Women know this is wrong, they know what will happen is going to be bad for them and yet they still do it anyways.
Pic related is an example. Burn the coal, Pay the toll.
Fuck women!
Women know this is wrong, they know what will happen is going to be bad for them and yet they still do it anyways.
Pic related is an example. Burn the coal, Pay the toll.
Fuck women!
The bottom pic was of her after getting attacked by a jealous white boy
in my country 53% of white women voted trump. they aren't all ignorant, but some are, and some are just downright stupid.
Eh, fact is white women are pretty ethnocentric
BULLSHIT! Why are you being a fucking cuck! Be a man and address the problem instead of being a white knight. Newsflash faggot it's not going to get you laid!
Fuck I'm triggered.
At one point, men fought and killed other tribes. The women who were willing to be with thier captures, survived.
To cope with the harsh reality of life they are delusional, unwilling to see enemy as a threat... they may possibly have to be with the enemy to reproduce.
Not they didn't, you fucking cretin.
Who left this bait here?
*white women who get married
why is getting yous so easy on this subreddit?
yes, they did.
i could go on but i won't bother.
Only because they had a man telling them what to think and do.
Women are extremely liberal by default. That only changes when they are in a relationship with a man that isnt.
They did though.
why are dicklets so pathetic Sup Forums?
if you dont want women burning the coal, start by not having a tiny 5-7 inch dick
t. Rice Cock tired of his women submitting to the allure of superior white dick
>Only because they had a man telling them what to think and do.
you strongly underestimate the number of women who hate hillary.
White men are to blame.
t. white boi who has to make fun of asians to feel good about his tiny 7 incher
another unsourced tweet, anyone can create a twitter account and post shit, another bait tread.
This is true. Everything would be alright if only my dick wasn't a paltry seven and a half inches.
This. Women evolved to be conquered and taken as prizes in war. Women will never form an effective resistence against foreign invaders because that evolved to open their legs to the men who possesses them.
exactly, i'm 9 inches, I make fun of cucks like you.
you're king of the dicklets m8, nothing big.
I remember feminists being so buttblasted about those stats. it was hilarious
All women are profoundly insecure creatures but seriously you cant use coalburners to illustrate your point. Coalburners are extremely self-loathing sluts who feel like they dont deserve to be loved, hence why they go for niggers who they know will beat them.
Or in general, whatever.
Generally people want their children to be from the same ethnic group, especially whites.
Black - 5.8 in.
White - 5.7 in.
White women will risk herpes, single motherhood and a black eye for an extra 0.1 inches? Stop watching porn.
women think 8 inches is 10 my man
>Chinese man claims to be 9 inches on the internet
I'd believe that's your height but no chance your rice dick measures 9 inches unless it's being stretched by machinery
Fuck off drawfag, why do you keep trying?
that's because men lie about their size all the time and women will agree with them to not hurt his feelings.
>dicklet thinks 9 inches are rare
typical above average fag
lol, that's sad bro, dont post that shit.
What does "Can't put it down" mean?
Good thing women can't do math then
It's referring to white women with the seed of black men inside them after the first trimester.
whatever makes you feel big champ
more like they have 0 spatial awareness
Jesus Christ, how many times do we have to go through this?
Yeah but we're talking about women in general so...
you gotta understand, you saying "women can't measure" and all of its variations is just a huge red flag that the person saying it has an average sized dick. It's pathetic.
you never hear sad shit like that by a guy who actually likes the size of their dick (and by that I mean a guy with a dick he know's is big)
again, only average and above average dicklets say things like that.
Susan Coffey.
You're welcome.
u def got me dude
thought that chart was in inches at first
>Why do stupid women make bad decisions?
Any woman who'd fuck a black guy is not one you should be marrying. Be grateful her genes are going to be diluted into the mud.
That's who they marry. It has nothing to do with sex. Women have no compunctions with sex. They think it's empowering to get plowed by the entire football team. If you've ever spoken to women, you'd also know that they don't think of oral sex, and sometimes even anal sex, as being a big deal, either. They'll do it with any guy they think is cool enough.
What does it matter to you?
