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No. Dont care about israel politics
they are your politics now goyim
>Sup Forums did a complete 180 on its stance on Israel and Jews
>all it took was a celebrity running for president who said non PC things.
why is Sup Forums so gullible when it comes to cults of personality?
Delete this goy
lel kikes trying to hijack this shit.
who cares trump still better then what was put out. like any other candidate stand a chance against shillary
rothschild cryptokike state turn it to glass
Sup Forums just basically does whatever the JIDF and Russian shills them to
>not trying to get as many jooz as possible into the tiny state of israel before nuking them to death
4d chess
Trump is really an aryan national socialist
Who just so happens to have a family of jew converts and kids married off to jews
Most of Sup Forums has always had the intelligence to notice different kinds of Jews. Zionists and Bolsheviks. We hate Bolsheviks and are OK with Zionists as long as they stay focused on operating in the middle East whicis rightful Jewish clay anyway.
The only people that don't have this view are the stormfags which are mostly Europeans who are in bed right now.
>operating in the middle East whicis rightful Jewish clay anyways
JIDF have lost all subtlety
Technically if the un refuses to recognize Palestine as a state then they aren't breaking any laws. I don't agree with it but by not seeing them as a country they allow this.
We must protect Jerusalem and a future for Jewish settlers.
I hope Obama recognized Palestine on his way out as a fuck you. That's the only issue he's been consistently good on.
Then how come Sup Forums nuthugs Putin even though his right hand man is a national bolshevik?
Fuck off zionist shill. All jews deserve to be sent to the gas chamber. Do not blindly submit to the will of the zog machine.
Gosh I wish I could dick her down
Me too bro, metoo
ya really aryan. he fucks his jewish daughter
Sorry goy she's only into kosher cock
>Muslim countries like Germany wreck Israel
>Israel comes groveling at our feet
>Promises to be our vassal, gives us all their money
>We take out any radical Muslims that want to fight
Isreal is and has always been our greatest ally.
Islam is a stain that must be washed off the holy lands.
Heh. It's always funny to me when I see Anglo NatSocs. It's such German nonsense. Sober Anglo rationalism is objectively the zenith of human civilization. Israel exists. It's not going to disappear in your lifetime. If you took the time to study the chess pieces on the board, you'd realize that and adapt.
German immigration has tainted Anglo North America with their penchant for fanaticism.
Israel is spiritual
Men of pol? I'd have to piss on most of you so you could smell like a man.
Rothschild, Soros and Bloomberg are European Jews, not Israeli Jews.
((Them))) is the NWO Globalist movement, and they are not bound by race. Don't forget everyone, Sup Forums is a Christian board, so it is only natural that Sup Forums would stand with the chosen people of God.
Israel is the most powerful terrorist nation in the world and has continually threatened world peace and Middle Eastern security since its creation. Fuck them.
>chosen people of God.
Fuck you and them. They are despicable race of corrupting leeches who were rightfully kept separate from the rest of our societies for thousands of years. We betrayed ourselves by allowing them to take part in our civilization.
>oy vey if you want jews to go to Israel you're an evil antisemite denying jews their right to live in every white country
>Israel literally begs Jews to leave Europe for Israel
>Sup Forums stormfags go full autismo because they want the Jew in the west
i will
What does Israel have to gain for cutting ties with Britain, Spain, France and Russia?
>Jews need to be kept separate from our society
>autistically screeches about them leaving for the Middle Eastern desert away from white people
For the past fee years there been a massive exodus of French Jews.
In 2016 there were more French Jews immigrating to Israel than Ukrainian and Russian Jews which is a first in History
Hail trump Hail victory
probably fleeing from a ticking bomb, just like the ukrainian jews
>Sharp decline in French immigration to Israel
So Jews are literally leaving Europe for Israel and Sup Forums still hates it?
Makes me wonder how much of this is the same shills who were crying about Russian hacking just last week.
the chosen people of god are the true jews, what is now known as 'christians'. not those of the synagogue of satan
Jews would become extinct if Israel didn't exist.
they are not tho. that`s just the hasbara propaganda speaking.
>43 percent of French Jews (about 200,000 people) have expressed a desire to make aliyah, their poor employment prospects in Israel and the country's grinding bureaucracy are deterring most of them them from making the move.
Trump will fuck this whole thing up so bad that this fat arab will be the PM after the next elections
look you should support Trump on this because it might lead to the US leaving the UN or severely weakening it.
taking down the UN is more important than gas the kikes meme.
We're going to need a lot of gas.
>Sup Forums loves cult personalities like hitler, mussolini, pinochet.
>why is Sup Forums falling for the loud mouth celebrity with a cult personality?
Geee ,I wonder why?
>Jews would become extinct if Israel didn't exist.
You mean like the two millennia when it didn't exist and they literally seized control of the banking system?
Get your fucking sandnigger autism out of here.
>Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday called on French Jews to leave their country to protest a Paris-hosted conference planned for next month aimed at restarting Palestine-Israel peace talks, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth has reported.
Looks like Israel is trying.
Is he /our guy/?
>For the past fee years there been a massive exodus of French Jews.
>OK with Zionists as long as they stay focused on operating in the middle East
you are legitimately retarded if you think the jews would only focus on the middle east when there is still an entire planet to bleed for shekels.
And 43% said they'd like to. If Israel didn't exist, that would be 0%.
