Have you bought from Alex Jones yet?
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Thinking about it, how are they?
trading one set of lies for another.
Ordered 2 Hillary for prison 2017 shirts, they're taking a while to arrive though.
Im curious about the quality of his survival supplies, anyone familiar?
want to get some BRAIN FORCE
>people actually buy this snake oil
I've bought 4 t-shirts, a toothbrush and a water filter/pitcher set
brainforce changed my life
I don't give a fuck about your products, fuck off
I bought Styx's book on memetics
wont buy alex's water filters
Any changes you experienced are pure coincidence or placebo. All his miracle elixirs are bullshit.
I bought the water filter, A box of the rations, not much of a variety but they taste good. And the seed vault thing is awesome for when the spring starts
I love Alex, but
I always buy the coffee to support the guy, if only because he attacks Hillary and talks about globalism.
Never buying any of that snake oil shit though. Well, maybe the iodine drops if someone starts a nuclear war.
Coffee costs about the same as what you get at the store anyway.
me and my friend laugh at this shit its so fucking stupid/funny.
I always take my Super Male Vitality daily.
>buying shit from Alex Jones
>has a faggot anime picture saved
clearly it doesn't work then
Coffee is top notch. No joke, the shit is really fucking good. Pretty cute to go out into the kitchen every morning and read "WAKE UP AMERICA" in big letters too. I smile every time.
"Infowars" confirmed for naturist-tier cult
And it shows bro, keep at it!
I'm going to try it, see if it works for myself. Laughing at arguments you don't like is not an argument and proves nothing. So the same concept applies here, you can laugh at it but people are going to give it a try anyways.
That's what happens when you think for yourself. Someone tells me a dispensary is bad, I go there and see for myself if they got good marijuana.
Maybe I will get my shit together. I'm shit.
>the cult argument
Look, you got to do a study on this supplement, that is how you objectively prove your points.
Great products.
>you got to do a study on this supplement
right, your recently acquired 'brain force' and pristine clean intestines for 50 bucks a bottle deserve numerous academic studies
the iodine drops aren't for radiation you're thinking of potassium iodide
LMAO holy shit you guys are actually buying that snake oil?
Nah I smoke weed and let anger fuel me instead. Enjoy your man tits.
Brain force is excellent
>oxygen based internal cleanser
There are better, less expensive solutions. You can actually buy from his supplier for less, but then YOU'RE NOT FUNDING THE REVOLUTION by going to mypatriotsupply.com
I bought some Super Male Vitality and Brain Force when it was on sale.
With the SMV I had more desire to get back into the gym/lift weights. It also made me super horny the first two weeks of taking it. Hasn't really helped me lose fat/ build more muscle than I normally do when working out. It's worked ok for me but I think it's overpriced. Based on reviews I've read you'll either get results similar to mine or it won't do anything for you, I think it's just based on how your particular body chemistry works.
Brain Force is good for when you need to stay awake and focus without becoming distracted. I've used it when I have to drive for long periods or stay up all night and have been happy. From everything I've read it's just a standard nootropic so there are lots of manufacturers that make the same thing.
Oh never-mind then, I thought it was potassium iodide with some Jones'd up name.
>buying literal snake oil
what is the name of that legal supplement which makes you feel a slight psychedelic high and helps with depression?
i remember hearing about it from joe rogan.
With results like this, how could i not?
Unbelievable that people spend money in this country huh? Unbelievable that everyone is producing something of economic value and are willing to trade with each other to get exactly what I want. I want a more alpha brain, I'll fucking work for it then. Fuck you, do nothing bastard. So typical of Latin Americans, all you do is loot from the small percentage of productive people who managed to amass a fortune. So sit down and do nothing because if you do make money you are fucked! You should have no ambition, someone is going to steal from you. You have nothing left to do but have a good life then die.
this is actually in his video.
i am 100% certain he is bill hicks.
Seeing him plug SMV with shirtless heroic poses of himself always makes me lose my shit.
You still got to work out, but when you got more testosterone being produced you can build more muscle faster. If you are injecting testosterone you can even make gains without even lifting. But you should lift and get stronger.
I want a study on this, I want to see testosterone levels and other pertinent factors, and I want to try it on myself to see if it works.
Curious lads never miss out on the good innovations of society.
Dude you can buy like 500 sea kelp iodine capsules for like 5 fucking bucks.
Now Foods, Vitacost, puritans pride....there's so many legit supplement companies that sell quality supps for waaaaay less than Alex Jones is peddling.
You are fucking retarded and should kill yourself if you buy infowars or Onnit supps.
keep up the buyers remorse faggot, you literally paid for a magical "make me a real man" solution sold by a narcissistic actor married to a jewess succubus
I exclusively take the big cums nootropic stack.
It's a consumable you faggot, there is no such thing as buyers remorse for a consumable unless you are just that poor. To me buyers remorse has more to do with a car. You are not paying any big amount of money if you buy it once and see if it works well for you. This is what I will eventually do. If it doesn't work then I lost 40 bucks, who fucking cares? That is not a lot of money.
