Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is retarded. Of course Muslims are based.
>prophet is a white man (described as white in the quran)
>their religion punishes homosexuals the hard way, not by being little bitches and crying about it like christ-fags do
>they tricked niggers into joining their religion then enslaved them
>hate jews just as much as hitler did
>they respect whites way more than blacks that convert to islam
>women are not equal to them
What the fuck am I missing?
Ahmeds you have to go back
this, desu
Muslims can be our friends
>It's a muslims and jews will literally be having a war soon over who gets white people on their team episode
Funny isn't it, soon we'll go from the least desired race to the most desired in a single generation.
They fuck little boys
Fuck Islam and the Muslim apologists and race traitors! You fuckers will hang with your muzzy friends
tell the kikes to stop stealing their land first
UNSEC 2334 was a good first step
>imblying Sup Forums doesn't love loli
They just didn't have 2d.
True brothers, come home white man.
>talking about Politics with my latino friends
>they hate Jews, believe in Jewish conspiracies, mention Soros, the Synagogue of Satan, etc
>talking to Muslim neighbours
>same thing
>talking to whites on Sup Forums
>same thing
Jews think multiculturalism will prevent antisemitism, but all other races actually hate them. I think only blacks do not criticize them
The enemy of an enemy is not a friend.
Certain Muslims are white, we're both caucasoids. We must unite together
You supporting rapefugees or something goy?
of course islam is the only force strong enough to over turn the jewish world order,
this is why the jews set up iraq and world trade,
so that whites and muslims will slaughter one another, turning their backs to their true enemy.
I love the overreaction coming from the kikes
aren't Semites Caucasoid??
I've never had a problem with Muslims so long as they remain in their countries and leave us alone. Syrians and Persians and all their ilk should have their own countries and perform their own business, and that should be the end of it. Everyone would be happy. I have no problem with their heathen religion or their inferior races if I don't have to live next to them.
It is the Jew who forces us to interact, while sequestering himself away to insulate himself from the matter.
AoC, women's vote, and no fault divorce have destroyed the west
>Muslims want to take over the world and kill / subvert all Christians
>Jews want to take over the world and kill / subvert all Christians
Blacks criticize them. They only sometimes confuse them for Whitey.
Asians do the same thing except for a few samurais Jews = whites
Nothing new, Muslims has always called out Jews whenever things don't go their way.
Post yfw this African Muslim man is more redpilled than 99% on Donald Trump.
Thank you based Mahad!
>watch Defamation
>the black people bring up The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>they speak a few red pills before the camera man leaves them
>so long as they remain
how about we REMAIN in OUR Country and leave THEM alone?
muslims have always been redpilled
they are on our side, we need to stop fighting each other and stand together
The only reason why Muslims are in our countries is because our Jewish overlords destroyed their country.
You think if Gaddafi was still around that there would be a migrant crisis? You think if we didn't fund the rebels in Syria we would have an issue with these refugees?
stop being a bluepilled faggot and look at the bigger picture
Are you a Jew? Jews are the ones reasons for us to be in Arab countries.
Maybe you should stop bombing them bro.
what did they mean by this image?
why does greater israel look like virginia?
That is untrue. Trump is acting against Zionist interests while proclaiming himself their friend.
This is not debatable. His policy on Syria has probably destroyed Israel ten years from now, and he's not even in office yet. The kikes have no choice except to accept whatever scraps he throws them because of Obama, but Trump has zero interest in fighting Jewish wars for them. His strategy is flawless, I will outline what is going to happen.
1: Trump will make a big show of helping Israel "defend itself" by giving them military aid. But he will NOT get involved in any adventurism that might compromise Iran or Syria.
2: Trump will "renegotiate" the Iran Deal to change the -monetary- terms of the deal, but not the restrictive ones.
3: Trump will make a big show of supporting Israel's claim to areas they have already secured, but will "negotiate" deals with the Palestinians that slow Israeli colonization of their land, keeping the Jew bottled up.
4: Trump will stall Kosher plots in the Middle East (as well as Saudi and Qatari ones) his entire presidency.
From Trump's perspective this lets him totally avoid stupid wars, look like the good guy, improve US relations with the Russians and a few Muslim countries, AND get back at the kikes who killed his friends in the WTC.
The result is that eight years from now Syria and Iran will have recovered entirely and will be collaborating on reactors. Nuclear immolation of Israel WILL occur within the next twenty years.
I don't blame people for not perceiving this because most people lack a nuanced perspective on Middle Eastern politics.
The words from that "letter" is a lie.
Then why do all Kikes love him?
>it's all a ruse
STFU already you fucking moron.
Trump is a ZIONIST.
Deal with it.
He's not using Jews. They're using him.
He's not playing a ruse. They're playing a ruse on him.
And he's not a white nationalist. And he never fucking was.
He is a ZIONIST who supports Israel more than he does America.
This is a fact.
Islam is basically Judaism for nigs and other assorted brown filth.
That's why it's so popular in our prison system. Only the ignorant and the criminals follow it, because it tells them it's OK to be a degenerate and a low life.
Yeah, no shit you idiots, which part of "It is the Jew who forces us to interact" did you not understand?
The Trump cries out as he strikes you. Watch and see that I am right--his words mean nothing. His actions are consistent with a man trying to turn Jerusalem into a crater. Your spamming literally does not change that.
They don't. They fucking hate him and they've spent months and fucking months trying to stop him despite his supposed friendship with them.
Now Bibi has no choice except to work with him and accept whatever tablescraps he offes them.
No, he isn't. His actions are not consistent with your assessment.
So do Mormons and Catholics, but Sup Forums as a raging hard on for both of them
The Muslim minority in the US is richer than the average white.
