What does Sup Forums think of Latin America?
What should they do to improve it?
What does Sup Forums think of Latin America?
What should they do to improve it?
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bomb chile
ayyyyy im there xD
Chile and Argentina are the only countries worth saving in Latin America, desu
Have SA pull a Duterte.
argentina is a shithole
Uruguay is nice too, it's lefty land but it keeps itself cool by having a small population.
So is Colombia and pretty much any third world country if you try to compare it to fucking LA or Dubai. But the truth is, out of every South American country, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the most civilized. There's almost no tropical climate so no jungleniggers or drug cartels, highest percentage of whites and a lot of European descent. Anything north of the tropic of Capricorn is shit stained clay.
Kek is it true there are too many Colombians in Argentina now?
Don't know any. I do have a Venezuelan friend, but that's about it
T-thanks chile sama..
Put it in the microwave
Argentina also has higher taxes, higher inflation, doesn't even have 1 university in the top 10 of LA, free education that allows people from all over the continent to take advantage of that, bad infrastructure, is losing GDP every year, 2nd most miserable country after Venezuela and has socialist policies and a very repressed ecomony
Anything that isn't shaded green is literally niggerland
Latin America needs nationalism and free trade. More investment. Some form of voluntary eugenics where worthy Germanics impregnate our women. We need to maintain a good Christian culture, otherwise degeneracy and immigration will come with prosperity and we will just become Europe 2.0
Strong minarchic government. Maximize freedoms but enact strong law enforcement. Zero tolerance on theft, kidnapings, gang violence, etc. More civilian gun ownership.
Much work needs to be done, but with enough will, we can make South America Great Again (inb4 "again" you get the fucking point)
Also we have way better healthcare so i don't know how are you better than any other country in LA, even Peru is better
Isn't that what happened with Al-Murica? Seen a lot of dark dudes over there
Would it be feasible for a Yuro to migrate? I want to get out of this globalist maffia country
Wait, there are still socialist policies in Argentina? I thought Macri was going to take care of that.
Also, I heard any South American can get free education and healthcare there. Is that true, ? It better not be true, you're just inviting the niggering of your country (for any anons not aware, Argentina IS white, save for some shitskin barras bravas)
Relax, Pablo. I don't particularly have any beef with Colombians, all I'm saying is that if Argentina is a shithole, so is Cokelombia
Immigration wise, no idea what the requirements are. Colombia is sort of safe ATM, but it seems you're better off in Chile. More whites, safer, and I think the economy is good. If you DO consider Colombia, I recommend Bogotá, Manizales, or Medellin. Bretty safe and hot women everywhere. You will guaranteed get laid.
I'm saddened to say that our previous government allowed any nigger who claimed to have Zika get free healthcare supported by taxpayers. After that, they could fuck off and either get beheaded by the Amazonians or come back and leech off of our hard work. Our new president has said that he wanted to fix that shit, but he's a lying cunt and a major retard so I don't have a lot of hopes.
He's tried to get good relations with the US, but when we got a visit from Obama we were literally in a state of alert, afraid that there were any ISIS nigs trying to blow him up and everyone around him.
We first kill all weeb english teachers and military base rapists stationed in Okinawa.
Haha thanks lad but muh dick obviously isn't one of my reasons to migrate - although starting a family remains an objective ofcourse. I want a country with a future that I can build on
Yes, Argentina is a very socialist country, probably not as much as Venezuela or Bolivia but still a lot
Yuro + Buenos Aires = good
Lived in Argentina for a year. Buenos Aires is fucking crazy. Outside of the major cities, its beautiful and reminds me of America in some respects. Excellent Italian food. Quilmes is bullshit piss water tho.
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and southern Brazil are ok. The rest are shit. Looking at you Mexico.
>free healthcare
Sorry to here about the Socialism, Diego. Being a nationalist, I hate when other countries, specially fellow South American ones, fall into this pathological altruism and start giving funds like candy. I want your country to prosper as much as mine, hopefully Argentina becomes great again and for Argentinians (for anyone not in the know, argentina was one of the top economies in the early 20th century and was very prosperous)
Strongly recommend Manizales. It's quite safe/comfy and has a taint European feel to it, and you will easily find a qt conservative wife. See if there are any jobs available, AFAIK requirements are a job sponsor, proof of criminal record (if any), and bank statements showing financial security
Try to see if Chile has anything worthwhile too.
Latin America should become one large country like the former Yugoslavia.
Would also recommend Argentina/Uruguay, but since there is so much socialism, I have no idea what the jobs market is like.
Kek for all our faults, thank God leftism is a cardinal sin here.
>Wanting to recreate Yugoslavia
But...why? For what logical reason?
Exterminate drug dealers, arrest leftists, restore Catholic hegemony, use lazy indian fucks as labor for massive public infrastructure projects so we can actually do something with the massive natural resources we have.
>voluntary eugenics where worthy Germanics impregnate our women
based cuck
>arrest leftists
>not outright killing them
Come on huebro, do you really think Lula/Dilma deserve life?
>but why
The inevitable civil wars would be funny to watch desu.