Kava Kava is better IMO. Makes you numb, sociable, and makes your dick humongous.
it's not about the money, it's about pride
it's about that moment you realize you're still that beta underachieving faggot and paying Alex Jones didn't fix anything in your life past a few beard hairs you never had before
hormones will never fix your stupidity
Also kratom is addictive. Kava is not.
Buyers remorse is when you realize that is come dripping from your bleeding anus, because you were ass raped due to your stupidity, is what that is....
No it's not about pride, it's about hormones. I want to buy the supplement and give it a try to see it's effects on my hormones. Nothing to do with pride, no one cares or thinks about me outside family and friends, why are you talking about pride? Is someone going make fun of me for trying a suppliment? Jesus, you got a sad mind. I work for what I want, what's in it for me? You think I am going to listen to average people and base my actions on IQ 100, 50% lower than IQ 100 people? That would be really sad.
You are so poor that you are afraid to lose 40 dollars. That is not even a days work, you are so shit man.
i've bought super meme vitality and brain force
i want to buy x2 and secret 12, too
too lazy to do it and don't feel like waiting two weeks for that shit
brain force is bullshit BUT it does make my brain feel marginally strange. i get very angry when i take it, honestly.
super meme is just a t booster and i don't take it religiously, so i'm pretty sure i wasted my money on it
see above
see above
none of it is snake oil shit, it's literally just like buying vitamins and shit from GNC
>buying b12 supplements
my mother does that and i take solid b12 when i remember to
>buying iodine
literally nothing wrong with taking iodine
nothing wrong with it
>parasite cleanse
nothing wrong with it
if you already buy vitamins and supplements, there's absolutely nothing wrong with buying them from infowars instead.
firstly, i trust alex jones more than random shit at GNC
secondly, buying from GNC doesn't fund the infowar
thirdly, buy my bookth. gorilla mindthet
baked alathka ith no longer welcome at deploraball
>edgy faggot thinking he's cool for smoking weed and """fueled by anger"""
>"nah i don't think i'm cool i just keep it real"
>why do you make a point to telegraph that you smoke weed and have anger issues if you do not think it makes you superior to someone else, i.e. cool?
back to plebbit, you do not belong here
This man obviously hasn't tried any if his products.
They are excellent. His selenium is the bomb.
I guarantee that shit will end up giving you cancer
>Dude you can buy like 500 sea kelp iodine capsules for like 5 fucking bucks.
are they made from deep earth crystals? no, so fuck off joe rogan
Oxy-Powder is no fucking joke. Took 4 of them and nearly shat myself.
Can i get an honest fucking ANSWER?
you should make fun of yourself for falling for such an obvious scam and learn from it
You want to become a real man? start there, have a little respect for yourself and your money. You're letting a glorified youtuber take advantage of you
I guarantee you that this thread is being raided
why don't you google the ingredients and see if there is any actual evidence that they do anything?
hint: there isn't
I have the same, almost.
-Brain force- excellent, use daily
-super 12 - didn't do anything, even when taking the full dropper, twice daily.
-super male - works excellent, rock solid mourning wood daily.
-survival shield- again excellent
For sure, rock the above. .sure works, lose weight (fat cells) too.
>some agenda
eat a dick nigger, still going to smoke. stay mad, we know you will.
>buy a car
>you are letting a company take advantage of you
>you should have more respect for your money
Shut the fuck up and make some money. When you are making money you will see the importance of making a product that actually works. Products that are a scam do not continue to sell. You fucking shill.
40 dollars, right now on sale for $20. Right now is the right time to buy it and try it, everyone who has a modicum of curiosity. Otherwise, continue to be a student dependent on the gossip of peers, see where that gets you in life.
Mmmm, the Fat Man's snake oil.
or just go to GNC or amazon and pay half that.
>Brain Force
>Oxygen Based Intestinal Cleaner
>Winter Sun-UltraVitamin D12!
You can't make this shit up!
I feel nothing different when I take it
brain force is okay.
it does not supercharge your brain, it does not do really fucking anything but stave off tiredness which is arguably more focused, i guess. i bought it because i have concentration issues.
it mostly just lowers my threshold to anger. shortens my temper.
it's $20, just fucking buy it faggot
I got some coffee and a Obongo satire book. All came in time for Christmas praise KEK.
Okay, read the ingredients and put it all together yourself. I have work to do so I will pay them to do it for me. I don't have time to sit at my 00 capsule station filling up pills, these people have factories and basically you actually save more money by having a job and letting the industrialized pill factory do their specialty while you do your specialty.
>Sup Forums literally buys this snake oil bullshit
It's weird realizing sometimes that I am talking to literal retards.
This is like "grandpa falls for pop up ad", just in real life. How do you even get this stupid? Like literally just buying shit that does nothing noteworthy. Paying out the ass for it, even.
>Products that are a scam do not continue to sell. You fucking shill.
