Did anyone ever find out who she is? I did some research earlier today and couldn't find anything other than what's already known from the video itself. I'm just super in love with this woman for some reason.
Did anyone ever find out who she is? I did some research earlier today and couldn't find anything other than what's already known from the video itself. I'm just super in love with this woman for some reason.
It's weird how we've been able to find out who straight up homeless people are and stuff but Candice has managed to stay off the radar
Yeah that's weird. I guess that one homeless woman was an exception because Trump's people demanded to find out who she was, but still. I was shocked that there's absolutely no information about her to this day.
I don't know why people champion her so much, she didn't really make our side look good. She was just womanterrupting him an not actually saying anything of value
It's Tay. She was memed into reality by the leaf "plz be my AI gf" get.
she isn't good looking either, looks like she's strung out on drugs. Probably a degenerate
Dear god you are on to something.
shes a speed addicted stripper in NYC somehwere
She argues like I do IRL when arguing with liberals. There's no point in reasoning with them anyway. It's why memes are so effective. Their brains switch off if they're forced to take in actual, complicated arguments, so you need silly, preferably funny little statements instead.
Is this the rare example of a based woman?
She does look a bit jacked up tough.
I want to RICE that woman.
Wtf I love white trash untermenschen scum now.
Ask KEK about it.
He knows all.
He does all.
Bitch tripping on Trump.
And methamphetamine.
don't you DARE talk about mai waifu like that
nice doobs tho
>Candice the Meth head
Looks like my fucking sister after drinking a gallon of coffee.
I closed it in 10 seconds, sorry Sup Forums
Hitler did meth too.
she might just stay at home all day so nobody knows her
Stalin ate food as well.
A lot of people did. They thought it was good for you. It was like super caffeine.
>M-muh dick
I heard trump and hitler both breathed air. guess im #holdmybreath for hillary.
Nobody's trying to say she's a lesser person because she eats food.
But people are trying to say she's a lesser person just because she "looks" like she does drugs.
hitler died and wasn't able to complete his mission
dont forget that
>I want to rice that woman
Oh, I get it now. People leave rice out to fix their phones but you fuck their wives instead? Clever.
What happens if I don't have a wife? What then? Will you beat my high scores on all my games? Please don't.
He did more for the cause than everybody on this board combined.
Your dick is the size of a grain of rice?
monthly female vitality
Are you stupid?
>7 inch dicklets who think they're big
liberals became martyrs thanks to what hitler did, if hitler succeeded, that wouldn't have happened