Hey, we need to raise the IQ quickly somehow kek
White Canadians are welcome to spread their seed here. Whitefugees welcome!
They're already slowly improving after decades of U.S rape.
srs question, read a lot here about Argentina, gimme the rundown on qts
I'm sick of winter, would like to avoid it forever if possible. I really liked Spain minus the niggers, already started to learn Spanish. Wouldn't mind moving there, buying a house and starting a business if your women are not shit.
The eternal Gringo, never change greatest customer
>Uruguay is nice
I will travel to SA if there is some sort of horrific (nuclear, Labour winning an election) event here.
I have no idea what I would do for a living there. Maybe I will open a British restauraunt.
Welcome China*
Those fuckers will come down hard as if we were Africa
>Maybe I will open a British restauraunt.
Come to Peru then, we will eat anything that is in a plate
>gimme the rundown on qts
Many blonde qts
>I'm sick of winter
Kek, are you aware where Argentina is? Maybe northern argentina, you might be better with Uruguay (mini-argie) or northern chile. But if blonde qts who speak sexy Spanish is your thing, argentina hands down.
I know it would suck for you guys but come on, that would be the happening to end all happenings. You'd have commies rebels and drug cartels fighting the government in the streets, some general would defect and try to become a fascist dictator. Hell, some Chilean would probably start Catholic ISIS. It would be great.
Open a pub. Never fails a Brit.
I don't know. I've never visited Spain
>muuuh free trade meme even though sanctions exist if you don't bend your ass over to the most relevant policies of the glorious US of A
I ran a pub for a while, I could make that work. Perhaps in an embassy district.
My uncle, for some reason, married two Colombian women and lived out there. He loved it.
>possibility of having your own comfy libertarian militia
Ok Mr. Burger, I'm listening...
1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks.
2. Spics have voted overwhelmingly democrat in every single election since they started being counted 40 years ago. Just like blacks.
3. Spic countries have the highest homicide rates in the world, to point that Uganda and the Congo look peaceful.
4. Spics are not White. The average Mexican is 57% Native, 37% European, and 5% African. This is barely "Whiter" than Africans Americans who are on average 25% European.
5. Spics have triple the homicide rate of Whites in the US, even though Muhammed and Achmed are included in “Non-Hispanic White.”
6. The most successful Spic nations are barely wealthier than the absolute poorest European nations.
7. Spics have significantly higher obesity rates than Whites.
8. Spics have an average IQ range of 80 to 90, some variation depending on sources but close to a standard deviation below whites (Blacks have about 1 standard deviation from Whites)
9. There is no “melting pot.” We had laws in place to ensure exclude all non-White immigrants. Since the US was formed, it has always been 80-90% Non-Spic White, comparable to European countries. The remaining population was black and could not vote or hold significant power. So who created the politics? The laws? The economy? The technology? Whites. That’s why the US is a White nation. A nation is not the ground it was built on, it is the work of the people.
10. “Spics can be great! Look at Cubans!” Cubans have very low Native blood. They are basically either Spaniard, Black, or a negro mix. Therefore, “White Cubans” probably actually are White.
(Sources will be in a reply to this post)
The biggest difference between Spics and Blacks is that Spics are taking over our country.
Middle Easterners make up less than 4% of Germany. Spics make up over 17% of the US. Literally over 4x the number of sandniggers.
Look at our streets. This is a video of LA.
Is this okay with you?
el CONGOlombiano
1. cis.org
2. Simply Google exit polls for a specific year and you can confirm Hispanics voted overwhelmingly democrat.
3. en.wikipedia.org
4. en.wikipedia.org
5. imgur.com
6. en.wikipedia.org
7. cdc.gov
8. home.ubalt.edu
9. en.wikipedia.org
10. en.wikipedia.org
>muhhhh national socialist ethno state
>muuhhh gommunism
yes they are
you come here to steal our free unis
>3. Spic countries have the highest homicide rates in the world, to point that Uganda and the Congo look peaceful.
>Trusting reports from FUCKING AFRICA
That's kind of pathetic tho,nationalists would never agree with you.
>Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks.
>Spics have voted overwhelmingly democrat in every single election since they started being counted 40 years ago. Just like blacks.
>Spics are not White. The average Mexican is 57% Native, 37% European, and 5% African. This is barely "Whiter" than Africans Americans who are on average 25% European.
>Spics have significantly higher obesity rates than Whites.
>implying everyone is mexican
Women here go crazy for the BFC, just don't be autistic. Whenever shit hits the fan, you're always welcome here!
Kek why must Amerinigger government ruin everything, we're trying to have your Castizo-topia here ;__; go bully Venezuela, its the least you can do to help them
kiss my ass gringo, if you stopped funding Cartels we would have gotten our shit together years ago, and don't even try to say "you've always been shit" cause you have fucked our country throught the centuries, so shut the fuck up and do something with your degenerate society.
lmao it looks like a Mexico City street
Chile's alright. Fuck the rest of it.
>In South America
lmao. We are all disgusting mixed mongrels here.
At best we he have regional loyalty but that is, we are all stranger to each other unlike other parts of the world.
>le chile is good meme.
being a literal cuck.
