I am a second generation Arab who is completely assimilated into American culture and society. You can ask me anything.
American here who has roots from the middle east
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you a Muslim and if so how do you reconcile the separation of church and state in America with the teachings of the Koran which set rules for secular life as well as religious?
Does one take precedence over another or is there a more harmonious solution?
Would you return to your homeland if we started
"Holocaust 2: E-Z-bak'n Edition"?
Which Pokemon would you fuck?
Fuck off, mudslimes never assimilate. Go back to your desert, goatfucker.
t. mongol rape baby
Would you nuke the country you have come form? If not you are not integrated and will betray America given the chance.
Parents are Muslim. They never pushed religion on me, but did partake in Ramadan. I do not know much about Islam. Only went to masque a few times my self under my own power. I am agnostic now. I don't really have an answer for you.
I can go back anytime I want. But it would be nice to retire there and live like a king without Jewish interference.
I will not betray America. I will also not be a good goy and fight israeli's wars.
t. sandnigger savage
>I am a second generation Arab who is completely assimilated into American culture and society
I don't believe you, get out or better yet get salty because we won't accept you and you can't get a white girlfriend and commit violence in the name of a fake moon god and a pedophile so we can get rid of your family too.
Fuck off Muddy people.
Once mudslimes come in great numbers and form a group and slaughter the people who welcome them in first place and rape our women because QURAN said so.
Pic related.
I am from a very green and mountainous region. No desert, but there were lambs.
I have dated many white women. White women love ethnic cock. It's like traveling to a new land for them.
calm down edge lord
>Palestinian, ask me anything.
What the fuck are you doing to help educate the American people of the crimes committed by the so called (((chosen people)))?
You are a kike in disguise!
Arab? Fuck you jew!!!
Good enough for me.
West Bank?
This is Palestinian children. Where is your heart, Arab?
Who is your enemy? Pick one, Jews or Christians?
When are you going back?
When his fellow Jews tell him to.
yeah west bank. I have Palestinian, Jordanian, and US citizenship. Pretty unique.
always the Yehudi
No plans as of now :)
If all Arabs were like you there would not be a problem... godspeed
also people don't realize there are tons of Palestinian Christians.
Why the Jews over Christians???
thank you. Some Arabs are fucked up. Comes from the old style of thinking. Very tribal. Arabs would burn down another Arab's business just to get ahead. But many of the of the geopolitical problems in the middle east can be pointed to Israel.
Ah, my arabic professor was from West Bank.
He was a very nice old man.
Look into Jordan's royal line. It reaches to Muhammed.
'Nite sand bro
Wait never mind I read that wrong. Ignore me.
Why choose the Jews as the enemy???
Oh look at me I'm an Arab assimilated into American culture I'm a special snowflake ask me anything
Wallahi habibi dearborn hookah
Thanks for the flag.
The very thing that makes you, well juzst fuck hou
The current Jordanian king is half Jew. His mother was a British Jew.
>I am a second generation Ar*b
There are children reading this board for fucks sake. Show some decency will you? Use asteriks(*) next time. Geez.
How fucijgretard3dnmust one ge6t before thy realise your shit as a lozd of shit.
Is it a coincidence that there is a 0.83 correlation between concentration of Arabs in a suburb and crime rates?
are you trying to type in arabic there
do you or your parents hate jews? if so, why?
Not trying;
How can you not care about your own people?
I say jew!
My people have been the ones to first abandon whiteness. They deserve what comes their way.
What flag is that next to the American one?
I cannot find it anywhere on the world map.
Yes. Dad loathes them. He knows all their tricks. He worked with a few when he was a teen so he knows all their jewry (tryin not to pay, etc etc etc). Also just general knowledge of Zionism/Jews. You would hate Jews too if their knocking down towns and villages and moving in young orthodox couples.
soon to look like this. I actually hope for a one state solution.
why? isn't a two state solution the best thing for both you guys?
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Do you think Israel will take better care of the land?