When autumn comes along you're a leaf in the wind anyway
woman is subhuman
They think, getting into an orgy, as being free, which is just retarded.
But that's what you get from being too sexually repressed for so long.
The pendulum swings, for all things.
just sick of dicklets blaming women for not wanting small or average dicks
It's not about men exaggerating or women trying not to hurt their feelings, people are just fucking terrible at eyeballing measurements. Have you not experienced this first hand? People are dumb. They think 1 inch is teeny tiny and are shocked when their foot is not actually 1 foot.
Having cocks on your mind 24/7 isn't healthy you faggot.
Being Canadian isn't very healthy either.
oh shit, I forgot that australians have tiny dicks
no wonder you're so proud of your small penis
Don't insulate me or my son ever again.
top kek
Well you do need dicks, all those maple trees aren't going to fuck themselves.
>according to women
As objective as evidence gets.
I'm fucking dying here
it would be extremely warm
Imagine being so pathetic you stoop to the level of a nigger and brag about your dick size
Inb4 obvious "you must have a small dick" response
my sides: gone
You're a good carpenter.
Vaginal and anal sizes differ between people, as do penises. Most women like big penises as a fantasy, and will always want bigger then your cock, but that's not because they dislike your cock or they don't think it is big, it's just like how a man will always want his life to have a bigger ass or larger breasts.
A fucking leaf
Fuck off maldraw no one likes your shitty christ-chan comic
I'm eight inches and scientifically and physically anything larger would be impossible to properly fellate or take, but even I want bigger because a monster cock would amaze women. But when I ain't a horny bugger I realize it's a stupid thought. The last time I had I made someone cry by deepthroating them heavily and expanding them too much in penetration. And if you can take anything bigger then a dildo sized cock, your vaginal or anal orfice will look like a old woman's cavernous vagina regardless of age.
why are you talking shit?
me and my roommate both measured, i'm 13 inches he's 11 lol
call us gay if u want dicklet, to me it seems like 100% of people are 11 inches+ so u must be in the 0.1% thats not...
I imagine it's something along the lines of "can't lay the best pipe".
>ask girl how long she thinks it is
>10 inches
>it's only 6 1/2
>dick is barely above average in girth
>some drunk bitch thought i had a koozie on my dick
stop fucking 11 year olds.
>pretends his dick is 10 inches
what lol? nigga with a 9 inch cock ur prolly only fucking 11 year olds cuz anyone over the age of 15 has been hit up by a real man like me or my bros and cant feel that 9 inch baby banana shit
I don't get it. The facts and figures regarding black on white crime, or black crime period, are no secret. Why they want to associate with these animals is beyond me. The willingness of liberals to deny reality is getting them hurt and killed, and it's hard to feel sorry for them.
White men are weak betas and let them go off and do what they want, instead of instilling decency in them. Now all white boys do is cry online about how white women are sluts despite many of you never getting laid. Sometimes I wonder if i'm on /r9k/.
Fuck off Malaysian mike
I read koozie as kazoo
The numbers that are closer together are called "centimeters". If you turn the ruler over, inches are on the other side.
So a white boy did in fact put her down then?
bitch pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
>cock longer than 4 inches
Pick one
Yeah... heh heh.... Whining crackers
Wait, is that the same as this?
must be sad only being able to make fun of guys with micropenises to feel big user
average dicklets are truly pathetic
yea prolly should just kill yourself S O R R Y
nigga we american lmao we dont use centimeters our rulers go to 12 u fucking dumb lol?
U sure u didn't use the wrong side of the ruler?
Because the man with the largest dick in the world is like 12 inches.
you got me on that, she's prolly lying about 10 inches
My dad fits those 2 pictures perfectly. He turned to alcohol and smoking and died recently due to black lung.
But hey, whites probably just don't want white women anymore because dey got small dickz n' sheeeeit rite nyqqa?
Asians are small and sad and beta. 100% of them.
Oh look. Another psyop thread to divide men and women.
This has to be the most dangerous and effective form of mindfuckery used here to date. And you guys keep falling for it.
this one always gets me.
>according to women
I'd sooner take advice or measurements from a fucking dog
>Pursuit of "women"
pick one