>your selfhate is showing
>indio Mexishits/Central Americans are representative of all hispanics
Why do you think they call us Sudacas? Also, this thread is about SOUTH America, not hispanics living in North America. Believe you me, I want spics out of your country as much as you do.
please kys
You can't be a cuck if there is nothing you can get cucked from you.
For fuck sake Mexico, our last presidential candidates were a second gem polish and a second gen Japanese.
And don't get me started on our sky high tax evasion
>bringing in Canadians
Big mistake. Canada is the reason the north east is so cucked.
Revival of the Empire when?
>Not wanting more castizos
Obviously they have to integrate. I want no anglo culture in my country, but I wouldn't mind having high-IQ whites coming in. Once again, they will have to be Colombianized.
obviously getting every indian girl creampie'd by a bunch of Canadians will solve everything.
You, since I beleive aren't as stupid as general population, need to get together with people who think alike and start doing something about it.
I would give the right to arms to the people and then balkanize the whole country.
we need to educate people from here, why would we want stupid eurocucks coming again
Ok fair enough, I understand the concern. Based Albertabros and non-leaf Canadians are welcome still.
>What should they do to improve it?
The only problem with Latin-America are Latin-Americans. Fix that core problem and it'll become a bunch of beautiful and prosperous countries.
we are already degenerating at an alarming rate thanks to commies
>Revival of the Empire when?
I pray to the Lord for the third empire to settle in my lifetime to be honest and I lean to minarchist governments.
> I wouldn't mind having high-IQ whites
Don't know the current situation of Colombia, but in Mexico low IQ are related to malnourishment in the poor population (aka 60%).
I am organizing a plan to "adopt" a bunch of lower class kids and give them proper diets and education, obviously it wouldn't affect the numbers in the near future but "algo es algo' dijo el diablo".
Would a white American be welcome in your country? Montevideo looks breddy gud.
Nuke it!
It's the only way!
Please... end my suffering...
Well, how are we going to do it then? I want this country to prosper as much as you do, and bringing a few high-skill, high-IQ people willing to start businesses is a start. We need to bring more high-culture and ethics into the society too, just look at the mess that is taking a Transmilenio.
How do you bring a high civic society to Colombia? Enlighten me, I would like to help
>not doing some research or just asking the locals what the good beers are
your fault m8
>But if blonde qts who speak sexy Spanish is your thing, argentina hands down.
muh dick
Nah but seriously, my concern is, how fucked up are your women, I have no fucking idea m8. E Europe for the most part still has ok chicks in smaller towns. Not complete sluts fucked in the head by feminism and shit. I've been to UK and the West is doomed, their women are absolute shit. What's the situation like in S America in general, and in Argentina in particular? Blonde conservative qt whispering hot Spanish into my ear sounds amazing.
For the record, I'm not an autist faggot, would run social circle game in small towns. At least that's the general idea.
I assumed weather would be warm year round or at least mild winter, didn't think snow was a thing there. I haven't really looked into S America yet seriously, but it's been in the back of my mind for a while.
>I pray to the Lord for the third empire to settle in my lifetime to be honest and I lean to minarchist governments.
I got so erect reading that
>ywn visit a minarchist imperial México that is at the pinnacle of civic society, culture, and cuisine.
>ywn be with qt Mexicanas at a bar downing tequila in Neo-imperial México
>it will never happen because of corruption, no national spirit and (((Outside Influences)))
Just kill me now senpais.
Well Argentina is pretty South, so I assume it gets pretty cold during June. AFAIK Argentinian women should be fine and not too degenerate. They might give you the succ
If you can make it to Manizales or Medellin in Colombia, you might really like it. Lots of qts and will almost guarantee give you the succ. Conservative but not degenerate, it's a great mix. Accents are pretty sexy too
But the Argentinian accent is next-level. It's just so fantastic to hear, I Muh Dick every time.
>Falling for the nurture meme
They are dumb because they are non-white mixed mongresl therefor inferior.
There is nothing it can be done
yeah, sure. it's cool. pretty chill. good personal liberty, bad economic liberty. socialist policies are fucking us up economically. just stay out of poor neighborhoods and you'll be alright. security difference between centric montevideo and peripheral montevideo is YUGE.
gringo = foreigner
yank/yankee = 'merican
only retards use the former. The best way to improve S.A is genociding all South Americans by the exception of the colonies such as, menonites, japanese colonies, Switz colonies and such that are almost considered a governament of their own,
Kill every single non white
Less socialism, but I think the Pink Tide bullshit has run out of steam at last and they realize it's not working.
Man we trying for the world to forget about us.
You fucking that one up.
Look Merifats ISIS in the middle east....nothing to see here.
Read up on Hispanics at Robert lindsay's race realism blog. The nurture meme is real. There is evidence for it, but it isn't everything.
You cannot deny the effects that a protein deficiency could have on anyone.
>ebin socialism is the problem
yeah, Venezuela is totally not the fault of the spics living in there right ?
This, Cuba is actually decent when compared to mierdazuela, but Castro was actually a Spaniard unlike chaves/maduro
Venezuela was actually ok before Socialism.
Needs more European blood in it