Transgender mania is a sign of cultural collapse

TL;DR leftist professor researches trannies and finds out that the rise in transsexual behavior has repeatedly happened right before the collapse of a culture or society, going back to Ancient Greece.

Good, lets tear it down with tranny semen and boipucci and rebuild it better.


No shit. Same with equal rights and fag acceptance. All the degeneracy has happened before.

so is she /ourgirl/?

Nothing new under the sun.
Pushing sex change on children is literally child abuse though.

>males is society try to become as attractive as possible to be bred by conquering invaders

for what purpose?

Camille Paglia is based.

She seemed to tell it like it is despite considering herself a feminist. Was surprised desu.

We are entering a cultural dark age. No one has any sense of identity anymore.

She's probably read right-wing arguments on this before because she sounds exactly like Sup Forums here. Zizek does things like this too.

Reminds me of what Nixon too and his rant about marijuana and homosexuality in the White House tapes.

>Implying submissive, weak trannies are the only kind.
>Implying there wouldn't be few things more demoralizing than muscled macho shemale soldiers jacked on combat drugs and designer body sculpting meds breeding and mind-breaking captured enemies

I believe that, honestly, Western civilization is too far gone to save, and that only through the fires of pic related will we be able to make any true return to non-degenerate society.

>"Hugh Mungus1 week ago
>I like ladyboys as much as the next psychologically destroyed porn addict, but kids cant decide this shit"

slaughter jews and other nonwhite filth while we are at it

Take a knife and cut your throat open you fucking cunt. I am so tired of seeing you nu-male faggots infiltrate the right. No, there are no "based" faggots, there are no "based" trannies. You're degenerates.

the liberals pushing transgenders is an effort to desensitize america towards their ultimate goal of legalizing pedophilia.

Naw. Pedos should be burned alive.

Ooo daddy. I love it when you give it to me rough.

Stop reminding me he exists.

It's just the cycle of how everything is. Do not fret, brothers, because we live in the best time to be reactionary. We live in the time where we get to see everything that the degenerates have built fall. We get to see their institutions crumble and we get to be vindicated.

We will have to live through it, yes, but only those who are there in the front row get the best seats.

>despite considering herself a feminist
Feminist, in basic terms, just means equal rights. Not the militant shit that we're experiencing in the last 20 years.

Playboy magazine is sign of downfall! Sure all porn is bad and is zionist and right wing. But do these people literally crush their balls? That's the only sin. We know what eunuchs are. How is this any different? I'm more of a surrogate homo myself over trannies but you know what? Dolan is more of a sign of downfall than plato's trannies monthly. Before you get any thoughts of homosex, remember that disregard for women means
>I grab them they're rapists

Muh cave paintings muh prostate cancer

You do know that Playboy stop doing nude pictures in the magazine right?

>Camille "Putting a Spike Heel in the Lacanian Real" Paglia
>Camille "The Gal who Blew up the École Normale" Paglia
>Camille "One-Woman Morphine Pill" Paglia
>Camille "Not a Shabbos Goy for the Frankfurt Boys" Paglia
>Camille "Going Mental on the Continental" Paglia
>Camille "Going Psychotic on the Semiotic" Paglia
>Camille "50 Shades of PoMo Aids" Paglia
>Camille "Michel & bell Straight to Hell" Paglia
>Camille "Mass Destruction for Deconstruction" Paglia
>Camille "Pushed Michel onto a Car he Fell" Paglia
>Camille "Tossin' a Dart at Barthes" Paglia
>Camille "Strangle Every Structuralist" Paglia
>Camille "Baudrillard Feathered and Tarred" Paglia
>Camille "Rhizome Raider" Paglia
>Camille "Gruesome Ghoul of Ecole" Paglia
>Camille "Panic at the Discourse" Paglia
>Camille "Cutler of Butler" Paglia
>Camille "Word Salad Tosser" Paglia
>Camille "Bustin' a Shell in bell" Paglia
>Camille "Willing to Discipline and Punish" Paglia
>Camille "Biology Degrees Bring PoMos to their Knees" Paglia
>Camille "Cutting Open Michel's Trojan" Paglia
>Camille "Exposing Gloria's Phantasmagoria" Paglia
>Camille "Raping Gloria with Intense Euphoria" Paglia
>Camille "Porkin' the Dworkin" Paglia
>Camille "Deport Levi-Strauss to Laos" Paglia
>Camille "Just Say Nein to Da Sein" Paglia

