$1 Trillion spend on Christmas thanks to daddy Trump

>$1 trillion spend on Christmas
>315 million population
>About $3,1k for every man, woman and child spend on christmas.

Either Americans spend way too much money on Christmas or Trump is pulling numbers out of his ass.

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Excuse my bravery, but I gotta say this:

Drumpf BTFO.

Americans spend an insane amount of money on christmas on avarage compared to Europeans. This sounds pretty believable to me.

>These people spend more money than I would be able to afford, on a holiday. I should cry about them in a Janapese imageboard.

I see Europe REALLY is in shit.

Liberal education or a really poor argument on purpose. You decide.

Americans typically take out loans to afford Christmas.

>Europeans should also buy insane amounts of food, lights, toys and other frivolious shit every year for Christmas or else they are poor.

Averages like these are always top heavy. Rich people spending 100k bring the average up. The average family does spend probably around 1-1.5k though. That's just how it is in America.

>he spends less than $3k on Xmas gifts in his country

>1 gorillion shekels spent on christmas
bad, bad goy!

it should be 6 gorillion, take out another mortgage and buy your children new cars hehe.

Americans have turned a Christian holiday into a soulless satanic shekelfest. Everything Amerisharts touch with their grubby hands becomes perverted and corrupted.

Flights at xmas cost a shitload, plus hotels, cars, gifts, dinners, movies...

Debt is good. Keeps the degenerates working.

Be honest, you know with the way liberal American culture is nowadays that if it wasn't for debt, people would do jack shit of importance.

4000 years and counting...

all that chinese shit probably cost 20 dollars to make in total.

you are poor though

>>$1 trillion spend on Christmas
>USA GDP is 16.7TR
>december is 1/12th of the year
Considering "Christmas spending" starts in November I don't think he's really lying

True. America loves being the source of the mainstream. Christmas has less and less become an event to celebrate the birth of jesus christ as a symbol of your family's moral stronghold.

It now is a competition of who cooks the most, who spends the biggest amount of money for his child's present.

Looking at the black friday cult, no fucking surprise.

yep, that was the first look, 4 days ago. It will take a bit for all final sales figures to come in.


>Either Americans are stupid (which doesn't bother me because I'm not American) or Trump is a liar (which doesn't bother me either because I wanted Killary to win)


Lies, Damn lies, and Accounting.

Saved $5K for retirement, still owe $100K on house. The average citizen is in debt up to their neck, the only thing they have saved for retirement is $15K of debt.