is those who are saved that realize that sin was defeated at the cross
Is he right Sup Forums?
What do ((((((they)))))) mean by this?
I think 'deteriorating' would have been a better word, but that's just me.
>liking mini-golf
Fuck no, he's the worst kind of person and should be gassed.
>be me
>Date girl for four years starting in 2012
>Break up in May this year
>Open a Tinder and OKC account
>Countless dates. Hooked up with twelve girls, had two short term gf's, one long term FWB. Not in contact with any of them anymore.
I'm tired of it, bro. Hooking up is fun for a while, but once you get that "woof" out of your system, it's extremely tiring and bad for the soul. It got to the point where I refused to cum during hook ups because I knew I'd feel shitty about myself as soon as I came. It's like these girls were stealing parts of my soul. I have very little left to give, I'm still recovering.
Focusing on my career and playing guitar, now. Not searching for sex or women. If I meet a good woman, it's not gonna be on Tinder or OKC.
Yes, read everything she said, I have no problems with Mary coming and saying she's the Mother of God in the Flesh, virgin and blessed, please pray the Rosary, it was her warnings that bothered me.
But yeah there are phonies out there. I can verify I've had real and phony spiritual experiences myself, it doesn't take much to discern this though, just pay attention to what they are saying
Is mini golf degenerate Sup Forums?
>God never asked me to question. He simply asked me to obey.
I see. Well, I find that is a shame. Critical thinking is imperative to understanding things, and to blindly follow something is a sin in my eyes. But I am an atheist.
All the best to you and I hope you don't go into damnation.
>He tells you you are going to Hell, and you will despair and fight against him rather than turn yourself around.
lol if God told me I was going to hell because of x reasons I would try as hard as I could to turn my life around, not "fight" against him. Trying to outsmart or escape from the almighty would be worthless
> If you have no will to change now, when you know the consequences well enough, why would you have the will to change then?
As that picture at the top of the thread said, "if men only knew", I think a wake up call would be a good thing for a lot of people. I dont think people really know the consequences, hence the warning. I dont understand God a lot of the time, but surely what he is doing is for the best.
Satan is a creature of this world. He does not exist outside of this world. I did not mean he was simply a "voice in the head" or a vague, undefined concept of evil. He is a person. And yet, he has no substance without the corruption of men. He is not found in nature, but in the hearts of his children.
The path is narrow, and few are those who will travel it. This seems to imply the majority will not be saved. St. Augustine took this further and said the vast majority. I am not inclined to think much beyond this:
I doubt I have ever met a man or woman who will not join me in Hell.
You described my situation perfectly. Women are soul sucker's
Hahahahaha you losers make me laugh
You're all fat ugly nerds with no chance to get your pee pee touched so you act like you're above it.
>I doubt I have ever met a man or woman who will not join me in Hell.
so you're admitting to yourself that there is no hope for you, and that you are going to hell?
>one cannot have faith in God and engage in critical thinking
That's cute.
It's one of those things that is really low impact and relatively harmless at first or in small amounts, and bears almost no consequences any individual time you do it, so it's really hard to incentivize people against it. It also has different consequences on the individual level and societal level, so people have a hard time foreseeing the problems.
If you have a mostly traditional society but a few people hook up now and then, it won't really matter. If you are an individual, any given hookup won't hurt you much. If your whole society is running on hookup culture, you are fucked. If you are a individual who hooks up regularly, you'll end up doing serious emotional damage.
And of course, there's no identifiable tipping point between those extremes. Really is a slippery slope issue. At this point, there's not much point in going pure now if you've already been part of it. If you're a virgin or have low partner count, stay away from hookup culture and find others who also stay away. If you've done it a bunch, stopping now is pretty pointless and won't change societal trends.
We got into this via the sexual revolution in the 60's. But we can't have an explicit anti-sexual revolution. All people can do is try to raise their kids within a better cultural bubble and slowly change things back.
The only way to change it back quickly would be drastic changes to marriage, abortion, and contraceptive laws.