Lol I see the whole it's being pushed on children. I'd home school because too much electric bullshit. Stop them from using this shit and learn them these differences. And that's nice. 65 years of tits and then y-y-kno they covered them now e-eh?

we need more boipucci
so nothing wrong in pushing this meme

Not possible anymore. When genes are gone, they are gone forever. Culture can be replaced, genes cannot.

The previous collapses were only minor setbacks compared to what is happening today.

Being a man is hard. Per definition.

What we see in our society is (more and more) young males having a hard time being a man and also failing to attracting females (Pareto Principle). Nowadays kids are more likely to be glued to their computer than play sports with friends, rather play WoW than party. This makes them unattractive to women (lack of /fit/ness) and therefore seek solace in lonely hedonistic ventures, worsening their issues. Like vidya, shitposting on boards, anime, etc.

These fellas have been so disenfranchised with what being a male is like. They put -- or rather -- have been learned to put females on a pedestal. They have no frame reference in terms of what it's like being a man. All they see is how being a woman is amazing. They 'feel' feminine because they dont know otherwise. Being a man is bad, negative, toxic. Being a female is beautiful, wanted, independent, etc.

Men with mental issues will turn to genderdysphoria because of their mental and social issues. Not because they truly feel dysphoric between gender and sex. Also the mtf rates trump the ftm rates, that can't be a coincidence.

nu-male faggotry may seem like a meme, but here truly is both a physiological and psychological adifference between the generations that would explain this trend. I don't think genderdysphoria is a choice, and that it's a genuine issue. But I also think certain environmental factors can influence this 'dysphoria' and not that a person is per definition born with it and can't ever change it.

I should have never fapped to traps.

well yeah, you dont need to learn history to see that its just a stones throw from being Romed

God controls everything and man doesn't do anything to do anything close to what you said on either ends of possibility. Do not grieve for your nation. Isaiah 40:17. Bible says lots of countries today would be ruled by crap. Greeks call this kakistocracy

Why transgenderism though?

I mean why that specifically? Why does that follow or occur alongside cultural decline? In so many instances especially. What is the dynamic here?

I love how you infer pareto to oedipal freudian garbage. Pareto has fuck all to do with what you smushed it in there with
Sodomy means to be an inhospitable rapist

I like how bible prophecy is finally coming to fruition

Me too Praise Christ

Are chicks with dicks the Great Filter that solves the Fermi Paradox?

There isn't anything wrong with the behavior of modern men. Men today work as much as they've ever done and are better educated than before.

Men used to do nothing but drink alcohol, gamble and fuck whores all day. Women were seen as an annoyance. Men were seen as being superior simply for being non-slave men, not for putting in any work.

The difference is that today, the state(men are taxed and the taxes are spend on women) and market(women get all the easy jobs with decent pay, men get all the hard jobs that make the easy jobs possible) moves ressources from men to women. Rather than men directly giving resources to women. This gives women less respect for men.

Men today are essentially like the slaves of the past. While women today are part of the finer aristocrazy, with only very few men joining them.

Would a non-slave woman of ancient greece really be attracted to a smelly, ignorant slave man? No.

She's a dyke feminist who's fallen out of lock step with the march of the (((New Left))). At this point, even feminists from the '50s and '60s are pretty much atavisms even though they along with social democrats, communists, and other (((degenerates))) were at the forefront in pushing social decay and collapse.

