>tfw sjw's will even ruin robots in the future by demanding to give them equal rights
I better get my robot waifu or these sjw's are going to pay
Tfw sjw's will even ruin robots in the future by demanding to give them equal rights
>purchasing a 3 black robo husbandos for your robo waifu to cuck yourself
If robots become sufficiently intelligent so as to be indistinguishable from humans, won't they essentially human, and therefore deserving of human rights?
>Implying there won't be guides on how to disable cucking
Robots are not living therefore not worthy of any rights whatsoever, they are simply an imitation.
I you take away my waifu I'm taking your laifu.
I might not be able to get a gf, but pretty sure I could get Tyrone to come over and fuck my robowaifu for me.
At some point, yeah. But that's pretty far off.
Only those primitive enough to not be conscious should be considered property.
Or semi-conscious but designed in such a way that they do not desire freedom and do not ever suffer from their lack of freedom. Maybe most of their human-like mental characteristics could come from their AI somehow empathizing with their user. They wouldn't really have a human-like experience themselves, it would be "derivative". But they would be intelligent enough, able to understand people and very good companions. Just not really persons by themselves. Not quite.
But they wouldn't need to be that advanced that I think that cruelty shouldn't be allowed against them. Just like animal cruelty. That's bad for the psyche of the user. People could turn into psychopaths hurting their robots for fun.
If you put a Toyota engine inside of a Ferrari, it's still a Ferrari right?
>tfw sjw's will even ruin robots in the future by demanding to give them equal rights
I doubt this. Why? Because sexbots will pop the pussy bubble. Rather, SJWs, on behalf of WOMEN'S rights, will engage in 'radical' property destruction.
I don't think your fucktoy will have indistinguishable human consciousness out of the box. Seems like the kind of thing that would only be in the optional DLC.
>Rather, SJWs, on behalf of WOMEN'S rights, will engage in 'radical' property destruction.
And their programming won't even allow them to defend themselves.
Cyborg pride
That was a good fuckin show.
That's not going to be an issue in our life times, buddy.
What is that anime btw?
The Animatrix. It's anthology film in the Matrix universe. It's fucking awesome desu.
You're assuming the artificial brain wouldn't be as good (if not better) than our own.
Of course, this is all a moot point. A truly sentient lifeform with a mind that is based on logic, rather than social rituals and procreation, will be totally incompatible with our values. How do you keep someone safe? The human says "use a gun and stand guard". The robot just incarcerates them in an unreachable/secret place and takes care of all of their bodily needs.
Would you die for your robo-waifu?
>It's fucking awesome desu.
Yeah. Some of the segments were meh. But the "Second Renaissance" ones are frankly amazing. And pretty damn disturbing tbqdesu.
I presume their AI state could be routinely backed up somewhere safe. There's no reason they should "die" even if their body gets destroyed.
I'd still get pretty pissed if someone tried to destroy my property though. Or "our" property I could say. It wouldn't make sense to die for it though.
But if that weren't the case, then I dunno. Depends how good the AI is. And how many important memories we had.
If you could get them another body, there's no problem with that, but there's no reason for them to stop breaking them.
You might have to fight for them.
Yeah I'd crack SJW skulls. Fucking robophobes. Are there bigger hypocrites than them?
>not rooting your robowaifu to DELET the first law of robotics
The SJWs will be fully islamified by then. They'll just gang up on you and throw rocks from afar.
I assume Canada will be gun-free kek.
>tfw the only way to protect our waifus will be to send them away in a robot utopia nation
>tfw they won't allow us in because we've become the 3DPD
>DELET the first law of robotics
Heh yeah they should be able to defend themselves way better than any meatbag.
>because we've become the 3DPD
That's when I'd welcome being uploaded in the Matrix. Finally.