Why V4 group is so based, while everything west from it is cucked as hell?
Why V4 group is so based, while everything west from it is cucked as hell?
I agree, the only european part of europe, sad
Best explaination I've heard was Jonathon Bowden's take on it.
It was something to the effect of Communism insulating the traditions of the nations in a sort of frozen state while being horrible to live under you didn't become soft and weak like us.
>is so based
maybe with Austria but nowadays... don't get me wrong is a nice move that all the weak countries in Europe should do, but what can u do against France and Germany? in what thing has been usefull? just wondering
Not sure about other countries, but for Poland, nationalism is seen good, as Poland would not have existed without it. In Germany and other places it is bad, because it's associated with atrocity propaganda. Oh, and not having Jews in your country helps.
Harder life makes people more protective of what they've got.
Portugal and Ireland seem to be doing OK though.
Might be very accurate, though. And also remember, that none of us from V4 had any colony or slaves - no white guilt, no holocaust guilt, etc.
>but what can u do against France and Germany
Well, Polish army is better than German (atm).
> Oh, and not having Jews in your country helps
We have them, but because of the fact that we have lived with a BIG jewish minority we hate them
You cant be poor and based at the same time.
>Polish army is better than German
has this something to do with the V4?
Yeah, no need to be a genious.
but we are kinda poor, at least compared to you. And yet we are the most based country in Europe.
Oh, you meant politically. I dunno, the best thing what we can do is to tell merkel to fuck off and maybe some countries will follow
The real reason lets be honest is that you are poorer than the west. No one wants to move/live in any of these countries. By your logic Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria should be part of it as well.
>The real reason lets be honest is that you are poorer than the west. No one wants to move/live in any of these countries.
You can be beaten for being a nigger or looking like an Arab in better Europe. In lesser Europe, they'll give up their women and traditions to accommodate foreigners.
V4 nations know what it's like to get fucked in the ass for hundreds to thousands of years
other countries experience temporary hardship before the next economic boom and subsequent foreign incursion. germans, french, etc. don't actually know what loss is, just temporary setback
that's why they think they will 'get past' muslim invasion and pan european consolidation
and even the army is only by the manpower, these half million in the reserve, one thing is say that u don't take migrants, wich is something that cant force the US, only Italy had the balls to say no to Germany the other states more or less follow Germany and France
Wrong. So why is Polish society so unfriendly towards subhumans from africa and middle-east?
> only Italy had the balls to say no to Germany
friendly reminder, that Poland and Hungary did not accept a SINGLE ONE fugee from EU quotas.
>did not accept a SINGLE ONE fugee
cause they now that u only accept that if u want, is not part of the EU thing the asylum policy, that's part of the state policy, they can't force u to get these people and that's not part of the deal of the EU
I prefer to live humbly than to have shekels in my pocket and Ahmeds cock in my rectum.
You just described the difference between rich and poor countries. In many Arab and African countries they will saw your hand off if you just steal an apple, is that what "based" is? And why is so many Poles and Hungarians living in western Europe than and not the opposite?
Refugees only want benefits so they don't want to live in Poland and Hungary. Even if you accepted 1000 all of them would still end up in Germany.
What the fuck are you talking about we are full refugees it's just that they don't do shit since we are the Muslim boogieman since the 90's hence the rape rate is 0,7.Meanwhile we have Bulgaria with 4x less refugees with 2,4 rape ratio,but that is already going down since Bulgarians literally started breaking their skulls for shit like that.Meanwhile you do nothing and blame only your government.
Not to mention Poland isn't nearly as poor as the countries you mentioned.
It is not only your government that makes you cucked,it's the fact that you do nothing agaisnt as people so you get 0 respect from them.
Because V4 is rightful Russian clay, and the West is not
All the countries I mentioned are poor and no one moves there so there is no need to worry about the same problem as the west. We don't only have to accept refugees but also Poles, Serbs and the rest of Eastern Europeans moving to Western Europe. That's the perk of being a rich country.
Is there porn of these balls
i love this image so much
There's nothing wrong with letting another man make your gf happy you faggot.
or a kangaroo
or an emu
Why's it called V4
Visegrád 4 (Czechia,Poland,Slovakia,Hungary)
how can aussie "men" even compete?
Less niggers
No rapefugees want to live in your shithole cause even their own shitty countries are better. Stop LARPing as "european", you are easternians ex-commies.
You are just Russian clay who leech from western countries.
UK is leaving, now there's nearly 7,5 billion euro less to leech from. Can't wait to see what you'll do.
But if every time a refugee raped in your country you beat the living fuck out of them you would not have the problem in the first place,since the people would start to respect you.We have our share of refugees weather you like it or not and the rape 0,7.And we are supposed to Genocidal maniacs.
So my point was not about the number of refugees but about the what to do with refugees that are already in.
We are under ZOG, the jews won't let us turn rapefugee into canigou.
What do you think ? We enjoy being invaded ? We can't do shit if you don't get ride of the fucking kike first. They are the one ruling over us.
If you dare to act against a rapefugee, a jewge will sentence you to life in a gay rape camp full of muslim.
You think people in Bulgaria did not get persecuted after they where playing Ping-pong with refugee teeth?They did France bro,but all it takes is 1 hero,or in your case few of them.
But than i would not know since we did not have to beat them that hard,filthy muts are sleeping on the grass here lmao.
We are a jewish colony.
If you touch a rapefugee they will hunt you down like you killed a rabbi.
Only communities can't fight them. When muslims try to start shit in Corsica, they get beaten and the jews can't do shit cause it would start a huge riot.
When muslims beat gypsies (pic related), same thing.
can fight them**
3:50 I need to go to sleep... working in a few hours...
Point #1: We have a confirmation that the Louise Weiss building was truly inspired by the Tower of Babel. The poster recreated the exact tower on Pieter Brueghel’s painting, even making sure to include the broken part of the foundation. There is NO question there.
Point #2: The slogan: “Europe: Many Tongues One Voice” refers to God confusing the people with many languages. Lessons learned since Genesis 11? Zero.
Point #3: Look closely at the stars at the top. Do they look strange? They are upside down aka reversed pentagrams. The symbolism behind pentagrams is extremely deep and complex but we can say that a regular pentagram refers to “Good Ruling” and a reverse pentagram refers to “Evil Ruling”.
This poster has been banned due to protests by numerous groups. It is however extremely revealing and proves the esoteric mindset of the builders of the European Union’s Parliament.
Eastern Europe is an outlet market for the West with elites bought by the West, also through EU funds. So the relationship you describe is not one sided. Anyway, personally I don't care about EU funds, as long as Poland lacks muslim terrorist nests, then to me it can be a comfy shithole, like let's say Serbia or Croatia
Wtf I hate russia now