No. Lucifer has tits and a cock and plato and certain mystical people say adam and god have feminine aspects. God is a male. But for me castrating and doing woman is same as manwoman procreation

I agree with this foriegner.

You agree because you are a feminist. The core of feminism is that men should work harder, that men are wrong and that men should change. Which you encourage.


i've been on a paglia kick lately, listening to every lecture or interview she gaves.

tl;dr she is a proto-dyke and proto-feminst who sees and understands the biological differences between men and women. likes femininity and masculinity. has made leans towards pro-life

"the worst things said about women in history are all truth when applied to feminists" - Paglia on Later with bob costas

Where we're going we don't need eyes to see

Rather than gib moni or ignore even marriages maybe how about even say if i were police and pulled over one and got tits and wrote a heavier ticket instead. Then THIS would logically be even more correct yes?


She was kicked out of early feminist groups because she still appreciated rock music and western art, civilization and culture.

She identifies many times as a libertarian, but has been registered (D) many times. Early supporter of Hillary, later on she hated her very much.

She is the black horse of the whole "Feminism" ideology. She's just a lesbian who wanted to be able to go out past curfew and fought for that.

She has also infamously said that date rape is a scam, and that "if you go into a man's house, you have given consent"

When angels fall they gain benor. Serpent is nephilim probably. When lucifer fell he was cast to earth. Final judgment and resurrection are lake of fire and the flood of fire. So why the tits? This is where a lot of normies get tripped up on their antichristian Greek shit. It doesn't matter if you're barren. Original sin was some kind of sex. Surrogates are Biblical. Fallen ones only rape women. Legit angels have no gender. This relates to what sodomy really is. And lilith only attacks clamdigging men. Goal is not to reverse any orientations but to take some of the poop off of myself. Logs and splinters. Heteros are covered in all the bad things in the world. We need to clean ourselves for Christ

No shit, mentally ill people fuck things up.

I can tell you come from Reddit by they way you write.

Fuckin faggot.

So. Eggs from skin cells. If you have a penisvagina nobody cares. So if that dont matter then the tits are just tits. Homo men>heteros>bi>dykes>trannies>everybody else>pedos>homophobes

I've only ever seen one in my entire life at a bar and he stuck out like a sore dick.

(You) deserve a (You) because this was great

If you're going to MS Paint a fake magazine at least proofread.

Camille of Current

There was a little research where the Pareto principle was proven to be in effect on Tinder tho. In addition, affaik the correspondence between male to female partnering has been skewed as well across the board (for america iirc). A smaller percentage of males get a larger percentage of females.

Stopped reading

This seems axiomatic, but then I remember that that this is the modern West, and we currently view niggers as equals and Jews as anything other than nation-wreckers.


But Nixon was correct.

Basically that it's a sign that things have been too good for too long. People don't have to fight for their very existence and focus on less important things. Eventually they forget how to provide the basics and secure the borders. It then just needs a happening to set it all off.

Hi boomhauer

>We are those people on the fringes

Can't wait for the 1930's to happen again boys.

Goin californee way innawoods bois

>more and more young males
Confirmed for a retard, trannies are a very small minority of human men due to how rare the genetic giitch that causes their mental illness is.

Men get alienated and lose mating prospects with every increasingly picky and morel liberated women. Some can't handle the competition and instead decide to become a woman. Just to have some sex.

Same with women but yet differently. They grow frustrated that none of the leftover Chads stick around. Depending on how ugly/fat they are women get dumped within weeks. After a while she figures she's gonna become masculine herself and show men how it's done.

It's just the result of complacency and degeneracy. And it makes people make weird desperate choices.

correlation doesn't imply composition. Transgenderism doesn't CAUSE the collapse of empires - it's a symptom.


learn to read. More and more doesn't mean majority. It means an increase.


This is a solution to the Fermi Paradox, man. Civilizations end up destroying themselves.

Human history has been cyclical, a series of enlightenments and collapses.