No (you) for you, little man.
yes its completely ... i hesitate to bring back the word but its honestly a perfect use here... Degenerate.
Women adding up their "numbers" from countless nights with losers have their confidence and self image rot away and some use feminism, comfortable with my body, and its just sex to hide it. no one wants some one like that.
Guys who do the hook up culture are the same in that they will end up the worthless because they never commit to anything and end up as dead beats living off parents as long as they can until they are scrounging the bottom of the barrel boring as shit wasting away either alone or with a woman stated above whos likely fucking his friends.
You have to be genuine and talk to people. Especially women, because they need to know that its not going to work out for them and while they think its fun, it isnt two days later.
Be the change in this dying society and put in your work to better it. for the sake of yourselves and them. you'll likely earn a respectable friend at the end of it.
There is always hope.
I hoped things might turn out a certain way. This helped me through tough times. And yet, those things never did turn out that way, and all the hope in the world meant nothing to the fact.
Anyway, I would not advise anyone to agree with me. It is not an easy thing, and it may indeed be a sin of its own, to feel this horrible despair. If you believe in your own Salvation, then by all means continue doing so.
How badly am I going to hell?
well technically when it comes to time, the Crucifixtion is an eternal event, past present and future, so technically he is forgiving you, did forgive you, and will forgive you in the future(yes for future sins)
I know that sounds bizarre, but it's the reason why Mass is taken so damn seriously. It's because you are literally partaking in the actua event of the crucifixtion In Spirit. It's a spiritual event. If you think that's hocus pocus and are still Christian okay okay yeah I get it, but what we all do agree is that God's forgiveness and his victory over sin has timelessness to it, because God's forgiving nature is eternal.
But yeah that's how it really works in Mass, it's supposed to be very real. I used to make jokes about Jesus Being a time traveler with all of this but yeah.
It's also okay to question God, God is your boss, like any good manager, they are comfortable with answering your questions and are able to do so.
God is never unwilling unless you are emotionally not able to hear him out on something. that is only because youre not ready and that's okay.
Please ask questions, Priests go to Divinity School so they can answer your questions on God's behalf. it's really good for you. Asking questions is not the same as condemning God, and if you do condemn Him then he has the power to forgive you and he does so with out a price. Ask God if something is a sin or not, it is good to know the nature of the law
Pauls letters consist of people asking if eating steak offerred to idols is sinful, he said in of itself no unless someone has a personal issue about it, where they make themselves guilty tearing themselves down about it afterwords.
Pauls letters are answering tons of questions on what is a sin here or there, is it okay to teach this is this a true doctrine, how do we pray, on and on
I'm so confused as to whether hook up culture exists or not. Everything I read and see online, on television and in movies makes hooking up like such a common and simple thing.
But every girl I've ever talked to or who's profile I ever viewed on a dating site, even Tinder, says they want to go out on dates and be in relationships.
>inb4 beta neckbeard
The Sup Forums nerd stereotype is bullshit I'm a normal guy.
Kek, thanks for using my pasta on your profile, user
Slavery to your desires is still slavery.
>implying I don't do this on the reg
No, it's the best way to get sex. You can have sex without commitment.
Apparently, I did it. Thought it was going to turn into a relationship because we'd been interested in each other for a while. Afterwards she "didn't want to get too serious." Fuck.
Didn't get any responses from it though was kinda disappointed
That's a stupid question.
>is the degradation of the family unit and the destruction of traditional western morality wrong?
Someone who gets it, thanks.
This quote is motivating, for it is quite true.
May i reach Eternity first, and quench my thirst so deeply that all becomes I, amen..
Girls like to pretend to be things they aren't.
I do not agree that God's forgiveness is universal.
It would be best if we did not question, but if we must question, we should limit those questions to specific areas, and under specific circumstances.
> tried to do this in November
> somehow got psyop'd
> she's moving in in January
I'm sure the Jews were behind this somehow, but also I might just be fucking stupid
I've read in The Diary of St Faustina, God more or less says "dont complain to me about your wretchedness" basically God already knows your feelings, dont wallow in them, dont let them consume you, then thats just the devil literally telling you that there is no hope.
