I'm so fucking fed up with Trump chearleaders... Now that the jewish puppet won the election, could Sup Forums reset to its normal state please?
I'm so fucking fed up with Trump chearleaders... Now that the jewish puppet won the election...
Reported to the Hate Police, have fun getting buttfucked in prison Klaus.
>could Sup Forums reset to its normal state
Sure. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag now get the fuck out. Also, OP is a faggot.
how does this make you feel,Günter?
>Reported to the Hate Police
Is that pol now? Seriously?
>normal state
No problem.
Fuck off JIDF.
Count me out. I'm not tired of winning yet.
he's a white male
>. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag now get the fuck out. Also, OP is a faggot
>Fuck off JIDF
Thank you so much anons...
Go kill yourself. We're fedup with your jewish leader.
>Autistic Kraut angry his nth attempt to destroy the western world failed as he gets stuck with Merkel and refugees as the rest of the west rides the wave of right wing populism
Germans are natural born losers. It's in your DNA. I'm not surprised you don't like winning.
>the west rides the wave of right wing populism
National Socialism, Fascism, Nationalism, and colonialism: they are all left side.
So go fuck your self with your jewish alt-right faggotry.
Putin and Israël are behind the terrorist attack on Berlin.
First they send us millions of refugees with (((their))) war in Syria, then, they do the terrorist attack for german people to support (((their))) war.
At least the shills are getting smarter.
How did having a pro-immigration woman in charge work out for germany again?
Discuss some Counter Currents articles or something. Take back the narrative from the "are you white" or "why are you circumsized" threads.
stop using Socialist stooges as your ideal, please.
The real problem we have is Russia: they're doing wars for Israël, they're sending millions of refugees to Europe...
I can't believe soon USA will do the same...
We should send all those refugees to Russia and Israël.
Illegal in Germany it's too big
pucker up Hanz, your government is going to accept millions with open arms.
Well... Trump will send the US boys to war in middle east for Israël.... so... millions of new refugees for Europe...
Jews... jews.... jews....
80 percent of Jews voted hilldawg
Fuck off anti-semite. YOU'RE FIRED!
I forgot Putin invited 'As many refugees as possible' to europe.
Russia are backing up Assad you retard Israel wants him gone. The US is Israel's bitch and always has been, not sure if your a shill or just misinformed
somehow I doubt that, his whole platform was basically rebuild the US, it's infrastructure, business, everything.
Why would he fuck all that up by entering a middle eastern war?
Who cares ??????
>>Millions of new refugees will come to Europe when Trump will go to war for Israël
So burgers: just fuck you with your Trump, your Hillary, and your kike alt-right.
I'm fucking fed up with all of you...
>Russia are backing up Assad you retard Israel wants him gone. Th
I'm OK with Islam in Arabs country. It's their religion. I don't want millions if refugees in Europe because Israël want go fight Islam in middle east.
>his whole platform was basically rebuild the US, it's infrastructure, business, everything.
National Socialism economic: let's see if he'll do it. For now, he seems submitted to the jewish banks.
>I'm so fucking fed up with Trump chearleaders
Good. So are we. So are NRx and Alt-Right outlets.
> Now that the jewish puppet won the election, could Sup Forums reset to its normal state please?
Yes. The name of the game is pic related. We agitate and force Trump and congress to follow through on his main campaign promises.
>We agitate and force Trump and congress to follow through on his main campaign promises.
That would be typicall from the good old Sup Forums
So am I, your dear leader is the one that invited them. You cucked yourselves hans, don't go blaming Russia and the US for mama Merkels mistakes
Don't be a knob.
>NATO gets into temporary partnership with the Russo bloc
>NATO's Sunni allies and Russia's Shia allies pressured to take off weight from factional crises in Africa and the Mideast
If the UK, EU, Turkey, KSA, Iran, the US, and Russia were to work out a plenary agreement for
1. Repatriation, incentivized if need be.
2. Population transfers,
3. Self-determined governments and borders
4. Political strongmen
5. Economic sustainability of the new regions
6. Education efforts there (e.g. Farsi education for Shia expats)
7. A eugenics/birth control/ tax disincentive for children there
we could probably roll back the work of Qutb, Khomeni, Hezbollah, Hamas, AQ, AN, ISIS, the cold war proxy conflicts, and the borders drawn up by the French and British
The Sunnis would stay with the Sunnis, the Shias with the Shias, the Kurds with the Kurds, the misc snowflakes in their own SARs.
>tfw to intelligent too be racist
You should be doing the same with your own government.
Are you voting AFD or are you one of the cucks that says
>Well.. the current situation is bad.. but these slightly right of center people are too spicy for me
>your dear leader is the one that invited them.
Are you fucking stupid?
Israël and Russia are at war against Islam in middle east, and that stupid jewish war is sending millions of refugees to europe.
They are jewish globalist pro-Israël.
I am a NatSoc, not a jewish puppet.
I agree. I can't tell if Sup Forums is being ironic or not, but Trump is obviously Zionist controlled opposition. And whenever someone brings up a point about why this is true, Sup Forums will just spout excuses for this false hope.
Guys we can still stop Trump. There's a 90 second gap on Jan 3 when the House can be considered by voice quorum of 13 to be temporarily in session. This happens between 11:59 and 12:00.30 am only due to a quirk of rounding in the COBOL-based time-keeping system the House commissioned in the 1970s.
>Trump is obviously Zionist controlled opposition.
Yep... and this will lead to more war against Islam for Israël, and more refugees in Europe...
We will save you
Trump barely won trying to court the blacks and Jews, do you think people are ready for actual Hitler?
One minority at a time please, let's start with the illegal spics.
They have no right to free movement into europe, the middle east has been a warzone for 30 years but only now are they pouring in because the EU opened the fucking floodgates.
>They are jewish globalist pro-Israël.
The point is to support Israel as a safe and free colony for the Jews
>The carrot
While )))unrelated agents((( make Jews in Europe uncomfortable enough to want to move there
>The stick
>I am a NatSoc, not a jewish puppet.
So why not join AFD and attempt to purify them from within?
This, also we need to make europe generals. Tired of the fucking degenerate amerifat/leaf mentality thats spreading.
Do you hear me amerilards? We're tired of your kike wars