Once the hairless apes, or thumb'd-dolphins or fuckin' greys or whatever the fuck alien civilization realizes it can harness the power of the atom, it takes just one collapse to extinguish.

>11:59 pm

>TL;DR leftist professor researches trannies

>tfw 70s era dyke manhaters end up on your side of the tranny issue
>becuase they see them as men
>and men are evil

What am I supposed to feel?

>what am I supposed to feel?

A hard on for trannies

There is no increase its the same percentage of genetic fuckups since the dawn of humanity. Trannies also dont become girls because its easier they become girls BECAUSES THEY LITERALLY THINK THEY ARE GIRLS.

>Men used to do nothing but drink alcohol, gamble and fuck whores all day. Women were seen as an annoyance. Men were seen as being superior simply for being non-slave men, not for putting in any work.

...No, you just watch way too much TV

>rebuild it
lol, the only thing we're going to build is a gibbet to hang every fucking faggot like you. No drop, you will be lifted off of the ground and allowed to kick and choke for twenty minutes as you die.

This is what faggots deserve and it is what you and your "boipucci" will receive. Every one of you will be dragged, blubbering and screaming for mercy to the noose, and will die. It will be justice.

>Breathing is a sign of Cultural Collapse, studies say

Transgenderism is literally a first-world Western sensational illogical phenomenon.

Try telling starving third-world countries you want to spend thousands of dollars to chop off your genitals or stitch on a fake balloon dick.

t. trannyfucker

She explains it in the video. More are doing it at a young and impressionable age because it's trendy and it gives them an identity that isn't stigmatized by their liberal community (like being masculine), and more, an air of sophistication.

>"is a sign of"

>history is doomed to repeat itself
>right before the roman empire fell, they landed their first chariot on the moon

If this is true then Thailand has been teetering on the verge of collapse for ages now.

Here are your (((Yous)))

No, you are the one who watches too much TV. The worldview that you are promoting is the same as in TV.

TV is all about men working hard to please women.

So right around the time Sup Forums was founded.

Traps and trannies constantly being posted here has pretty much made them acceptable.

Honestly though, the more you go back and think about it, the collapse of empires always goes back to women's rights.
As soon as women get a say in politics and the way a country is ran, it all goes downhill from there.

You guys are falling for the whole "reformed feminist" trick.
>hey I finally realized some things within the system I helped create and supported for decades just might be a bit wrong. I'm so enlightened.

lol, the only thing we're going to build is a gibbet to hang every fucking faggot like you. No drop, you will be lifted off of the ground and allowed to kick and choke for twenty minutes as you die.

This is what faggots deserve and it is what you and your "boipucci" will receive. Every one of you will be dragged, blubbering and screaming for mercy to the noose, and will die. It will be justice.

> No drop, you will be lifted off of the ground and allowed to kick and choke for twenty minutes as you die.

>*unsheathes katana*
>*lowers sunglasses*
you never threaten my friends
>*flips over you*
>*cuts your head off in one fell swoop*
use your head next time kid...heh...

Men had to work hard back then to feed their families. More jobs centered around hard physical labor at that. They certainly didn't have welfare.

does anyone remember that book that explains the cycles of empires/civilizations

All jobs back then weren't outsourced to people in India or China either

This Brit gets it. There are "useful idiot" trannies and faggots who think that they'll be spared from the rope by accomplishing a few of our ideological goals, and it's OK to let them think so for now, but when it comes to action, all fags and trannies must die. No exceptions.

Don't complain about Nigs and Libs wanting to kill you when you do the same, desu

when the marxists who pushed that tranny shit like no tomorrow nit so long ago admit its bad you know things are fucked

The Fate of Empires by Sir John Glubb.

The Bible.

What a big deal. Western civilization is gonna die again. So what? Pfff.
We have ISIS after all.
Civilizations born and die like individuals. It's fine.
ISIS also gonna die one day.
And there will be born some new civilization with masculinity.

If there is a day where ISIS is the only thing left. It will be the last think left.