Why don't white girls want a white national socialist boyfriend who browses Sup Forums in his free time?
Why do white girls choose this over us!? WTF!?
Why don't white girls want a white national socialist boyfriend who browses Sup Forums in his free time?
Why do white girls choose this over us!? WTF!?
Not niggers lol
Got any pictures of her alone with her child and black eye?
You just haven't collected enough memes to impress them yet.
BECAUSE they look like this
Women will always date the races of the winning tribe, your demonized nazi/alt right stuff will be seen by women as toxic.
Are there really people who admit to being a Sup Forumstard IRL? Unless you have lots of charisma and/or are high status it seems pretty dumb to me. I pretend to be a liberal IRL.
That's why you NEVER reveal your power level until it truly is time.
Christ, you sound like a cuck IRL.
My god I love these threads so much.
They literally trigger half of Sup Forums all in one go.
It's truly amazing how much Sup Forumstards and SJWs are like, I think the great triggering of Sup Forums is upon us.
Seriously, who the fuck cares who dates who? A black guy and a white chick, SO? An Asian and Mexican, SO? A white and Indian, SO?
You Sup Forumstards are such basement dwelling losers I can't get over it. It's hysterical how easy it is to trigger all of you.
Being THIS triggered LMFAO!!
Cuz dat niggaz fresh, yo.
White dude,59 married 3 kids.
If you get out of momma' basement,get a job don't play vidya all day,shave that scrub off your neck you might & I say might get a GF.
If a girl fucked a nog in my younger days she was done.
Damaged goods. That shit still doesn't fly with me
Kind of. I'm pretty beta desu. I think I'm turning some people a bit more conservative with my behavior kek.
I don't understand what is appealing about blacks like this. His hair is disgusting, he has awful tattoos, a wide-ass nose, and even while this chick is trying to take her 'cute' pictures for social media he's licking her ear like a dog.
I complain because I'm going to see this chick roaming Target in 3 years 20 pounds heavier, with one or two little mixed kids in tow, looking 10 years older than the pic in OP. She will look dead inside, as they all do.
I really do not understand the hate against coal burners. I will give you a quick story of the coalburner at my school.
> have fucked over 20 white guys at my school
> most white guys wont even hook up with her anymore or do it in privacy because theyll get mocked
>black exchange student comes in
> she finnaly sees her chance for someone who wont pump and dump her
> dates him for a few months
> he cheats on her
> she goes back to being a masturbation device for random white guys
Im pretty sure 95% of white girls who date a nig are this type. Bottom of the barrel whores with 0 worth by age 16. Stop being mad about it nothing of value is lost and most settle for a black cuck after getting cheated/beated on by a nigger
Nice leafpost.
they dont they hate niggers unless in paid porn
or irish potato niggers who are rebelling or jews same way
go brown dont want u back
only low class women fuck brown
hope this helps!
sure about that bud?
Settle for a white cuck*
Because women can't understand national pride
Women at the root like men who act like savages over decent men anytime, its why criminals are always seen as hot to women.
lelelle ebin bait bro!
>Why do white girls choose this
but they don't. you need some statistic, not cherrypicked photos
>Wanting a man who wants you to be his dog
Me and my girlfriend broke up for a while after she cheated on me with a big black guy, at first I hated her then I realized I was the problem. I didn't respect her goals, dreams or her sexual needs. I begged on to get back together with her and now we've been happy for 3 years.
Keep staying kissless virgins anons. Until you learn to respect them they will only fuck Chads and Tyrones.
Because they have balls to talk to women and not worry about saving muh white race.
>If you get out of momma' basement,get a job don't play vidya all day,shave that scrub off your neck you might & I say might get a GF.
or you can just watch enough anime and your waifu will find you
actually, statistics show white women are a lot more loyal to the white race than white men, who are fond of asian women
>meanwhile nobody favors niggers
desu i thought that was 2 women..