Notice how he has no argument, so he spams images from his folder because he cannot STAND that his side lost and that Israel is fucked because of Trump.
The mental gymnastics of drumpfkins is absolutely tumblr tier.
>Banned usury (the biggest jewish trick ever created)
Muslims are incredibly redpilled on the jew
Notice how you, as well, have no argument, so you snivel and agree with someone else instead of addressing me so that I may backhand you.
Explain how my assessment is wrong. Explain how undoing ten years of Israeli foreign policy and allowing Syria and Iran to collaborate on reactors helps them.
The Israelis wanted Hillary Clinton or, preferably some cuck like Romney or Jeb. They did not want Trump. They fought against him constantly and they lost.
m8 that mutual respect between Whites and Muslims will never come back, our governments have been kike controlled for way too long. The mussies now see it as a religous war.
The Muslim minority in the US are mostly found in correctional facilities, and buying shit at Walmart on their EBT card.
I honestly do not care what you have to say. You sympathize with them, and they're just as big an enemy as the Jew is. The Jew brought them here for the specific intent of driving whites out. Don't think for a second they are your "friend" or "based" in any way.
>lefties ally with islam
>muslims redpill them on jews
Not entirely bad tbqh
>the jew forced you to interact
The jew forced the british empire to ""interact"" with a billion shitskins too?
that they're incapable of producing a viable society because they keep marrying their fucking cousins
Every successful civilization has a strong sense of anti-semitism, it's a form of self preservation.
Mad as fuck trumptard.
All that shilling for drumpf over the past few months was an absolute waste of your time. Keep up the mental gymnastics though, it's normal for American retards to love circumcised zion cock.
You can live in my worldd bong. God bless our christian hearts.
kys, filthy goatfuckers
>country run by a man who worships socialism(judaism)
How exactly is where you're from any different?
>implying you israeli trump shills deserve arguments
Well let me check:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"
-Mayer Amschel Bauer ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Rothschild)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Yep. As usual I am correct.
I'm pretty satisfied that I just solo'd five of you effortlessly, and your answer to getting REKT is to scramble backwards and try to call me mad. It's like watching Creationists try to argue desu.
No u
Check um
catholic priests fucking little boys is much more civil
>implying I'm catholic
kys yourself too, leaf
Did the Israelis work against him trying to influence the election though? I'm not condescending just asking because I didn't pay attention to it, I saw left wing kikes going against him at every opportunity which is typical but I always thought the Israelis were neutral towards Trump or Hillary because they win either way, both candidates were pro zionism and they just didn't want Obama in office any longer because for all his faults he's resisted the ZOG his entire presidency.
>they tricked niggers into joining their religion then enslaved them
wtf I love Muslims now
>they respect whites way more than blacks that convert to islam
Looks like Jews are just running around the world riding whites' backs for 3000 years now.
How are you master race again?
The paddy actually got this one. Thanks. We need to not only send these inbred fucks back, but we need to humble them.
Look, it's one thing to have some of our boys who might have trouble getting laid here pillage among foreign women. That doesn't entail letting in massive amounts of men and children from every backwater into our countries. If the only valuable thing they have is a cunt, why the fuck would we want the whole family? We might have to discuss what we would do with half-breed Aryan rape babies, but that's for another time.
Nation of Islam are different from desert Muslims. Pretty good and the best kind of black person to have around.
Top kek.
NoI is not Islam and they are a minority of Muslims.
Any CTR person who thinks Sup Forums will fall for this "trump now loves jews so I hate trump now!" bullshit is wasting their time.
This is such a blanket tactic with so many of you out in force saying the same shit and not fitting in at all that it's easy to spot.
You guys need to hire a Sup Forumsack to do your strategy for you.
The enemy of my enemy isn't my friend.
However, I wouldn't stop them from removing kike.
The final redpill is realizing that trump is a fucking kike and islam is a proper example for white society
And little goats.
There's no basis for this. Pakis and arabs just don't like black people.
There was never any CTR, just trolls who still get a kick out of triggering all the newfags and stormfronters brought here from the increased traffic of the election. Just Sage and move on, these thread posters will fuck off when people stop reacting to them.
then you have no reason at all to fight muslims
They remained mostly silent throughout the event but they got their feathers ruffled on a few occasions when he basically named the Jew.
There was the funny event where he mentioned how a small clique of elite globalists were destroying the country and they came out and called him an anti-semite, thus drawing to everyone's attention that that small clique of elites was a bunch of Jews.
No, just influencing events occasionally, mostly for their own benefit. They have never built for themselves a successful culture or civilization because they are incapable of it. They are a race of parasites, and thus they cannot be "masters" of anything.
I do not believe in the master race of course--that is a strawman you have invented because now, after being handily defeated repeatedly, you are desperate for a way to make me angry. I find this intensely satisfying, as it is confirmation that I have rustled your jimmies and that you, defeated and without arguments, have had to resort to desperate measures to strike back at me.
Doesn't matter of they hate what we hate the fact is they come after us as well.
Fucking piece of shit
.02 bitcoins have been deposited into your account.
>there was never any CTR
what the fuck, where have you been? who do you expect to believe that who's been here more than a week?
oh that's right, you're CTR.
you don't need to love or hate Muslims to know that he is right
nice digits
Muslims are based but they don't belong in our countries.
Serious question to anyone, where can I sign up to make money for shitposting? Hell I'd love to make 2 cents a shit post or hell I'd be ecstatic for .02 bitcoins, that's a shit ton of money.
You mad bro? Yeah you mad.
Please type me a paragraph
Isis don't attack Israel. Wonder why.