Explain how Israel is any different to Hitler's vision under Havaara, particularly when Zionists backed that program.
Jews in America have an intermarriage rate of 60%.
Why can't they just make their own money? Serious question.
U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel: $126 Billion (1949 - Present)
>((( )))
Seriously? He fucking runs Israel. If you give a shit about that stuff and still need those things to tell you he's Jewish, you're a fucking moron.
Really makes you think.
"Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes."
>If Israel didn't exist
Then the hippies would`ve won.
long as he puts my interests first i don't give a shit what he does with them on the side
of course
into the ovens with all of you lemmings. why is Sup Forums suddenly sucking kike cock now?
So? Doesn't mean the parasitic orthodox Jew parallel societies in NYC would vanish. All you're saying with NUKE ISRAEL ONLY JIDF DISAGREE is that you want these parasitic communities in the West and not in a desert several hours flight from any white country.
Maybe he was being facetious, you brainless burger-eating zombie. kek
But the settlements fuck up shit. Fuck them taking land.
By your logic Hitler sucked kike cock because his government literally had programs that deported Jews to Israel in accordance with ideas proposed by some Zionists.
Yeah, I know but when it flies completely against their supposed beliefs?
>Explain how Israel is any different to Hitler's vision under Havaara, particularly when Zionists backed that program.
hitler would have deported or gassed any jews in land he controlled. even if all the relatively normal jews went to israel, there is no way in hell the jews would relinquish their control over us. there'd still be AIPAC and they'd still run the FED and top media spots.
>>Sup Forums did a complete 180 on its stance on Israel and Jews
No we didn't, that's the newfag plebbitors that love those fucking kike rats.
They need annuda shoah.
JIDF pls go
Who gives a fuck? The settlements settle the Jews they want to take out of the West. They're self deporting and all this Muslim persecution bullshit just stands in the way of Jews accepting their dumb prophecy and leaving the Western world to build Jewland.
Isreal is doing what Sup Forums would do. If you replace jews with whites then its exactly what Sup Forums would strive for. Keep the shitskins preoccupied with themselves while you build a great nation with the chosen people.
Putin is a Russian nationalist, not a boshevik
what an awful conclusion. did i say anything mentioning hitler? nein. into the ovens with you, roo.
I don't care about Zionists , it's the globalists I hate.
Because the only people who actually support Trump do so based on identity politics, rather than fact or an actual understanding of the global political environment. Your average Trump voter is a middle age white man without a college degree (too stupid to make it in college), think about that for a second. Your average 18 year old is has more relevant education than your average Trump voter.
>\pol/ is a Christian board
>Sup Forums is a red pilled board
Doesn't really make sense.
The fuck happened? Why is this kike mad?
But my grandfather was gassed 7 times and had to walk for 5000 miles and made to work 30 hours a day!
Don't tell me the holocaust wasn't real
Fuck Israel
Leddit get out
>hitler would have deported or gassed any jews in land he controlled
To Israel, or Madagascar after the British complained.
The US Jews only get those positions because they are deep within the left wing machine because Jew parasite communities control the deepest Dem cities like NYC and LA. If you drain them of lower Jews, then it's harder to get these Jews selected to rise through the leftist machine without popular support in their districts.
Because Sup Forums needed a scapegoat to thrash after it seemed the cultural zeitgeist was completely slipping away from them
Nobody on Sup Forums actually has a coherent stance on jews. Ask them about the disparities between Israelis, Zionists, the diaspora and Europe, and the diaspora in America and they'll just do the jew equivalent of MUH 6D CHESS!!!
except "keeping the shitskins preoccupied with themselves" is the biggest factor spawning the creation of rapefugee hordes. (((coincidentally)))) all the cultural marxist open-borders groups that brainwash our people into thinking accepting these shitskins are all run and funded by kikes.
Russia, Iran, and fucking Hezbollah probably have done the more to stem the tide of immigrants by btfoing israeli proxies than any european far-right party.
Actually, I heard Muslims want to be Americans, so I'm going to have them push this first. Just to see if they're ready to be here
Yeah bro Obama is totally /our guy/ despite the fact he's a globalist puppet who relishes the USA turning non-white.
The UN is a good thing. For example they help to stop nuclear proliferation. USA cannot do that on its own.
ohohohohohoho nice one Ahmed
"It's gonna be an arms race!"
Sup Forums got flooded with Reddit normies and cripplechanners after this place became """cool""" around the start of the current year.
Both of those love the kikes. True Sup Forumsacks fucking hate them. There are no compromises.
Stop listening to Alex Jones, your ignorance is showing.
I'm so proud of Sup Forums . We went from an anti-semitic lefty site to one of the largest bastions of Zionism anywhere on the internet. If you told me 5 years that Sup Forums would be one of the strongest defenders of Israel I would have never believed you
Fair enough. Palestine is a state.
>The US Jews only get those positions because they are deep within the left wing machine because Jew parasite communities control the deepest Dem cities like NYC and LA. If you drain them of lower Jews, then it's harder to get these Jews selected to rise through the leftist machine without popular support in their districts.
look at how even Trump greedily gobbles circumcised cock. its not just a lefty illness. its even worse on the right because they really should know better. its the evangelicals i feel the most pity for. they think they are buying a path to heaven by donatting so many shekels to the kikes and slavisly supporting their worst excesses, and the jews went and rebuilt sodom and gomorrah in the Holy Land with that money. All they have bought is damnation.