Why does no one call out alcohol on Sup Forums??

There's plenty of "lmao dude weed = degenerate" but nothing is said about alcohol which is truly degenerate.
It's proven.
People turn a blind eye to facts like liberals turn a blind eye to their idiocy.

Why does weed get so much hate but alcohol doesn't??

>This is not a "weed is better than alcohol" thread.
Don't forget it.

Why is something that is proven to cause degeneracy so promoted by the masses as "safe" and "acceptable" ??

Can someone explain this to me??

No stupid "prohibition doesn't work" argument.
We know it doesn't work, but why is this degenerate causing drink not shamed across the West??

it's embraced.


Other urls found in this thread:


In moderation it's no big deal though. It can be healthy even.

Heroin - degenerate. Users/Addicts are shamed
Meth - White trash drug. Users/Addicts are shamed
Weed - hippie drugs. Users/Addicts are shamed

Cocaine also has acceptable social appeal cause rich guys in Hollywood movies who make money on Wall Street so use, so that's cool. Addicts are shamed still.

Alcohol - Super Cool and Good for Everyone
Alcoholics shamed depending on their ability to function in society


If alcohol is healthy for you, weed cures cancer

One glass of red wine a day with your meal is super healthy. And it goes well with a lot of food too.
>inb4 fag
No u. Beer raises your estrogen level. Beer is faggy.

The internet is full of pictures of people using alcohol "moderately" like "responsible adults"

You're that guy who can drink a shit ton and still fuck the prom Queen blah blah blah and shit.
Most people get blacked out easy enough.

One shot of heroin a day will stop brain cancer.

It's like talking about gay Christians. Eskimos have 3000 words for snow. Ancient Greek had many for love. It's like telling a guy who lives at equator that there is snow. Experience breeds belief I guess. Once society says go ahead and most people drink the stupid poison then nothing else matters and gimme muh rotting bread and berries. Tastes like hairspray! Mmm

I used to have a high alcohol tolerance because I drank a lot but not anymore. It was making me fat. Honestly that's what made me stop drinking and that's a good argument.

Alcohol is the only thing getting Canadians laid.

Just seems weird, people got this huge hate on for a plant, on a board full of shills..............but not for alcohol which is part of the Frankfurt School of Marxism......

There is nothing wrong with cannabis or alcohol. Excess is the problem, and the easiest way to not consume in excess is not to consume at all.

I don't have the strength of will to moderate my consumption so I choose to stay away and I'm better off for it, but I don't believe I should make the choice for others.

but it's literally mentioned in every drug thread

>weed is bad dude
>oh yeah?!?! well what about alcohol HUH??? i bet YOU drink alcohol!!!!!

no, i don't. both have bad results later on in life

No it isn't

What are they trying to hide about weed??

Why do they encourage this??

"They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought." [2:219]

"O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?" [5:90-91]

Allah is most wise.

It's in the other thread about not doing weed if you can find that one out of 16,000

That's 1 solid shit split by her thong

Because alcohol has been a major staple in human civilization since we left juice out too long. It was even safer than drinking water for a time.

Weed is in all breastmilk dont matter if stoner or not and lots of it

Yeah and we dont have one spout for hot and one for cold because our pipes aint shit anymore so might as well burn our digestive pipes

I think that starting a full on racewar would be easier than getting people to lower their alcohol intake. People get mad as fuck when you mention it as a general social issue in society.

Just WEIRD how on a board full of shills, they shill anti-weed stuff really hard, but not alcohol.

Is smoking weed a red pill??
is weed red pilled??
How come no one hates on degenerate alcohol ??

Really activates my almonds, all I'm saying....

I don't drink or do drugs, but all this anti-weed shilling makes me question stuff.

All I'm saying.......

>alcohol doesn't effect your liver
>weed doesn't clog up your lungs


Drinking is degenerate as good post for one leaf

Peace be upon him. Lovely ancient gothic architecture there, by the way.

Like we all KNOW drugs are bad.
You can just see a drug addict and know drugs fuck your life.

I grew up with alcoholics so I know what alcohol does to people.

Why the fuck do they shill so hard against weed??
Like no one is taking about it and then bam some "anti-weed" thread. Like why?

Why not an anti-meth thread?
Anti-cocaine thread?
Anti-heroin thread?
Anti-alcohol thread?

Always anti-weed.

I question everything since coming to Sup Forums and this just seems odd to me.


Prohibition DID work, you revisionist liar.

I don't care about "calling out" anything. You want to spend your time on such a worthless topic, then go for it.

I'm going to have a bottle of my home made hard cider just for you OP, because you really need to fucking chill.

Hops increase the estrogen. Grain and grape alcohol is fine.

So let me get this straight, (((they))) sell us food pumped full of chemicals, poison our water, pollute our air with more chemicals, but we should trust (((them))) when they say "weed is bad" ??

ya that seems weird

It's Detroit Vape City at my place. What say you now?

i challenge you to a cloudoff

Weed = bad
Tobacco = bad

Two plants revered by Native Americans and other cultures world wide.

(((They))) say it's "bad" for us.

Sell us fake food, poison the water with chemicals , poison the air, but suddenly "care" for our health when it comes to tobacco and weed??

That just seems really fucked up to me.

They promote alcohol which is degenerate
They promote cocaine use which is degenerate

(((They))) "care" if we smoke tobacco or weed


Promote obesity
Promote body positive movements
Try and stop fat shaming
Try and convince people being over weight is healthy

DON'T SMOKE weed or tobacco though.

ya just WTF is going on??

I think I might blaze that and see wtf is so "dangerous" about that stuff

Extreme use of alcohol is degenerate

If the kikes don't want you smoking weed and actively try and stop people from doing something harmless, there must be something up with it.

Frankfurt School of Marxism has a point to promote excessive alcohol use.

So kikes promote alcohol, shit food full of chemicals that grow you man tits, and tell us weed is bad.

ya fuck the kikes. Im turning into a pot head.

Jews have historically promoted weed legalization the most.

Weed was legal here before we let kikes in. Hitler promoted weed as a healthier substitute for alcohol.

The greatest men in history do not drink, and use stimulants exclusively.

The ones to ban weed and alcohol were mostly white women. Because they were tired of their husbands getting drunk and high all day.

In fact, it was some of the first things they did after getting the vote.

We need to remove women's rights. Their vaginal processes eat up too much chemical energy. Not enough left over for the brain.