I don't believe in my own salvation, I've read and studied, I wear a scapular that basically gets you a ticket into heaven if you wear it, I do what I can to prepare myself. Don't let your feelings get in the way of reaching closer to God, he's there waiting with open arms, but if you're too pessimistic(?) too gain the courage, then I guess idk.
Idk if I quite understand your position but it seems to me that you're convinced there is little hope. Dont let the evil one keep you down dude. Thats quite literally his goal and desire, to make you feel like shit.
why are white men so fucking weird
Nudism and naturism are the right way of life.
It is very simple. Hookup culture eventually leads to extinction of the people practicing it. Is that wrong?
Well "substance" is a very specific theological term applied to what makes up a person, and is discussed a lot about Christ, there is a doctrine stating that Jesus has one not two substances. It realates to personhood.
So satan does has substance actually if you want to be technical with catholic terminology. Satan's influence extends to nature since we live in a world that is destructive. he is also a physical being. Some like Thomas Aquinas argue that angels are pure spirit and have no free will (if I recall correctly) but generally most agree angels have physical bodies, God just doesn't want us interacting with them for now, Isaiah and Ezekiel and Revelations identify angels in heaven in there pure forms having bodies and interacting with things tactically and spatially. Id also say they have free will, I dont know if Thomas Aquinas figured how that worked with the devil but I know it was one big theologian that figured because of their nature with time, which i think they are not indefinately timeless as some believe.
anyways that's just the discussions. I wouldn't say the marjority aren't saved. The narrow path Jesus refers too is the old Covenant, he was th eonly one who could walk it successfully, he was identifying our need for a savoir there.
Isaiah has a verse refering to this same path being turned into a broad and narrow highway of the lord. John the Baptist mentions making the narrow path broad and straight in the beginning of Mark 1. Isaiah also states that all the seed of Israel will be saved.
The general interpretation is either Universalist (all people, and the jews God will redeem thorugh purifying fire) but that is pre 300s AD for a small group of Catholics and not really the accepted view.
The other more accepted view is that tons of Jews will be saved, ( knw they're jews but that's nice to hear)
John backs this up saying that Myriads and Myriads of people of every tribe, nation and tongue are saved!
Funny how you refuse to give into sex, but when it comes to giving into envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath, then you go full on cuck.
Fact is, lazyness is much worse than promiscuity and you are lazy as fuck, otherwise Canada wouldn't look like it is today.
>Is hookup culture wrong?
yes because no one hooks up with me :(
i fucking hate being handsome`ish(better than 90% of you fags)
and smart as fuck(always top of class(or close in some courses) in h.s/college)
yet im 3 times homeless an alcoholic and always depressed and cant talk more than 3 words too people at little Caesars. i hope i die everyday, fuck hok up culture. i cant even have a more than 2 week relationship with all the hambeasts that flock too me....
>4 inch pencil dick
>busted trash body
>"you gotta pay"
fuck off
I wouldn't necessarily object to people thinking God will redeem everyone. I wouldn't say its heretical in of itself, but thats just me, I used to be very "no way " about it but after hearing their interpretation of the verses with actual evidence, I'd say it's okay. Some universalists also argue that there were plenty of Catholics who beleived that everyone will be saved but I havn't seen much evidence either way to back that up. But really Id say denying that Jesus Christ is only one substance and that Satan is a very real person is a serious concern
It is impossible for me to contemplate God without also finding myself always returning to the same, inevitable truth: the thing that God created and loved is dead and gone, and I am simply the demon who remains in his place.
Interesting. I'll admit I have little formal education in these areas.
you don't really know if a woman is worth having kids with until you've hooked up. So if your goal is to create white babies with a beautiful woman then you have to hook up with one
Yes. It is the ultimate enabler for female promiscuity.
Of course I would object. The suggestion of hooking up alone already shows the depravity of the woman, and she is therefore not worth my time.