Not from the Arabs point of view. The best case scenario for arabs is having a one state. Right now there are more Arabs in Israel/Palestine than Jews in Israel/Palestine. And arab population is growing faster than Jewish population. Also FYI israel is 20% Arab.
A one state solution is guaranteed to void "The Jewish State."
What do you mean?
whats the arab population and jewish population in the whole of israel (gaza and west bank included) and what are the birth rates for both groups?
the leader of the israeli arab party ayman odeh actually seems like a responsible statesmanlike guy
but it will take more than that (from both sides) and there's so much incentive for the hardliners to ramp up tensions that i don't know how it can stop
You said you want a one state solution and pointed to Israel. That state would be controlled by Jews. So do think Jews would be better at managing the land?
Could you please get the fuck out and never come back?
Your kind aren't welcome here
Our founding fathers even hated your people
preferably with some sources. both sides seem to shill on here that they're outbreeding each other.
I made pic related a bit ago. Basically Israel would have to 'remove kebab' if it wants to exist.
I think i got numbers from cia.gov and wikipedia
>second generation Arab
The fuck you are!
> Implying Israel doesn't remove Kebeb
They bombed the fuck out of Gaza and turned it into a ghetto parking lot. They also build settlements.
Why do you keep shitposting like a 12 year old faggot?
A one state solution wont be controlled by Jews. For long at least. It would be a South africa situation that wont last long since Arabs would be the majority. I don't care who would be able to controll it better, they can duke that out in the parliament.
None of this would happen. A one state solution would mean an end to israel. Israel would never accept a one state. they will never accept a two state because they want to slowly chip away at the west bank.
Ignore the stormfags here,we need more people like you who assimilate.
They may do that, but Jews can't outbreed the arabs. These orthodox Jews who stay home, have 10 kids, and read torrah all day is not enough to out breed the arabs.
> Israel, the Jew rulers of the world won't be controlled by Jews for long
You honestly don't believe this, do you? You honestly think that the Israeli Zionists will allow muslim arabs to take control of the only Jewish state in the world?
>always the Yehudi \stormdags
>ask an (((Arab))) anything.
so what's really going to happen in the end? i don't see jews letting go of this country, not with the amount of power and influence they have around the world. will this shit just carry on for centuries to come? will they eventually just give up the west bank?
read the last line of the post
>>None of this would happen. A one state solution would mean an end to israel. Israel would never accept a one state. they will never accept a two state because they want to slowly chip away at the west bank.
They will never give up. They wouldn't throw away almost a century of building a nation. You're guess is as much as mine. They will turn into an isolationist state if every country condemned them. Israel can never be in the wrong, and are always the victim in their eyes.
thanks for the answers m8. must head out to work now.
What exactly is the point of this?
We all know the Zionists want to take over the land but they also have planned for the Arab population.
Congratulations on being horrifyingly inbred.
Over 1400 years of systematic cousin marriage. You must have straight dogshit for genes.
You need to start thinking for yourself.
Do some research. Don't ask the zionist.
Please don't run me over.
Stop being a useful idiot.
That doesn't make any fucking sense you retard.
This is why Israel always beats the arabs. You retards don't even know what you're doing.
> Posts a unrelated video that has nothing to do with Jews maintaining control of Israel.
The only idiot here is you, kiddo.
Does your mom know your on her computer this late?
Starting Jan 20th. Trump is going to know when all you muslims are on the computer.
Enjoy having to sign a registry for being a Muslim and Enjoy being the kikes of the 1930s.
Obama and Hillary wont be there to protect you. Might as well leave the country now, Ahmed.
You do realize any one state solution is going to include genocide by the Israeli state right? I hope you're ready for your brothers to be jailed and your sisters unknowingly sterilized by radiation.
The bush registry still exists
Jew here.
Get out of my country.
>always the Yehudi.
>ask an Arab anything.
The Jew lies.
His mother was a Bajoran
Well if you're not a muzzie there's not much discussion to be had.