This is demonstrably false. e-meters literally do nothing relevant and they sell wonderfully. People buy and pay for quack cures all the time. Hell, it's still a common misconception that chiropractic isn't pure quackery.
So no, shit that doesn't work sells all the fucking time. Because idiots like you buy it and think it does work. The only shill here is you trying to peddle sales to idiots to buy your sugar pills for 20 or 40 fucking dollars.
>ovaltine niggers
$20 for 30 capsules is a lot, that's what I spend on my special vegan omega 3 supplements made from algae instead of mercury infused fish carcass.
What's up with his bellybutton? It looks like a bullet hole wound
>person with no money can't believe that people spend money
All leftists call right wingers stupid, it doesn't work. You call people racist, bigot, stupid, whatever. But, never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake.
Now it is clear that there are many shills on here today, there is a lot of influence from this board. That is a mistake which I will not explain, carry on fighting the bad guys, which is us
>So no, shit that doesn't work sells all the fucking time. Because idiots like you buy it and think it does work. The only shill here is you trying to peddle sales to idiots to buy your sugar pills for 20 or 40 fucking dollars.
Again with ad hominem, that is never going to work anymore. You guys are fucked. If you try it and it doesn't work then no one is forcing you to buy it. But when the government comes along with their war on poverty, and it doesn't work, they continue because it is not a voluntary transaction.
I am buying some right now, I know, you are cringing because you don't work and you are poor and $20 is a lot for you. But I don't care on iota, so be careful about unsolicited opinions, you may figure out how little people care for yours.
>so be careful about unsolicited opinions, you may figure out how little people care for yours
It turns you red?
Yes that is true, which is why I said it.
>none of it is snake oil shit, it's literally just like buying vitamins and shit from GNC
Which is snake oil shit. Vitamin industry is literally a scam.
I'm on Supermale and Brainforce, shit works too well. I can barely sleep because I'm always rock hard and when I try to close my eyes I'm seeing like equations and shit.
>All leftists call right wingers stupid, it doesn't work. You call people racist, bigot, stupid, whatever. But, never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake.
I'm a conservative, doofus. If you want to be a fucking retard and buy sugar pills and pretend like they're miracle cures, be my guest. I'll just make fun of you for being a giant retard.
>Now it is clear that there are many shills on here today
You sound like the biggest shill of all trying to peddle this horse shit.
>But I don't care on iota, so be careful about unsolicited opinions, you may figure out how little people care for yours.
Fuck, the irony here is beautiful. Let alone that some guy pointed it out to you and you still didn't get it. You are certifiably fucking stupid, and I will enjoy seeing you thrash around like the paranoid retard that you are.
Maybe if you buy my sugar pills for 50 dollars, I'll stop posting.
I bought BrainForce. I'm already on Vyvanse and perpetually drink coffee so I don't know if it does anything. Diminishing returns and all that.
>t. globalist shill who DOES NOT want a white man to reach his full biological potential
This thread is flat earth tier
As in, I honestly can't tell who is trolling and who is a retard
There are no arguments in this post. In fact you are claiming that they are sugar pills even though the ingredients are posted online, and you are misrepresenting what I said even though people can read my posts. And it didn't work, I spent the $20. Better a supplement than two lattes. Poor bastard, get some work.
>posted online
>it must be true
You have never studied subject A. You do not know about subject A
You never tried product A. You do not know if product A works or not. Product A is priced inconsequentially, unlike the price of a car, apartment rent, or mortgage, etc. Those are real dollars, stop being so young and poor.
>Buy muh filters
You can just use a silver or copper container to purify water like the ancient Europeans did before Christians came and called the act of purifying water witchcraft.
Also estrogen inhibitors are incredibly helpful for a young man today. We've been robbed of our manhood by synthetic estrogens in literally everything, mostly from plastics. Getting yourself back to a normal testosterone level is critical. If we can get more aesthetic than the niggers we'll go back to a time when it was us cucking them.
I wonder why there are a bunch of people in this thread who sound new trying to convince us to not try a cheap product right at the time when it is on sale. Hmmmmm
>stop being so young and poor.
This isn't an argument anymore. I don't buy shitty McDonald's food, does that mean I'm poor? I don't buy heroine, does that mean I'm poor? Kill yourself.
Have you seen the reviews of heroin? Most people love it but give it bad reviews because it is highly addictive. I saw the reviews of this product and spent the $20 to try it out. If it works then they can give me what I want in return for what they want, more money. If you have a problem with this voluntary interaction you are just a communist.
where's your $200 vial of DNA FORCE?
I've eaten a pile of kratom and had zero withdrawl after 2 months of daily use. It's about as addictive as weed...
i think they upped the whatever now
brain force+ or some shit, but i agree. i'm probably not buying it again
i took vyvanse once and i've never been the same
i got very depressed (very uncharacteristic of me), and have never been able to concentrate since
literally put me to sleep
If it doesn't work you lost $20. If it does work then you have improved quality of life. I guess if you make no money and you are not economically valuable then quality of life is too expensive for you, because your life is shit I guess.
>no super male vitality